Title: Diapositiva 1
1(No Transcript)
- It is articulated into 5 Phases
- Ph 1 (2 months) Start up
- from 1/03/07 to 30/04/07
- Ph 2 (7 months) Communication/relation good
practices adopted with Young Dropouts from
1/05/07 to 30/11/07 - Ph 3 (10 months) Model of quali-quantitative
territorial analysis - from 1/12/07 to 30/09/08
- Ph 4 (4 months) Labours with Young Dropouts
- from 1/10/08 to 31/01/09
- Ph 5 (1 month) Final Conference, external
Evaluation and Follow up - from 1/02/09 to 28/02/09
4General Information 1/3
- The proposal concerns the identification and
valorisation of actions and practices adopted in
all countries concerned, to cope with dispersion
and school abandon. It has been conceived as a
follow up of the outcomes achieved by the
implementation of the pilot project Again-st
Abandon (2003) and regarding the complexity of
social, cultural and economic factors that
characterize young dropouts and the
identification of their main needs. - Once Again-st is a dissemination and valorisation
project, it means that activities are aimed at - Giving visibility to project outputs, products
and tools by disseminating them by the widest
range of direct and indirect target groups
(local, national, transnational) - Valorising good practices identified, also by
realising specific actions involving direct and
indirect target groups.
5General Information 2/3
Direct beneficiaries - Guidance and counselling
operators and organisations Indirect
beneficiaries and potential users - Young
drop-out (14-24 y.o.) - Education and training
Institutions (schools, vocational training
centres, employment services, etc). The sector
is the one of services aimed at supporting
individuals in their personal and occupational
6General Information 3/3
General Goals - Opening the analysis and
experimentation to Countries different from the
ones involved in the previous project, in order
to widen and strengthen the network of reference
and exchange - Outcomes and Products Transfer
and experimentation to/in other contexts,
countries and target groups (the previous project
was addressed to young drop out aged 14-16 y.o.).
Specific Aims - Creation of a virtual community
(Pedagogical Resources Centre), permanent but
with an expandable structure, with the aim of
rationalize, disseminate and valorise existent
practices and solutions, through the collation
of different and interrelated materials and
tools. The centre will be a sort of Portal of
Dispersion and School Abandon - Increasing of
the direct involvement of direct and indirect
target group, through the experimentation of
laboratories (Press and Television Editorial
Staff for the creation of schedules) aimed at
transferring competencies of communication
7Phase 1 - Start up
MONTHS 2 PERIOD 1st March 2007 30 April
- to share project activities and final aims
- to settle the administrative relationships
between partners - to share each partners tasks and
responsibilities - to promote the project by partners networks and
8Phase 1 Activities, tools and products
National Agency ? Financial Guarantee ? 1st
Transnational Workshop ? Internal Monitoring Plan
? Stipulation of the Contract among the
Contractor and all partners
Valorisation Plan ? Project Graphic Design
? Project Website Project Brochure (n.0) Mailing
List of subjects representative at local and
national level with previous experiences in the
issues concerned by the project. List of Sector
Reviews (on paper and online) to which send
written contributions on project issues.
9Phase 2 Communication and relation good
practices adopted with Young Dropouts
MONTHS 7 PERIOD 1st May 2007 30 November
10Phase 2 General and specific goals
General To improve the guidance, counselling and
training operators competences of relational
modalities with young dropouts (verbal and non
verbal behaviours), promoting the Exchange,
transfer and dissemination of experiences and
good practices. To start up the process of
direct involvement of beneficiaries. Specific SG1
. To integrate the Collection of Good practices
identified during the previous project, with
relational and communication methodologies and
techniques adopted in the new countries involved
. SG2. To integrate and deepen the analysis and
identification of good practices adopted by the
operators with young dropouts, in terms of
communication/relation techniques and
methodologies, with the aim of re-integrating
them in the education, training and employment
system. SG3. To Integrate the Glossaries and
Word lists created during the previous project,
descriptive of the verbal modalities adopted by
young dropouts.
11Phase 2 Research Products 1/2
12Phase 2 Research Products 2/2
13Phase 2 Dissemination /Valorisation products 1/2
14Phase 2 Dissemination /Valorisation products 2/2
15Phase 2 Research Activities 1/3
16Phase 2 Research Activities 2/3
17Phase 2 Research Activities 3/3
18Phase 3 Model of quali-quantitative territorial
MONTHS 10 PERIOD 1st December 2007 30
PHASE Ceris (IT) Korus (IT)
19Phase 3 General and specific goals
General To support methodologically and
operatively, the operators in the collection of
information concerning the characteristics of the
territory where they work, in order to improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of the guidance,
counselling, training and employment service they
provide to young dropouts. To integrate and
upgrade the prototypical system for territorial
quali-quantitative analysis developed during the
previous project, aimed at classifying - the
different typologies of meeting places (informal
contexts) usually frequented by young - the
different typologies of guidance, training and
information services (and related organisations)
existing on the local territory, including also
the ones referred to informal and non-formal
contexts. To experiment and evaluate, on the
field and with direct and indirect beneficiaries,
the prototypical models realised within the phase.
Specific SG1. To integrate the variables,
indicators and tools identified for the
quantitative territorial analysis, through the
identification of the aspects characterising the
socio-economic context within which the abandon
phenomenon shows itself, in the new countries
involved (EL, PL, D, RO) SG2. To integrate the
range of data and information identified for the
qualitative analysis of the services provided on
local territory, in the new countries involved
(EL, PL, D, RO)
20Phase 3 Research Products 1/2
21Phase 3 Dissemination /Valorisation products
22Phase 3 Research Activities 1/3
23Phase 3 Research Activities 2/3
24Phase 3 Research Activities 3/3
25Phase 3 Administrative Tasks
26Phase 4 Labours with Young Dropouts
MONTHS 4 PERIOD 1st October 2008 31 January
Mestri di Strada (IT) Oake Europe (UK)
27Phase 4 General and specific goals
General To strengthen the process of
beneficiaries direct involvement (young dropouts
aged 14-24 y.o.) in project activities To
strengthen the cooperation among partnership
researchers, young and operators Specific To
strengthen the exchange, dialogue and knowledge
between operators and young through the
realisation of communication tools and the
experimentation of real cooperation experiences
28Phase 4 Dissemination /Valorisation products
29Phase 4 Research Activities
30Phase 4 Research Activities
31Phase 5 Final Conference, external Evaluation
and Follow up
MONTHS 1 PERIOD 1st February 2009 28 February
32Phase 5 General and specific goals
- To analyse project outcomes achieved
- To identify strength and weak points
- To identify the transferability conditions
- To identify modalities and tools for project
follow up (Portal) - To fulfil the administrative tasks with the
National Agency - To disseminate final project outcomes and ouputs
33Phase 5 Dissemination /Valorisation products
34Phase 5 Activities