Title: The Democratic Caucuses and Conventions
1The Democratic Caucuses and Conventions
- Grassroots Democracy in Action
How do you find your Precinct, Legislative
District and Congressional District?
3Your Voter ID Card
Your Voter ID Card has all the information you
Your Precinct
Your Congressional District
Your Legislative District
4Thurston County Precincts
- Thurston County has 289 precincts.
- The goal is to have 700-900 registered voters in
each precinct. - Once you know your precinct number,visit the
Thurston County Democrats websiteto find out if
your precinct has a Precinct Committee Officer
and to see a map of your precinct.
5Legislative Districts
- Washington State is divided into 49 Legislative
Districts. - In 2001 there were approximately 120,000 people
in each Legislative District. - The Washington State Legislature is composed of
elected House and Senate members from these
Legislative Districts. - There are 4 Legislative Districts either wholly
or partially contained within Thurston County -
LD2, LD20, LD22 and LD35 - E.g., Rep. Brendan Williams (LD22), Rep. Sam Hunt
(LD22) Senator Karen Fraser (LD22)
6Thurston CountyLegislative Districts
7Congressional Districts
- Washington State is divided into 9 Congressional
Districts - In 2001 there were 655,000 people in each
Congressional District. - There are two Congressional Districts
representing Thurston County - CD3 and CD9 - Our members of Congress in the House of
Representatives are elected from each
Congressional District. - E.g., Brian Baird (CD3), Adam Smith (CD9)
8Thurston CountyCongressional Districts
10Delegate/Alternate Elections
January Pre-Caucus Forums These meetings will be
held beforethe Precinct Caucuses to
discussissue and help form the Thurston County
Democrats platform. Jan. 15 - Olympia High
School Jan. 17 - Gordons Grange, Yelm Jan. 19 -
Tenino Elementary School
Precinct Caucuses February 9
Leg. Dist. 2 Caucus April 5 Leg. Dist. 22
CaucusLeg. Dist. 20 35 Sub-Caucuses April 19
County Convention April 19
Arrows indicate the next meeting the elected
Delegates and Alternates should attend.
State Convention June 14
Congressional District Caucus May 17
National Convention August 25-28
11Caucuses and Conventions
Whats the difference?
- Caucuses - elect Delegates and Alternates to
subsequent caucuses and conventions culminating
at the National Convention where the party will
select its presidential candidate. - County and State Conventions - adopt the
Washington State Democratic platform and
resolutions. - National Convention - adopts national party
platform and resolutions and selects the
presidential candidate.
12What about the Primary Election?
- In Washington State, the Primary Election does
not produce delegates and alternates for the
Democratic National Convention. - Only delegates and alternates who are elected at
the Congressional District caucuses will progress
to the National Convention where they will cast a
vote for their preferred presidential candidate.
13How do you get elected to go to the National
- Get elected at your neighborhood Precinct Caucus
(February 9) and - Get elected at your Legislative District Caucus
(April 19-LD20, LD22, LD35 April 5-LD2) and - Get elected at your Congressional District Caucus
(May 17)
14Number of Delegates for Thurston County
These numbers will be communicated to us soon by
the Washington State Democratic Party
- 3rd Congressional District
- 2nd Legislative District ? Delegates
- 20th Legislative District ? Delegates
- 22nd Legislative District ? Delegates
- 35th Legislative District ? Delegates
- 9th Congressional District
- 2nd Legislative District ? Delegates
- 20th Legislative District ? Delegates
- 22nd Legislative District ? Delegates
- Total Thurston County ? Delegates
15Number of Delegates and Alternates from the
Congressional District Caucuses that will go to
the National Convention
16Total Number of Delegates/Alternate who will go
to the National Convention from Washington State
17Pre-Caucus Forums
- January
- Community meetings to discuss issues and to
provide input for Precinct Caucuses and Platform
January 15 - Olympia High School Commons -
700-900pm January 17 - Gordons Grange, Yelm -
700-900pm January 19 - Tenino Elementary School
- 100-3-00pm
February 9, 2008
- Democrats meet in their neighborhoods to elect
delegates and alternates to support their
Presidential candidates and to attend their
Legislative District Caucus. - Party platform and resolutions may also be
discussed and sent forward to the County
Convention and Legislative District Caucuses.
Visit our website at www.thurstondemocrats.org/cau
custo find out where your Caucus will be in
Thurston County.
21Legislative District Caucus the County
Legislative District 2 - April 5,
2008 Legislative District 20, 22 35 - April 19,
2008 County Convention - April 19, 2008
- Leg. Dist. Caucuses - Elect Delegates and
Alternates to go to their Congressional District
Caucus and the State Convention - County Convention - Adopt platform and
resolutions at the County Convention and send it
on to the State Convention.
23Congressional District Caucuses State Convention
Congressional District Caucuses - May 17,
2008 State Convention - June 14, 2008 - Spokane
- Cong. Dist. Caucuses - Elect Delegates and
Alternates to go to the National Convention in
Denver, CO. - These Delegates and Alternates will determine the
Democratic Partys Presidential candidate for the
General Election in November 2008. - State Convention - Adopt State Party platform and
25Who can participate in the County Convention ?
- Anyone duly elected as a Delegate at the February
9, 2008 Precinct Caucuses in Thurston County - Any duly elected Alternate who has been appointed
to replace a Delegate from the same precinct and
with the same presidential preference - Delegates/alternates must bring their Election
Card to the convention. This is considered your
26What are Credentials?
Why is this important?
- The Election Card is proof that you were duly
elected as a delegate or alternate - your
credential. - Its important to know who is elected and who can
officially vote in order to proceed with voting. - A Credentials Committee is assigned to verify
that the people who are seated are validly
27What happens at the Convention?
- The Credentials Committee Report
- This committee will report any disagreements
about who are the duly elected delegates and will
recommend resolutions. - The committee will provide a preliminary
allocation of delegates by presidential
preference based on the credentials report. - The Platform Committee Report
- The committee will recommend a party platform
- Delegates may debate and vote on platform and
29When are the Caucuses and Conventions?
January Pre-Caucus Forums? February 9
100pm Precinct Caucuses April 5
1000am Legislative District Caucuses April 19
900am County Conventions May 17
1000am Congressional District Caucuses June 14
900am State Convention in Spokane August
25-28 Democratic Natl Convention in
Denver, Colorado
30Other Important Dates
February 8 - 500pm Surrogate Affidavit forms
must be presented to the legislative
district chair or PCO of the precinct
March 5 National Delegate Candidate
Declaration forms available from
WSDCC May 2 - 500 pm National Delegate
Candidate Declarations forms due to
WSDCC June 10 - 500 pm Candidates for PLEO
and At-Large delegates and alternates
must file with WSDCC June 15 PLEO
and At-Large delegate and alternate
31Caucus Locations
- Visit www.thurstondemocrats.org/caucus to find
out the latest information about where Precinct
Caucuses will be held in your area. - LD 22 Caucus and LD 20 and LD 35 Sub-Caucuses
will be held at the Capitol High School in Olympia
Thurston County Caucus Information
www.thurstondemocrats.org/caucus Thurston
County Democratic Precinct Committee Officers
www.thurstondemocrats.org/findpco Delegate
Selections Affirmative Action Plan
33Thank you!