Title: MOTTO:
1Springfield Fire Rescue Division 2001 ANNUAL
4,175 Cardiovascular
1,539 Illness
4,161 Other
1,283 Total EMS Responses 11,158
OPERATIONS DIVISION The Operations Division
responded to 13,293 emergency alarms. Included
in this total are Commercial, Residential and
Other Fire Responses 2,135 EMS/First Responder
FIRE MARSHALS BUREAU The desire to reduce the
communitys risk to fire through fire safety
inspections, plans review, fire safety
educational programs and maintaining a
cooperative atmosphere with the citizens and
businesses in the City of Springfield was again
successful. Bureau Activities New Fire System
Inspections 269 Plans Review 132 Fire
Inspection Permits Issued 20 Fire Safety
Inspections 91 Annual Licensing
Inspections 151 Suspicious Fires Investigated
43 Educational Programs 171 Fire Station Tours
42 Public Relation events attended 160 Juvenile
Firesetters Program Juveniles (attending with a
parent(s)) 9 Home Smoke Detector
Program Detectors installed or donated
50 9-Volt Batteries tested or installed 68
Salaries Wages 6,262,698 Employee
Benefits 2,336,848 Training Education
54,984 Utilities 68,124 Contractual
Services 176,431 Materials Supplies
315,113 TOTAL 9,214,198 Permanent
Improvements 233,319
2Fire Chief J. Mike Beers
On behalf of the Springfield Fire Rescue
Division, I am proud to submit this 2001 Letter
of Information. This Letter of Information
provides a brief overview of Bureau activities,
programs and statistics for the Division. I
would like to express my appreciation to the
staff, officers, firefighters and civilian
employees for their dedication, assistance and
professional attitude exhibited during the year.
In addition, our Division is grateful for the
support of the City Manager, City Commissioners,
other City Departments and the citizens, for
without their support, our accomplishments would
have been lessened. Respectfully Submitted, J.
Mike Beers Springfield Fire Rescue Division
Vehicle Maintenance The City of Springfield Fleet
Maintenance Division maintains the Divisions 3
Aerial/Quints, 7 Pumpers, 5 Medic Units, 13 Staff
vehicles and other state of the art
equipment. Major improvement to the fleet was the
purchase of a 2001 Navistar 1-ton chassis for a
future Medic unit re-chassis.
ISO Rating Class II The Springfield Fire Rescue
Division has earned the Insurance Services
Organizations Class II certification which
results in reduced insurance rates for the
citizens of the City of Springfield. The Fire
Rescue Division consists of 7 fire stations, 127
sworn career members, 22.8 square miles of
Fire/EMS coverage, 275 miles of City streets and
65,358 residents.
Box 27 Associates Since 1935, Box 27 Associates
continue to support the Fire Rescue Division at
emergency scenes and training sessions by
providing a mobile air cascade system, auxiliary
lighting, refreshments, firefighter rehab
support, scene cleanup assistance and a mobile
command center. Box 27 Associates upon request,
provide mutual aid support for Township Fire
EMS departments.
Logistics Bureau The Logistics Bureau coordinates
Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment, EMS
supplies, tools and equipment utilized in the day
to day operations.
3International Association of Firefighters Local
333 K. Dover President B. Miller
Vice President A. Rigsbee Sec/Treas D.
Boggs Trustee D. Buffenbarger Trustee T.
Tignor Trustee S. Wade Guardian Clubhouse
Committee D. Boggs President T. Morris
Vice President K. Bowen Sec/Treas B.
Leciejewski Fund Raiser
Special Programs Ronald McDonald Childrens
Safety Show during Fire Prevention Week. Fire
Safety materials distributed to all City schools
during Fire Prevention Week for Grades K-5. Fire
Company attendance at neighborhood association
Training Bureau The Springfield Fire Rescue
Division is committed to providing a training
program outlining the skills and certifications
necessary to deliver high quality, customer
oriented services to the citizens of the City of
Springfield in a quick and efficient manner,
utilizing curriculum from both the National and
State Fire Academies.
offices are located at 350 N. Fountain Ave. The
Administration may be reached by calling (937)
324-7605 between the hours of 800 a.m. and 500
p.m. daily or by fax at (937) 324-4810. In case
of an emergency, dial 9-1-1.
4Springfield Fire Rescue Division 350 N. Fountain
Avenue Springfield, Ohio 45504