Title: Prezentace aplikace PowerPoint
1Nový Bydov
town of Czech queens and student merendas
Originally a royal town, firstly mentioned in
sources from 1305, was established close to river
Cidlina, in the south-east direction from Stary
(Old) Bydzov, following a regular town-plan
scheme, that was unequalled in the medieval
times. Already in 1325, the town (caused by debts
of John of Bohemia) became a property of the
Vartenberg family, in 1516 it passed into the
hands of the Pernstein family, and in1548 it was
in the holding of the Wallensteins. In 1569 Novy
Bydzov was exempt by payment from servitude and
became the royal dowry town. During the years
1751-1784 it was the royal seat of the newly
created Novy Bydzov regionwhich included the
Giant Mountains from Vrchlabi through Jilemnice,
Nova Paka, Jicin, Horice, Novy Bydzov, Chlumec
nad Cidlinou and Podebrady as far as Sadska. In
1784 the seat of the region was transferred to
Jicin due to its position, however the name of
the region remained the same until 1850. Novy
Bydzov was then, from 1850 to 1960, the district
center. Even though the district had been
abolished, the town did not cease to be the
natural center of the region for approximately 20
thousand inhabitants from 40 towns and
villages. In the town of schools, is still kept
the tradition of student merendas, that students
celebrated already in the middle of 18th
century. Novy Bydzov has been, since 1999, also a
member of Association of nine royal dowry towns.
21305 - 2005
Photographs of significant town monuments, used
for a jubilee calendar published in 2005,
reflecting 700th anniversary of establishment of
Nový Bydov.
3Gothic church of St. Lawrence, the oldest towns
building from the 14th century in a photo taken
from the savings-bank.
4The conscience-book of Town Nový Bydov from
1311 to 1470, the second olders preserved book
in Bohemia State regional registry in Hradec
5The monks head from former minorite convent from
the beginning of the 14th century, the only
preserved remembrance in town of a building
destroyed by the Hussites entrance of the
town-hall in Novy Bydzov.
6Veduta of Nový Bydov from 1536 (or 1537) by
Mathias Gerung, one of the oldest vedutas within
our lands University library in Würzburg.
7Silver town sealing-sticks from 1608 and 1678
(mirror-like turned) Town museum in Nový Bydov
8From the old Jewish cemetery, established in
1520, The third oldest in Bohemia.
9Old students flag from the mid 18th century with
its sign embroidered in 1848, the most precious
remembrance of student merendas - Town museum in
Nový Bydov
10Map of Bydovský region established in 1751
(left) and Královéhradecký region (right) from
atlas from the end of the 18th century Town
museum in Nový Bydov.
11Veduta of Nový Bydov on an engraved form of
guild vocational certificate from Ignác Ott from
Trutnov (after 1780) - Town museum in Nový Bydov
12Picture of the towns regular ground-plan on a
designating scheme from 1841 Town museum in
Nový Bydov
13Old renaissance town-hall with Hrukovský
house on a lithography printed at K. Schreyer and
H. Fuchs in Prague (after 1963) Town museum in
Nový Bydov
14Sanctification of the flag of military veterans
on 21st August 1870, the oldest preserved
photograph of the square Town museum in Nový
15Famous promenade in the square in front of the
pharmacy U Zlaté koruny, caught by the
object-lens of Viktor Bene (around 1895) Town
museum in Nový Bydov.
16Published by Town museum in Nový Bydov
Texts Jaroslav Prokop
Photo Petr Langer