Title: Introducing the Federation Engineering Lessons Learned Exchange
1Introducing the Federation EngineeringLessons
Learned Exchange
5 April 2006
Thomas J. Pawlowski III, PhD pawlowst_at_mitre.org
R. Douglas Flournoy rflourno_at_mitre.org
- Motivation
- Challenges
- Design
- Content
- Toward Best Practices
- Join and Participate!
- Over the past decade, HLA federations have
successfully supported testing, training,
analysis, experimentation - however, designing and implementing each new
federation remains complex - Theres more to successful federations than
meets the eye in the specs and programmers
manuals - To ease current/future federation efforts, lets
capture the valuable lessons learned from past
experiences! -
In order to capture these lessons and make them
more accessible to federation engineers, the
Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO) is
providing the Federation Engineering Lessons
Learned Exchange
4Motivation (contd)
- February 05 Performance Workshop _at_ JHU/APL
- One of top 5 recommended areas to pursue
- Capture and dissemination of knowledge could
result in significant time, money savings - Soon after this workshop, DMSO began work on the
Lessons Learned Exchange
Formulation of a Best Practices Guide based on
community lessons learned.
- Design
- What mechanisms do we need, and how do we present
these mechanisms, to - encourage federation engineers to post their
knowledge? - enable quick easy knowledge search
retrieval? - Content
- What metadata should be associated with the
lessons as they are entered? - Should lessons be approved before posting?
- If so, what are the ground rules?
6DesignSociety for Effective Lessons Learned
Sharing (SELLS)
- Others must be capturing and sharing community
lessons learned over the WWW lets learn from
them - Found SELLS website http//www.eh.doe.gov/ll
- Capturing/sharing knowledge within DOE community
(nuclear power plant safety, ) - Mechanisms for engineers to post, search lessons
- DOE Standard 7501-99 The DOE Corporate Lessons
Learned Program - Their LL Website
- Uses MS FrontPage for users screens MS Access
for storing data - Contains 1200 lessons learned (as of summer 2002)
- Is maintained by a team of 2-3 engineers
- Is motivated by safety in addition to cost
technical issues
7DesignLessons Learned by the Lessons Learned
- 6 years of DOE LL Website evolution captured in
white paper Building a Better Lessons Learned
Program - Need click-on category search capabilities in
addition to general word search capability - Determining the best category breakdown is an
art categories will evolve over time - Impact of system hard to quantify
- Cant force community of practice to use the
knowledge base - Need to solicit LL Website success stories and
manage expectations - LL Website facilitates community-wide roll-up
reports (Best Practices matl) in focused areas
of practice - Make push mechanisms available
- For immediate notification on posted lessons,
users can subscribe to their areas of interest
8DesignChoosing a Software Basis
- SELLS DOE Website chose a traditional approach
- Microsoft FrontPage for user screens
- Microsoft Access for data storage
- We decided to explore more recent advances in
social computing - Looked at popular wiki style
- too unstructured
- Prefer emerging Community of Practice s/w
packages - Offer ready-made capabilities to facilitate data
entry, user access - Facilitate initial site generation without
requiring custom database coding or html screen
generation - For our initial implementation, we settled on
Microsoft SharePoint
9Design Lesson Learned Submission Process
User observes potential lesson
User logs in to Lesson Learned Website
User completes Lesson Learned template and
Submits lesson
System notifies Review Panel members of
new submission via email
Review Panel member reviews Submission
Valid Lesson?
Discard submission provide reason to submitter
Approve Submission as valid Lesson Learned
Lesson Posted to Website
10ContentLesson Entry Template (1 of 3)
- Title/Date
- POC Information
- Overview statements
11ContentLesson Entry Template (2 of 3)
- FEDEP steps
- RTI service groups
- Performance-related topics
- Data engineering topics
12ContentLesson Entry Template (3 of 3)
- Federation descriptors
- HLA Spec Version
- RTI Version
- Attachment
- Other references
13ContentLesson Approval Guidelines
- Looking for lessons from actual federation
engineering experience - Not merely restating info already available in
specs user guides - Lesson should not be overtly marketing-oriented
- Lesson should be generally constructive in nature
- Where possible, should cite solutions rather than
dwelling on difficulties - Public release approval for lesson metadata and
14ContentLesson Sources to Date
- Previously published conference/journal papers
- Presentation materials from the February 2005 HLA
Performance Workshop - RTI tuning recommendations
- HLA transition experiences
15ContentLesson Topics to Date
- Federation Design
- Use of the FEDEP Process
- Improving Federation Performance
- Tuning your RTI
- Managing Entity Ownership
- Flooding the Receiver
- Use of tick()
- Federation Development
- Federate Callback Latency
- Keeping Federates in Sync
- Making a Federate more HLA Compatible
Network Tips Reducing Network Usage Making best
use of bandwidth Reducing Latency Use of
Multicast Use of Gateways Managing Data Dividing
Data Flow Multi-Resolution Data Exchanges
16Toward Best Practices
- Challenge Areas where the Exchange can support
generation of community-wide rollup reports
include - Federation Performance
- The Exchange is currently supporting the SISO HLA
Performance Recommended Practices (HPRP) Study
Group - RTI Transition
- Growing need to update federations to more recent
versions of RTIs - Mixed Middleware Federations
- Increasing use of combinations of DIS, TENA, HLA,
and other data exchange methods - Object Modeling
- Capture the growing body of knowledge on use of
BOMs and other advanced object modeling tricks
of the trade - Data Collection and After-Action Review
- Extracting the most value out of federation
execution results
17Join and Participate!
- To Request a New Account
- https//partners.mitre.org/accountsetup/new/d
efault.html - To Access the Web Portal
- https//partners.mitre.org/sites/hla_ll/defau
lt.aspx - Or Send Email to
- Tom Pawlowski pawlowst_at_mitre.org
- Website Coordinator
- Doug Flournoy rflourno_at_mitre.org
- Website Coordinator
- HPRP Study Group Secretary
- Randy Sanders Randy.Saunders_at_jhuapl.edu
- HPRP Study Group Chair