Title: What
1Whats the Matter with Antimatter
- What happened to all the Antimatter in the
2In 2008 a new space-shuttle mission will be
launched carrying an instrument to look for
antimatter in outer space
- What is antimatter?
- How is antimatter made?
- Why search for it in outer space?
- Why should we care?
3What is Antimatter?
- Every fundamental particle has an associated
antiparticle - Antiparticles have the same mass, lifetime, and
intrinsic angular momentum (spin) - Charges, electric and color, are opposite
4Discovery of Antimatter
- Antimatter was first predicted by Dirac in 1928
as a consequence of his famous equation combining
Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity
- The anti-electron, or positron, was discovered by
Anderson at Caltech in 1932. - Antiproton discovered in 1955.
- Antineutron discovered in 1956.
- Antihydrogen in 1997.
5How do you make Antimatter?
- Need lots of concentrated energy E gt 2mc2
- Particles and antiparticles are always produced
- This is routinely done at particle accelerators
- Total made 1016 antiprotons (10-8 g) 1017
positrons (10-10 g)
6How do you detect antimatter?
- Not possible if isolated antimatter behaves
just like matter - An anti-atom will have exactly the same spectrum
as an atom and its chemistry will be identical
photon is its own antiparticle - Best way to detect antimatter is to have it
annihilate with its antimatter partner and detect
the resulting high-energy products
7Detecting antimatter by annihilation could be
8What use is Antimatter?
- Imaging PET scan
- Research pp and ee- colliders
9What use is Antimatter?
- Antimatter is the ultimate energy source 50
of rest mass goes into useable energy - The energy from
- 1 kg of antimatter
- 1 kg matter
- This is equivalent to
- 1,500,000 kg of natural Uranium
- 30,000,000,000 kg of coal
- NASA investigating its use for space flight
- Two big problems
- how to make it efficiently
- e 1/10,000,000 65 trillion/g!
- how to store it safely
10What use is Antimatter?
11Why do Matter and Antimatter Behave Similarly?
- The reason that matter and antimatter behave in
the same manner is related to fundamental
symmetries of nature. - To a physicist a symmetry is an invariance with
respect to some transformation. - A picture is symmetric if it is invariant under
reflection, or Parity, that is, if it can be
superimposed on its mirror image.
12Snowflakes are Symmetric (Invariant) under
Reflection and Rotations
13Parity is Sometimes Called Mirror Reflection
14Angels and Demons Mirror Symmetric?
15Many Things are not Mirror Symmetric
- Screws are asymmetric and hence not superposable
on their mirror images - Such asymmetric molecules are called
stereoisomers, or left-handed (sinistral) and
right-handed (dextral) molecules, or enantiomers.
16Why are Symmetries Important in Physics?
- Often problems that would be intractable
otherwise, can be solved easily by invoking
symmetry constraints. - Possible new theories severely constrained by
known symmetries of nature we would not
construct a new theory that is not invariant
under Lorentz transformations, for example. - Deep relationship between symmetries and the
great conservation laws of nature.
17The Great Conservation Laws of Physics are all
Related to Symmetries of Space and Time
Space translation invariance ? Conservation of
Momentum Space rotation invariance ? Conservation
of Angular Momentum Time translation
invariance ? Conservation of Energy
Reflection of space ? Conservation of Parity,
P Reflection of charge ? Conservation of Charge
Parity, C Reflection of time ? Conservation of
Time Parity, T
This profound connection between symmetries of
nature and conservation laws was first
elucidated by (the mathematician) Emmy Noether
18The basic laws of nature are indifferent as to
the direction of time. There is no more
distinction between past and future then between
left and right. Arthur Stanley Eddington, 1927
19Despite Natures Apparent Desire for Symmetry,
it is often Broken
20One Doesnt Have to Go Far to Find Symmetry
Violations in Nature
- Molluscs
- shells come in right- and left-handed varieties
- Some species are always right-handed, some always
left, and some come in both varieties - Most are right handed
- Fiddler crabs are asymmetric, but equal amounts
of both varieties are seen
21Plants too Exhibit Symmetry Violations
22Humans are symmetric on the outside, asymmetric
on the inside
- 1/10,000 have their organs reversed situs
23Most Humans are Right Handed
Right-handers tend to see the lower face as
happier, whereas the opposite is true for
24Toads are Too!
25At the microscopic level we find further evidence
of asymmetry
DNA Left Right
Amino Acids Left Right
- This asymmetry is not found in inorganic
Life as manifested to us is a function of the
asymmetry of the universe and the consequences of
this fact Louis Pasteur
26There is More to these Asymmetries than what
Meets the Eye
- Two forms of limonene one smells of orange and
the other of lemon - Table sugar, or sucrose, is right-handed. The
left-handed form (levo-sugar) tastes the same but
cannot be digested
- Thalidomide
- Right-handed form accounts for sedative
properties - Left-handed form caused horrible birth defects
- Has recently been reintroduced
- The fundamental laws of physics appear to be
perfectly symmetric. - Life, however, exhibits all sorts of asymmetries.
- How did these asymmetries come about?
28Producing an Asymmetry
the single most important finding since chemists
discovered the chiral carbon atom itself
It was just too good to be true.
- No one has yet succeeded in doing so without
seeding the bath - Successes are occasionally reported, but never
29Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
30Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
31Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
32Fall of Symmetry Conservation in Fundamental
Parity First
- First discovered in 1928 (Cox, McIlwraith, and
Kurelmeyer, Proc. Nat. Acad. Science, 4, 544
(1928) - Predicted by Lee and Yang in 1956 (Nobel prize
1957) - Rediscovered by Wu et al., Lederman et al., and
others in 1957 - Only seen in the weak interaction
33CPT Theorem Requires that Either C or T is also
- CPT theorem based on very fundamental
assumptions it had better be true! - Consequences of CPT theorem
- Particles and antiparticles have equal mass and
lifetimes - Either C or T is also violated
34Charge conjugation invariance was also found to
be violated right-handed neutrinos and
left-handed antineutrinos dont exist.
To go from matter to antimatter C is not enough
CP is needed.
35Matter-Antimatter (CP) Invariance was soon Found
- Kaons, particles composed of a down quark and an
anti-strange quark, oscillate back and forth into
anti-Kaons, 5 billion times per second. - Matter-antimatter symmetry (CP symmetry) requires
equal numbers of K0 and anti-K0 decays. - In 1964 Cronin, Fitch et al., found a 0.23
difference! - Only seen in weak interaction.
- Because of CPT, T violated!
is preferred over by 0.23
36Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry
- Unlike Parity Violation, which lead to a great
leap forward in our understanding of particle
physics, the origin of CP violation remains a
mystery. - Unlike Parity Violation, which is maximal, CP
violation is a frustratingly small effect. - CP violation gives us a convention-independent
way of distinguishing matter from antimatter we
can communicate this to other beings on other
37- Do these microscopic asymmetries we observe in
the fundamental laws of physics - Parity
Violation and/or CP Violation - account for the
asymmetries we see in Nature?
- Many attempts have been made to link the two, so
far without success - One possible exception the greatest asymmetry
of them all the asymmetry between matter and
antimatter in the Universe
38Theory of a Symmetric Universe
- We know that the universe started about 13.7
billion years ago with a big bang
39Symmetric Universe
- The very early universe was composed of equal
amounts of matter and antimatter. - After 10-6 s (T1013K) baryons (neutrons and
protons, and their antipartners) formed as the
universe cooled. - The universe was sufficiently dense that by 10-3
s (T1012K) all the baryons and antibaryons
annihilated, leaving only photons the
annihilation catastrophe.
40What Actually Happened
- What we actually observe is quite different
- There is no compelling evidence for any
antimatter in the Universe - The observed ratio of baryons to photons is nine
orders of magnitude too large!
41The Annihilation Catastrophe Almost Happened
- For every 10 billion antibaryons, 10 billion and
one baryons were produced. - The one extra baryon is what you and me and the
rest of the observable Universe is made out of.
42Evidence for Antimatter in the Universe
- Earth there is a trickle of antimatter at
exotic places such as Fermilab, CERN, SLAC, etc - Two types of searches
- Direct cosmic rays
- Some antiprotons and positrons seen
- No antinucleus has ever been observed
- Indirect decay products
- Planets weve put things on planets without
them blowing up.
43Evidence for Antimatter in the Universe
- Sun solar wind is matter.
44Evidence for Antimatter in the Universe
- Clusters of galaxies no g-ray excess from
intracluster gas
45Antimatter Seen in Crab Nebula?
- Crab remnant of supernova in 1054
- Pulsar is accelerating particles producing matter
and antimatter - Chandra X-ray telescope has probably detected
X-rays from annihilation
46Antimatter Seen in Crab Nebula?
Chandra X-Ray observatory claims to have seen
evidence of positrons.
47Antimatter Seen in Galactic Center
Not much and almost certainly not primordial
48What Caused this Asymmetry?
- For some reason the Universe just started out
with more matter than antimatter. - Ugly! Why? Inflation wipes it out anyway.
- Statistical fluctuations caused the difference.
- Cant come close!
- Matter and antimatter exist in widely separated
regions of the Universe. - Akin to an explosion where all the Carbon atoms
ended up in one place, and the Nitrogen atoms in
another. - Some dynamical reason caused matter to dominate
over antimatter. - Remember by dominate, we mean a preponderance of
one part in ten billion.
49How to Get an Asymmetry
- Sakharov in 1967 first elucidated the three
needed ingredients - Baryon number must be violated. Need a way to
get rid of matter (or antimatter) that doesnt
involve annihilation. Grand Unified Theories
(GUTs) do this. - Violation of both C and CP. This produces
different decay rates for particles and
antiparticles. - A departure from thermal equilibrium when the
antimatter was turning into matter. Otherwise,
if in thermal equilibrium the reverse processes
occur with an equal rate.
50Theory must Produce the Universe we See!
51Baryon Number Nonconservation
- Never seen p lifetime gt 1033 years
- Electroweak nonconservation possible through
quantum tunneling phenomenon sufficiently
52Baryon Number Nonconservation Leptogenesis
- Recent discovery of neutrino mass has given this
idea much impetus to this idea. - A lepton asymmetry is formed and then
transformed to a baryon asymmetry - Lepton electron, muon, neutrinos
- Baryon particles made of quarks
53CP Violation
- Problems
- the asymmetry seen in 1964 did not involve decays
but only Kaon mixing - matter-antimatter asymmetry only seen in the Kaon
system - Leptogenesis CP violation never seen in leptons
54CP Violation Problems Fixed?
- after a 35 year search an asymmetry in Kaon
decays was found in 2000 - in 2001 matter-antimatter asymmetry also seen in
particles called beauty mesons. - searches are beginning to search for CP violation
in leptons (neutrinos)
55CP Violation
- Problem the CP violation seen so far is too
weak to cause the asymmetry between baryons and
antibaryons in the Universe - we see 10-20 effect, need 10-10
- Solution most beyond-the-standard-model
theories, such as supersymmetry, predict
additional, perhaps larger, sources of CP
violation - There has been a world-wide search for other
manifestations of matter-antimatter asymmetry
56HyperCP Search for New Sources of Matter
Antimatter Asymmetries
- Search for a difference in Lambda and anti-Lambda
hyperon decays - Hyperon decays are particularly sensitive to new
sources of CP violation
- Experiment proposed and largely constructed by
the UVa group. - To achieve great sensitivity took more data than
any other experiment - 231 billion events
- 120 Terabytes
- 29,401 tapes
- How much is that?
- Encyclopedia Britanica 1 Gbyte
- WWW as of 9/11/02 5 Tbytes
- Video store 8 Tbytes
- Unfortunately no evidence for exotic sources of
CP violation were found.
- The copious amounts of matter and antimatter
created at the very earliest stages of the
Universe have largely disappeared. - Matter 1/10,000,000,000 of what was made
remains. - Antimatter disappeared almost entirely.
- This large-scale asymmetry between matter and
antimatter is almost certainly related to the
microscopic asymmetries in the laws of physics
that have been discovered in recent years. - We think we have all the right ingredients needed
to cause an asymmetry between the matter and
antimatter in the universe, but the right mix
remains to be worked out. - Stay tuned progress is being made.