Title: Schools and climate change
1Schools and climate change 13th December 2005
2Tide Teachers in development
education www.tidec.org
3Sustainable development is a learning process
learning as change rather than learning for
change - Stephen Sterling 2002
4Learning as a process is integral to sustainable
development, not just instrumental for it
sustainable development will not take place where
learning is not happening - Bill Scott 2002,
5- Education for sustainable development is
- integral to the sustainability process
- about engaging with the challenge of
sustainability, not about delivering messages.
6- This implies an action learning cycle
- thinking, doing, reflecting, evaluating
- which operates at a variety of scales
- and which makes connections including between
local and global dimensions
7- This requires
- Space for learners including teachers to engage
with the everyday complexity of the issues - Opportunities for them to do so.
8- Schools
- delivering a prescribed national curriculum
- often in prescribed ways,
- characterised by inspection, testing,
target-setting etc - And yet ...
9There are particular opportunities within the
National Curriculum especially, but not only, in
Geography, Science, Design Technology,
Citizenship and PSHE a curriculum for which
sustainable development is an over-arching
10- Some initiatives offer particular scope for
creativity - Every Child Matters
- Excellence and Enjoyment
- The Secondary Strategy with its emphasis on key
learning skills - The Outdoor Education agenda.
11- And there is hope that the new ESD strategy
supported by TeacherNet will offer legitimacy and
support - For whole school approaches
- For Continuing Professional Development
- For resourcing and practical support within and
beyond the formal curriculum.
12Climate change - a particular problem - a
particular opportunity
13- A particular problem because
- It is characterised by uncertainty and complexity
at every level - It has no easy answers and risks being
overwhelming - There is no curriculum for climate change.
14- A particular opportunity because
- Its uncertainty and complexity make us have to
think about how we teach - The lack of easy answers means we cant fall back
on didactic methods - We all know it matters
- It offers cross-curricular and whole school
15- In other words, learning about climate change
requires us - to learn together
- find our own solutions
- and be creative.
- This is ideal ESD.
16- It is also ideal for quality teaching and
learning - independent and co-operative working
- problem solving
- creative and connective thinking
- critical reflection ...
- gtgtgt in real life contexts
17- Tide
- A climate for change?
- 2002-5
- A need identified for creativity innovation
about - Educators own understanding of the issues
- Childrens informed engagement
- Schools as institutions meeting this challenge.
18- Our own understanding of the issues
- Focus study visit course to The Gambia
- One of 10 countries most vulnerable to climate
change - Investigating global climate change and related
issues - Visiting projects, agencies, communities
- Working alongside Gambian teachers Educators for
sustainability - Reflecting together on experiences, including our
own learning and its implications for
teaching - Opportunity to accredit as PGCert Masters units
at University of Worcester.
19- We have learned
- This is personal
- emotional, experiential, social, cognitive
- It is also about our communities and our global
relationships, about values, justice and deeply
held feelings and beliefs - Intense experiences can lead to real and enduring
change, to deep learning - they can encourage us to re-evaluate our own
underlying assumptions and feelings, - and apply this to what we do.
20- The future
- Further courses building on this work
- Research into deep learning and global
partnership - New ways to share these experiences.
21 Childrens informed engagement FocusClimate
change, local global An enquiry approach based
on 4 key questions 1. What is climate
change? 2. Why does is matter? 3. What can we do
about it? 4. What have we learned and how?
22- Climate change, local global
- 5 creative groups in West Midlands over 100
teachers involved in creative process - Focus on KS2 and 3
- As much about enquiry learning as about climate
change drawing on Blooms taxonomy - Publication and conference Autumn 2005 as
starting point for further creativity
23- We have learned
- That teaching about a complex issue raises
complex issues about pedagogy - That putting learners in charge of their
learning, as part of a process, may lead to more
sustained change than transmitting green
messages - That such change partly arises from informed
citizenship and personal ownership of action, and
can be responsive to new understandings.
24No-one has the answers yet. Therefore, what the
children come up with is very important -
Shropshire teacher
25- The future
- Thinking through climate change project as
contribution to WMnets - climate change initiative
- Http//climatechange.wmnet.org.uk
- Course on evaluating enquiry learning
- Events and new projects in Shropshire,
Worcestershire - The Giants Embrace Big Brum TIE
- Other new work?
26- Schools as institutions
- Focus Pilot work on sustainable schools
- Making creative use of whats already there
- eg Eco Schools, WWF Pathways,
- Be Smart with Water, Thinkleadership
- Linked to partnership with Capetown Headteachers
- Responding to new initiatives
- especially at DfES.
27- The future
- Sharing of work and further development of ideas
at day course - 7th March 2006
- Further work needed, including the development of
whole school and - CPD packages.
28- Climate change
- the approaching elephant?
- How do we create a climate for change ...
- for creative engagement with this pressing issue
in a culture of mutual learning? - How do we build capacity for quality curriculum
and professional development within the education
system? - Where do schools institutional responsibilities
fit into this picture?
29- The UNESCO Decade
- Climate change
- the global issue of our time?
- What opportunities might there be for
international sharing between teachers, learners
pooling of ideas, exchanging of perspectives? - How can the Decade help profile/accelerate what
is happening ... - and encourage support and resourcing for it?
- How can we best draw on UNESCOs repository of
scientific and cultural expertise?
30Climate change A challenge so far-reaching in
its impact and irreversible in its destructive
power that it alters radically human
existence - Tony Blair, September 2004 The
elephant is approaching