Title: Agenda
1(No Transcript)
- Friday 3rd November 2006, 1.00 pm
- Grand Tiara Hotel, Rotorua.
- Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
- 1. - Karakia
- 2. - Mihi
- 3. - Apologies- Minutes of Eighteenth AGM,
Friday 29 October 2005, Duxton Hotel, Wellington - - Chairpersons Report
- - Annual Report of the Executive 2005 - 2006
- 7. Presentation of - Annual Audited Accounts
2005-2006- Budget and Work Plan 2006-2007 - 8. Election of Executive Members - Mataatua, Te
Arawa, Takitimu, Te Wai Pounamu - 9. General Business
- Closed 2.30 pm
4Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
- Contents Page
- Statement of Financial Performance 18
- Notes to the Financial Statements 22
- Notes to the Financial Statements 21
- Notes to the Financial Statements 17
- Notes to the Financial Statements 20
5Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 18
Statement of Financial Performance
- Note 2006 2005
- Conference net surplus/(deficit) 4 51,304 18,514
- Kyoto net surplus/(deficit) 5 (29,592) -
- Other income 7 247,073 201,895
- Total income 268,785 220,409
- Expenses 6 261,578 242,313
- Net surplus/(deficit) for the year 7,207 (21,904
- Taxation 9 - -
- 7,207 (21,904)
6Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 18
- Statement of Movements in Equity
- Net surplus/(deficit) for the year 7,207 (21,904)
- Total recognised revenue
- and expenses for the year 7,207 (21,904
- Equity at the beginning of the year 662,503 684,4
07 - Equity at the end of the year 669,710 662,503
7Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 22
- Notes to the Financial Performance
- 7. Other Income 2006 2005
- Interest 48,027 34,587
- Consultancy
- - management contracts 107,024 42,683
- Membership fees 94,931 67,752
- Gain (loss) on LTF Investment (2,909) 4,651
- NZTE contract - 22,222
- Case Study contract - 15,000
- FOMA Portal project - 5,000
- Other income - 10,000
- 247,073 201,895
8Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 22
- 8.Capital and Lease Commitments
- Capital Commitments
- There were no material capital commitments
existing at balance date. - Operating Lease Commitments
- Non-cancellable operating lease rentals are
payable as follows -
- Current portion 21,924 21,924
- Non-current portion 12,789 43,848
- 34,713 65,772
9Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 22
- 9.Taxation
- Operating(deficit)/ surplus before
tax 7,207 (21,904) - Deduct Non assessable members income (37,177) (5
,950) - Net taxable surplus/(deficit) (29,970) (27,854)
- Add Tax loss adjustment
(8,001) - - Deduct Tax losses brought forward (115,047) (87,
193) - Assessable surplus/(loss) (153,018) (115,047)
- Taxation charge at 33 - -
- The tax loss available to be carried forward to
future years is 153,018. - (2005 - 115,047).
10Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 21
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- For the year ended 30 June 2006
- 2006 2005
- 5.Kyoto
- Income
- Kyoto income 29,678 -
- 29,678 -
- Expenses
- Kyoto expenses 59,270 -
- (29,592) -
11Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 21
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- For the year ended 30 June 2006
- 6. Schedule of Expenses
- Accounting fees 3,756 4,861
- Advertising 820 -
- Audit fees 3,659 -
- Bank fees 124 148
- Cluster costs 7,269 6,782
- Consultant's fees 74,251 73,376
- Computer expenses 18,210 8,070
- Courier 61 91
- Depreciation 5,949 11,143
- General expenses - 242
- Executive expenses 115 2,944
- Heat, light and power 799 747
12Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
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- Notes to the Financial Statements
- For the year ended 30 June 2006
- 6. Schedule of Expenses (cont)
- Insurance 988 1,525
- Interest - bank 11 10
- Legal expenses - deductible - 2,138
- Koha - 500
- Management services 58,969 58,144
- Postages 111 478
- Printing stationery 1,800 5,189
- Regional conference - 498
- Rent 22,527 21,460
- Secretarial - 14,296
- Telephone tolls 4,012 5,847
- Travel 11,002 10,415
- Wages 47,145 13,449
- Website expenses - (40)
- 261,578 242,313
13Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 17
- Current Assets Note 2006 2005
- Cash at bank 248 15,856
- FoMANA Current Account 760 -
- Accounts receivable 49,815 6,540
- Taxation refund due 15,507 9,473
- GST refund due 7,740 -
- Prepayments 4,444 3,900
- 78,514 35,769
14Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 17
- Non Current Assets
- Property, plant and equipment 2 10,865
11,197 - Investments 3 625,237 626,619
- 636,102 637,816
- Total Assets 714,616 673,585
15Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 17
- Current Liabilities
- Accounts payable 44,906 11,053
- GST payable - 29
- 44,906 11,082
- Equity 669,710 662,503
- Total Funds Employed 714,616 673,585
16Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 20
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- For the year ended 30 June 2006
- 2. Property, Plant and Equipment
- 2006 Accumulated Book
- Asset Description Cost Depn Depreciation
Value 2006 - Office equipment 81,749 3,510 79,099 2,650
- Other property,
- plant equipment 30,784 2,191 23,261 7,523
- Furniture fittings 3,355 248 2,663 692
- 115,888 5,949 105,023 10,865
17Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 20
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- For the year ended 30 June 2006
- 2. Property, Plant and Equipment (cont)
- 2005 Accumulated Book
- Asset Description Cost Depn Depreciation
Value 2005 - Office equipment 81,749 7,115 75,588 6,161
- Other property,
- plant equipment 25,168 3,781 21,071 4,097
- Furniture fittings 3,354 247 2,415 939
- 110,271 11,143 99,074 11,197
18Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 20
- 3. Investments (at cost)
- 2006 2005
- LTF Limited 622,862 624,244
- Tairawhiti
- Pharmaceuticals Ltd 2,375 2,375
- 625,237 626,619
19Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
Pg 20
- 4. Conference
- Income
- Conference sponsorship 48,977 55,556
- Conference fees 113,658 69,715
- 162,635 125,271
- Expenses
- Conference expenses 111,331 106,757
- 51,304 18,514
20Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
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21Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
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22Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
- Statement of Accounting Policies
- Reporting Entity
- Federation of Maori Authorities Incorporated is
a non-profit making organisation. The financial
statements of Federation of Maori Authorities
Incorporated are a general purpose report which
have been prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting practice. - Measurement Base
- The accounting principles recognised as
appropriate for the measurement and reporting of
earnings and financial position on a historical
basis are followed by the society.
23Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
- 1. Statement of Accounting Policies (continued)
- Specific Accounting Policies
- The following specific accounting policies which
materially affect the measurement of earnings and
financial position on a historical basis are
followed by the society. - Accounts receivable are stated at their estimated
net realisable value - Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost
less accumulated depreciation. - Depreciation is calculated at the maximum rates
approved for tax purposes. - - Fixtures and fitting 12.5 - 13.5 CP
- - Other property, plant and equipment 48
CP - - Office equipment 20 -
40 DV 8 - 48 CP - All revenue and expenditure has been shown
exclusive of Goods and ServicesTax. - Investments are stated at lower of cost or net
realisable value. - Taxation expense charged against the net surplus
for the year is estimated total tax for the year
in accordance with the taxation return to Inland
Revenue. - The organisation qualifies for differential
reporting as it is not publicly accountable and
it is not large as defined in the framework for
Differential Reporting. The organisation had
taken advantage of all differential reporting
- Friday 3rd November 2006, 1.00 pm
- Grand Tiara Hotel, Rotorua.
- Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June
25(No Transcript)