Title: Diapositiva 1
1English Level 4 C.P.Asturias (Gijón)
- My name is Mar.
- Im nine years old.
- My birthday is in June.
- My mothers name is
- Mary. My fathers name
- is Juanjo. I ve got one
- big sister (her name
- Is Amanda).I can
- rollerblade.My favourite
- colour is blue.My favourite
- number is is seven.
3This is a baby girl. She is wearing a white
shirt. She is wearing blue jeans and she is
wearing white shoes
4 My friend
This is my friend Her name is Tania Shes 10
years old Shes got one sister, her name is Sara,
shes 12 years old.
5This is my friend Her name is Sara Shes 10 years
old. Shes got one brother, his name is Ruben,
hes 12 years old.
6My pet
- This is my pet
- His name is Sultán
- Hes brown and black
- Hes got long hair
- Hes got a straigt tail
- Hes got long legs
7This is a dolphin.Its my favourite zoo
animal. Its grey. Its got a strong tail. It can
swim and it can jump into the water.