Title: Diapositiva 1
1 Challenges and Opportunities in Development of a
REDD Project
Stanford University Feb. 11-12, 2009
- Cordillera Azul National Park (PNCAZ) and Buffer
Zone - El Centro de Conservación, Investigación y Manejo
de Áreas Naturales Cordillera Azul CIMA
Cordillera Azul - The REDD Opportunity
- Project Design Challenges
- Project Design Advances
- Lessons Learned To Date
31. Cordillera Azul National Park and Buffer Zone
Created May 21, 2001
The Park covers over 1.35 million ha between the
Huallaga and Ucayali watersheds, distributed over
four departments The Buffer Zone covers over
2.6 million ha., with 225 communities and
approximately 250,000 inhabitants
41. Cordillera Azul National Park and Buffer Zone
- One of Perus most biologically diverse National
Parks - Contains some of the last remaining unbroken
elevational gradients in the Andes - Contains 16 evaluated habitat types, from lush
lowland tropical forests to stunted, specialized
vegetation on mountain tops - Evidence of non-contacted indigenous groups in
the south-eastern section of the Park
52. CIMA Cordillera Azul
- Formed in July 2002, directly identifying itself
with protection of the PNCAZ. - In 2003, signed an agreement with INRENA to
support management of the PNCAZ. - Since August 2008 has been granted full
administrative control of the Park.
62. CIMA Cordillera Azul
- CIMAs Multi-Component Strategy for protecting
the PNCAZ - Protection Created fully functioning Park
management infrastructure - Zoning, titling and land use stabilization in the
Buffer Zone - Promotion of ecologically-compatible development
and economic activities in Buffer Zone and larger
region - Environmental Extension and Education Activities
with Buffer Zone
73. REDD Opportunity
When developing sustainable funding options for
the Park, CIMA Cordillera Azul identified the
opportunity to develop a REDD project with
technical support from The Field Museum and
financial assistance from the Exelon Corporation.
Deforestation 1996 - 2006
83. REDD Opportunity
- Opportunities for a REDD Project in the Park
- Interest of CCX and support from the Field Museum
and Exelon Corporation - Rapidly developing REDD mechanisms
- A well-managed Park with intact forest,
extraordinary biodiversity, and a management
committed to benefiting local communities - On-going deforestation threat to Park
- Abundant environmental and socio-economic
information - A successful Park monitoring system ICC and SIG
- Potential to use the Park as a pilot carbon
project and use lessons learned to develop a
series of REDD projects in Peru - Authority granted by Government to CIMA through
its 20-year administrative contract to develop
and market carbon credits, with any resulting
revenues supporting management of the Park
93. REDD Opportunity
103. REDD Opportunity
113. REDD Opportunity
2020 (Projected)
124. REDD Project Design Challenges
1. Prove additionality of a protected area
134. REDD Project Design Challenges
2. Establish a baseline to determine
vulnerability to deforestation
Over 80 of the PNCAZ has high or very high
vulnerability to deforestation Over 1.2 million
ha could be developed into a carbon project
144. REDD Project Design Challenges
3. Establish a Reference Area and Leakage Belt
Suitability map for deforestation 2006- 2011.
PNCAZ and new reference area (Winrock)
PNCAZ, leakage belt (buffer zone) and first
reference area
155. Project Design Advances
- Current Project Status
- All necessary information to develop a REDD
project - Willingness of CCX to move forward in the
voluntary carbon market - Project document being developed for CCBA (with
goal of Gold Standard) - CIMAs team now trained in measuring carbon
stocks -
165. Project Design Advances
- But.
- GEOMOD analysis limitations are not fully
reflecting local realities and calculating
reliable deforestation inside Park if current
management activities stopped due to lack of
funding. - Protection Paradox past 6 years have been
successful in stopping deforestation, but efforts
are dependent on current funding, which will
decrease in next 2-3 years. If REDD project does
not provide funding, many management activities
may stop. -
17Lago del Mundo Perdido rodeado de bosque primario
18SECTOR PONASA Valle alto
19SECTOR PONASA Valle medio
20SECTOR PONASA Valle bajo
21Limite de la Zona de amortiguamiento del Parque,
cerca a Picota
226. Lessons Learned
- Enormous potential and opportunity for REDD
projects in Perus protected areas - Need analytical models that better reflect local
realities and generate credible results on past,
present and future threats - Essential to have ample biodiversity and
socio-economic information for protect areas and
surrounding regions - REDD standards need to better support protected
areas and calculate the real pressures from
deforestation and degradation, regardless of
legal status - Necessary to build protected area management
capacity to improve local communities quality of
life and implement and monitor REDD projects
23Lucia Ruiz Ostoic Lruiz_at_cima.org.pe www.cima.org.p