Title: Chapter 18 Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
1Chapter 18 Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
2Medical Nutrition Therapy for Liver Problems
- Fatty liver
- Viral hepatitis
- Cirrhosis
- Liver transplantation
3Fatty Liver
- Triglyceride build up in the liver
- Can be reversed if causative agent is removed
- e.g., alcohol
- Diet therapy well-balanced diet
4Hepatitis A
- Cause Inflammation caused by virus hepatitis A
- Transmission Oral-fecal route
- Preventive measures
- Hand washing, sanitation
- Avoid contaminated food and water, uncooked
shellfish - Get vaccinations
- Food handling permits and inspections in
restaurants - Vaccination
5Medical Nutrition Therapy for Hepatitis
- High amount of fluids per day
- IVs (and bedrest)
- Clear liquid to full liquid diet
- Small frequent feedings
- High kcalories
- High-quality protein
- Moderate carbohydrate and fat
- Fats limited only if steatorrhea present
- Multiple vitamins
- No alcohol
6Medical Nutrition Therapy for Cirrhosis
- Group presentation
- Medical nutrition therapy
- Small frequent meals
- Kcalories and CHO high to prevent protein
catabolism - Vitamins and moderate protein and fat
- Fluids to balance intake and output
- Protein restricted if encephalopathy (from
ammonia) - Sodium and fluids restricted if edema or ascites
- See page 534 related to fluid restriction
- Avoid rough foods if esophageal varices
7Normal vs. Cirrhotic Liver Cells
8Medical Nutrition Therapyfor Liver
- Pretransplant
- Calories and protein to decrease protein
catabolism and correct deficiencies - Posttransplant 4-8 weeks
- TPN or tube feeding
- Between meal supplements when PO
- Long-term
- Healthy, well-balanced diet
9Medical Nutrition Therapyfor Gallbladder Problems
- Know terms
- Cholelithiasis
- Choledocholithiasis
- Cholecystitis
- Causes high fat diet or very low calorie diet
- Nutrition
- Avoid foods that cause pain
- Low fat diet
- Postoperative clear liquids to regular diet, low
fat if needed
10Medical Nutrition Therapy for Problems of the
- Pancreatitis
- Autodigestion if enzymes leak
- Diabetes mellitus
- Discussed in Chapter 19
- Cystic fibrosis
- Thick secretions
11Medical Nutrition Therapy for Acute Pancreatitis
- Initial goal keep pancreas at rest
- Nothing by mouth (NPO)
- IVs for hydration
- Enteral feedings if below pancreatic duct
low-fat elemental formulas - Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
- Guidelines when patient can eat
- Fat limited (MCT oil preferred)
- High protein and carbohydrates, six small meals
- Pancreatic enzyme replacement by mouth
- No alcohol
12Cystic Fibrosis
- Pathophysiology
- Autosomal recessive inherited disease of
mucus-producting exocrine glands - High levels of
- Sodium and chloride in saliva and tears
- Electrolytes in sweat
- Viscous secretions in
- Pancreas
- Bronchi
- Bile ducts
- Small intestine
13Medical Nutrition Therapyfor Cystic Fibrosis
- Kcalories based on
- Activity
- Lung function
- Fat absorption
- Fat 30-40 of kcalories
- Multivitamins
- Pancreatic enzyme replacement
- With milk
- With supplemental fat or carbohydrate as needed
14Indications for Low Fat Diet
- Pancreatitis (with steatorrhea)
- Acute - NPO
- Chronic Not low fat, add enzymes vitamins
- Cystic fibrosis (with steatorrhea)
- Chronic Not low fat, add enzymes vitamins
- Cholelithiasis
- Low fat
- Coronary artery disease
- Low fat
15What have you learned?