Title: Expression Tree Code Segments
1Expression TreeCode Segments
2Tree Case Study
- Tree.h/Tree.C (p. 15/37-38)
- Node.h (p. 14)
- Int_Node.h/Int_Node.C (p. 16/20)
- Unary_Node.h/Unary_Node.C (p. 17/21)
- Binary_Node.h/Binary_Node.C (p. 18/22)
- Factory Pattern Implementation for initializing
Node subclasses (p. 26) - Bridge Pattern for printing subtrees (p. 31,
short) - Adapter Pattern integrates Tree print with C
I/O Streams (p. 36) - Main Program (p. 39)
- Ternary_Node.h/Ternary_Node.C (p. 42/43-44)
Ramy, Xing
Biyani, Mehta
Vincent, Bao
Huang, King, Liu
Arun, Tony
- // R. Shahin and X. Fang
- class Tree // Forward declaration because the
Tree class is used by Node - //Describes the Tree vertices
- class Node //Abstract class Node, base
for concrete Node types - friend class Tree //BAD DESIGN.. Tree breaks
the encapsulation of Node - protected //Only visible to derived classes,
and to Tree of course - // A protected default constructor that
initializes the reference count to 1 - // This constructor is protected to prevent any
other objects to create - // any instances of the Node class hierarchy
except through the factory - // interface (the Tree class). That's the reason
why Tree is declared as - // a friend class so that it has access to the
protected constructors. - Node(void) use_ (1)
4Node.h (cont.)
- // An interface (pure virtual) function to print
the node to an output stream - / pure / virtual void print (ostream ) const
0 - // Important to make destructor virtual because
the specific destructors - // will be determined at run-time using dynamic
binding - virtual Node (void)
- private int use_
- //Counter of the number of references to the
current Node object -
- endif
- // Bridge class that describes the Tree edges and
acts as a factory - // Tree acts both as a bridge to the Node class
hierarchy and also as - // a Node factory since Node object creation
can't take place except - // through the Factory operations (constructors)
of the Tree class - // Typically, the Node class hierarchy should be
hidden from any client - // classes. An even better implementation would
encapsulate the Node class - // hierarchy as inner classes in the Tree class.
This will also eliminate - // the need of declaring Tree as a friend of the
Node class. - // A Tree structure is defined as a recursive
structure of Tree objects - class Tree
- public // Factory operations
6Tree.h (Cont)
- // Constructor creating a tree with an integer
node - Tree (int)
- // Constructor creating a tree with a unary node
- Tree (const char , Tree )
- // Constructor creating a gree with a binary
node - Tree (const char , Tree , Tree )
- // Copy constructor
- Tree (const Tree )
- // Tree assignment operator void operator
(const Tree ) - // Tree destructor
- Tree(void)
- // To print a Tree object to an output stream
- void print (ostream ) const
- private
- // A pointer to the rooted subtree represented
by this tree object - Node node_
- endif
- // Copy constructor
- // copying the object state
- TreeTree (const Tree t) node_ (t.node_)
- // increment the number of references to the
- // copied object by 1
- ((this-gtnode_)-gtuse_)
- //------------------------------------------------
8Tree.cc (Cont)
- // Tree assignment operator
- // A BIG PROBLEM with this method is that it
returns - // nothing, which means that cascading
assignments won't - // work. For example if a, b and c are Tree
objects, an - // expression like (a b c) won't work. It
would be - // better to return a Tree, which will be
(this) at - // the end of the method
- void Treeoperator (const Tree t)
- // increment the number of references to the
- // copied object by 1
- ((t.node_)-gtuse_)
9Tree.cc (Cont)
- // decrement the number of references to the
- // current object by 1 since it's being
overwritten - // An explicit call to the destructor would have
- // eliminated code redundancy
- --((this-gtnode)-gtuse_)
- // if no one refers to the current object anymore
- if (((this-gtnode_)-gtuse_) 0)
- // deallocate the memory of the node object
- delete this-gtnode_
- // copy the node of the copied object into the
node - // of the current object (copying the object
state) - this-gtnode_ t.node_
10Tree.cc (Cont)
- // Tree destructor
- TreeTree(void)
- // decrement the no. of references to the
- // current object by 1
- --((this-gtnode_)-gtuse_)
- // if no one refers to the current object
anymore - if (this-gtnode_-gtuse_ lt 0)
- // deallocate the memory of the node object
- delete this-gtnode_
11Mehta and Biyani
12- //
- //Binary_Node.h Interface File for Binary Node
Class - //Created by D. Schmidt and D. Levine
- //Modified by Pradeep Vincent, 25th Feb 2001,
Michigan State University - //as part of CSE 870(Advanced Software
Engineering Course, SS01) - //Point of Contact Dr. Betty Cheng(chengb_at_cse.msu
.edu) - //
- include Node.h //Include Node interface file
- //Binary Node Interface Definition
- class Binary_Node public Node
- public
- Binary_Node (const char op, //Constructor for
Binary_Node - const Tree t1, // Takes a operator and two
operands - const Tree t2) // The two operands are two
sub-trees of the operator in the expression tree - virtual void print (ostream s) const //
Prints the expression associated with this binary
node. It shouldn't modify - // any variables and it could be
overridden by its sub-class - private
- const char operation_ //Stores the
operation (as a string)
13- //
- //Implementation File for Binary Node Class
- //Created by D. Schmidt and D. Levine
- //Modified by Pradeep Vincent, 25th Feb 2001,
Michigan State University - //as part of CSE 870(Advanced Software
Engineering Course, SS01) - //Point of Contact Dr. Betty Cheng(chengb_at_cse.msu
.edu) - //
- include Binary_Node.h //Include Binary Node
interface file - Binary_NodeBinary_Node (const char op,
- const Tree t1,
- const Tree t2)
- operation_(op), left_(t1), right_(t2)
//constructor for Binary_Node. Assigns
operation(op) to operation_, left subtree(t1) to
left_ and right subtree(t2) to right_ - void Binary_Nodeprint (ostream stream) const
//Print implementation--gt prints the left
subtree, the operation and the right subtree in
order - stream ltlt "(" ltlt this-gtleft_ // recursive
call to print the left subtree - ltlt" " ltlt this-gtoperation_ // print the
operation - ltlt" " ltlt this-gtright_ // recursive call--gt
prints the right subtree - ltlt ")"
14Tree Class Factory Pattern
Factory Pattern Interface File to initialize the
Node subclasses // Created by D. Schmidt and D.
Levine // Modified by Yunduan Bao, 02/25/01,
Michigan State University // as part of CSE 870
(Advanced Software Engineering Course, Sp01) //
Point of Contact Dr. Betty Cheng
(chengb_at_cse.msu.edu) //
// The factory pattern is used by
the Tree class to initialize Node
subclass TreeTree(int num) // constructor
for integer node node_( new Int_Node (num))
// initialize the value of integer
node TreeTree (const char op, const Tree t)
//constructor for a unary node node_ (new
Unary_Node (op, t)) //initialize the value of
unary node //constructor for a binary
node TreeTree (const char op, //
parameter char value of the binary node
const Tree t1, // parameter one
child of the binary node const
Tree t2) // parameter one child of the
binary node node_ (new Binary_Node (op, t1,
t2)) //initialize the value of binary node
15Print Subtrees
King, Huang, Liu 02/25/01 Expression Tree
main calls
Factory Pattern function
TreeTree() (constructor)
main calls
recursive call
Adapter Pattern function
operator ltlt ()
recursive call
Bridge Pattern function
Treeprint calls one of these virtual functions
not recursive
Factory Pattern function
main calls
TreeTree() (destructor)
16Main Program (main.C)
// A. Subramanian and T. Lambert //
Tree t1 Tree ("", Tree ("-", 5),
Tree ("", 3, 4)) // Constructs a
tree with "" as the root node. This root node
is a binary // node with two children trees. The
first child is a tree with a - as the // root
unary node and a single integer node 5. The
second child has a // root binary node with
integer nodes 3 and 4.
cout ltlt t1 ltlt endl // prints ((-5) (3
4)) // Print out the tree t1 that was just
constructed. It prints out the tree by //
calling the trees operatorltlt method. This in
turn calls the trees // print() function which
filters it down to the level of the nodes.
17Main Program (main.C contd)
const Tree t2 Tree (, t1, t1) //
Constructs a tree with as the root binary
node. This node has two // children which are
both the full tree t1. cout ltlt t2 ltlt
endl // See aforementioned comment about cout
// A. Subramanian and T. Lambert include
Node.h // The Ternary_Node class will inherit
from the Node class so we must // include
it. class Ternary_Node public Node // The
beginning of the definition of the Ternary_Node
class showing the // inheritance. Ternary_Node
(const char , const Tree , const Tree , const
Tree ) // This is the constructor and
receives a operator as the root for the tree //
and three subtrees
19Ternary.h (contd incomplete)
// A. Subramanian and T. Lambert virtual void
print (ostream ) const // This class
overloads the virtual function print from its
parent Node // class. Therefore when print is
called on a node that is a ternary node, // this
is the print method that will be
executed. const char operation_ // This
member variable will store the operation that
will be applied to // this nodes
children. Tree left_, middle_, right_ //
These are trees that hold the left, middle, and
right children of this // node respectively.
- include Ternary_Node.h
- // Includes the class declaration for the
Ternary_Node class. - Ternary_NodeTernary_Node (const char op,
- const Tree a,
- const Tree b,
- const Tree c)
- operation_ (op), left_ (a), middle_ (b),
21Ternary.C (contd)
- // This is the implementation of the Ternary_Node
constructor. All it - // does is point the member variables at the new
values coming in. - void Ternary_Nodeprint (ostream stream) const
- // The beginning of the definition of the
Ternary_Node's print() function. - stream ltlt this-gtoperation_ ltlt "("
- ltlt this-gtleft_ // recursive call
- ltlt "," ltlt this-gtmiddle_ // recursive
call - ltlt "," ltlt this-gtright_ // recursive call
- ltlt ")"
- // This line of code recursively prints out the
left, middle, and right trees.
22Sort Case Study
23Overview of Case Study
- Develop general purpose system sort
- Sort lines of text from std input writes result
to std output - E.g., UNIX system sort
- External Behavior
- line is sequence of characters terminated by
newline - Default ordering is lexicographic by bytes in
machine collating sequence - Constraints
- Solution should be time/space efficient
- (efficient I/O and memory mgmt minimal dynamic
binding) - Solution should leverage/yield reusable
components - (use iostreams, Array and Stack classes)
- (yield efficient input classes, generic sort
24System Sort Case Study
- Detailed Format for Solution (p. 58)
- Input Class (p. 61-62)
- Implementation of Strategy Pattern (p. 73, 74)
- Dynamic Array (p. 82)
- Access_Table Class (p. 83) Explain how the
3 implement the Facade and Adapter - Sort_AT_Adapter Class (p. 86)
- Options Class (p. 91-92)
- Using the Options Class (p. 93) (singleton
pattern) - Using the Double-Checked Locking Optimization
Pattern (p. 97-98) - Using the Bridge Pattern (p. 103)
- Using the Factory Pattern (p. 108-109)
- Using the Factory Method Pattern for the
Sort_AT_Adapter (p. 114) - Implementing the Factory Pattern (p. 115-116)
- Iterator Pattern (p. 118-120)
Brown, Zhu
Middlin Malinak, Post
Kirit, James
Hewitt, Kunath
Joy, Latif, Kalaskar
25// J. Brown and F. Zhu //Prototypes template
ltclass ARRAYgt void sort (ARRAY a) // function
sort declaration void operator gtgt (istream ,
Access_TableltLine_Ptrsgt ) // override operator
gtgt void operator ltlt (ostream , const
Access_TableltLine_Ptrsgt ) // override operator
ltlt int main (int argc, char argv) //
function main // First, check if the global
options exist or are currently locked. If they
do not exist, create a // new instance of them,
then parse command line arguments. Otherwise, if
they do exist and // are not locked, parse
them. Optionsinstance ()-gtparse_args (argc,
argv) // First, check if the access table
exists or are currently locked. If it does not
exist, create a // new instance of it, then read
input into the access table. Otherwise, if it
does exist and is // not locked, read in the
input. cin gtgt System_Sortinstance()-gtaccess_tabl
e()) // First, check if the access table is
locked. If not, sort the line of text. sort
(System_Sortinstance()-gtaccess_table()) //
First, check if the access table is locked. If
not, output the sort result from the access
table. cout ltlt System_Sortinstance ()
// Input class stream input, read a
whole file , Created by D. Schmidt and D.
Levine // Modified by Feng Zhu, Jack Brown,
02/25/01, Michigan State University // as part of
CSE 870 (Advanced Software Engineering Course,
Sp01) // Point of Contact Dr. Betty Cheng
(chengb_at_cse.msu.edu) //
class Input //
Describes the Input class public // Reads
from ltinputgt up to ltterminatorgt, replacing
ltsearchgt with ltreplacegt. // Returns pointer to
dynamically allocated buffer. char read
(istream input, int terminator EOF, int
search '\n', int replace '\0') // Number
of bytes replaced. size_t replaced (void)
const // Size of buffer size_t size (void)
const private // Recursive helper
method. char recursive_read (void)
// Sort function Strategy pattern, allow
different pivot selection // Created by D.
Schmidt and D. Levine // Modified by Feng Zhu,
Jack Brown, 02/25/01, Michigan State
University // as part of CSE 870 (Advanced
Software Engineering Course, Sp01) // Point of
Contact Dr. Betty Cheng (chengb_at_cse.msu.edu) //
template ltclass ARRAYgt //function template,
allow different array of data to be sorted void
sort (ARRAY array) // function sort, doing quick
sort // First, check if the pivot strategy
exists or is currently locked. // If it does
not exist, create a new instance of it, then find
a pivot // value into the access table.
Otherwise, if it does exist and is // not
locked, find a pivot value. PivotltARRAYgt
pivot_strat PivotltARRAYgtmake_pivot (Options
instance ()-gtpivot_strat()) quick_sort
(array, pivot_strat) // call quick_sort to sort
the data
// quick_sort function select a pivot and
sort // Created by D. Schmidt and D. Levine //
Modified by Feng Zhu, Jack Brown, 02/25/01,
Michigan State University // as part of CSE 870
(Advanced Software Engineering Course, Sp01) //
Point of Contact Dr. Betty Cheng
(chengb_at_cse.msu.edu) //
// function
template, allow different array of date to be
sorted and // correspondent pivot strategy
passed in template ltclass ARRAY, class
PIVOT_STRATgt quick_sort (ARRAY array,
PIVOT_STRAT pivot_strat) // function
quick_sort // Loop until.... for ()
ARRAYTYPE pivot // typename ARRAYTYPE
pivot ... // Get the pivot using the pivot
strategy pivot pivot_strat-gtget_pivot
(array, lo, hi) // Partition arraylo, hi
relative to pivot ...
29Explanation of Facade and Adapter Patterns
- M. Malinak, P. Middlin, R. Post, J. Babbage
- Facade Intent
- Provide a unified interface to a set of
interfaces in a subsystem - Façade defines a higher-level interface that
makes the subsystem easier to use - Adapter Intent
- Convert the interface of a class into another
interface clients expect - Adapter lets classes work together that couldnt
otherwise because of incompatible interfaces
30Dynamic Array
- // The Array class is the low-level
implementation of the data storage. It - // is hidden from the Sort class in multiple
levels- the Access_Table class - // makes use of the Array class to store what
needs to be stored from input. - // The Sort_AT_Adapter class then provides the
adaptation between the Sort - // and Access_Table classes.
- template ltclass Tgt // Templated class
definition for Array - class Array
- // interfaces available to other classes
- public
- Array (size_t size 0) // Constructor
- int init (size_t size) // initialize size
with given size argument -
31Dynamic Array (cont.)
- T operator(size_t index) // returns object
given index - // Using operators
instead of function - // calls is a
convenience issue. This is the - // facade pattern.
- size_t size (void) const // returns current
size of array - // . . .
- // interfaces exclusive to this class
- private
- T array_ // a pointer to a
single object - size_t size_ // the current size of
the array
32The Access_Table Class
- // The Access_Table class makes use of the Array
class to store its input. - // The function calls for using the Access_Table
class are not the same - // as the function calls that The Sort class
expects to use, this Access_Table - // class will be adapted using the
Sort_AT_Adapter class. This class uses - // some Adapter pattern ideas, in that it hides
the indexing call - // to the access_array_ variable with a function
called element(index). - template ltclass Tgt // Templated class
definition for Access_Table - class Access_Table
- // interfaces available to other classes
- public
- // Factory Method for initializing
Access_Table. - virtual int make_table (size_t num_lines,
- Char buffer) 0
33The Access_Table Class (cont)
- // Destructor
- // Release buffer memory.
- virtual Access_Table (void) delete
buffer_ - // Retrieve reference to ltindexthgt element.
- T element (size_t index)
- return access_array_index // passes call
to the underlying Array object -
- // Length of the access_array.
- size_t length (void) const
- return access_array_.size () // passes call
to the underlying array -
34The Access_Table Class (cont)
- // interfaces available only to this class and
classes derived from it - protected
- ArrayltTgt access_array_ // Access table is
array of type T. - char buffer_ // Hold the data
buffer. -
35The Sort_AT_Adapter Class
- // The Sort_AT_Adapter class is an intermediary
adapter class that translates - // the calls that the Sort class would make into
the appropriate calls - // for the Access_Table class. The calls the Sort
class makes are standard - // for that class, and we shouldn't have to be
aware of how the Acess_Table - // class works in the Sort class. Instead, we
adapt the Access_Table class - // to the Sort class by making an additional
class that calls the appropriate - // functions between classes. This way two
classes can communicate with - // one another when they otherwise could not.
- // Low level detail we use this struct for
storing pointers to the actual - // data
- struct Line_Ptrs
- // Comparison operator used by sort().
- int operatorlt (const Line_Ptrs )
36The Sort_AT_Adapter Class (cont)
- // beginning of line and field/column.
- char bol_, bof_
- class Sort_AT_Adapter
- // Note the use of the class form of the
Adapter - private Access_TableltLine_Ptrsgt
- // interfaces available to other classes
- public
- // creates the table of data
- virtual int make_table (size_t num_lines, char
buffer) - typedef Line_Ptrs TYPE // Type trait.
37The Sort_AT_Adapter Class (cont)
- // These methods adapt Access_Table methods
- // The indexing () operator is used to access
a given index. - // We translate this into the actual function
call that gets - // and indexed value, which is may not be in a
simple indexable - // array at all. This is the Facade pattern -
we hide the actual - // implementation with a simpler, easier to use
operator. - T operator (size_t index)
- return element (index)
- // The size function is what the Sort class
expects to call. - // This is translated to the "length" function
of the Access_Table - // class.
- size_t size (void) const return length ()
38Options.h(Singleton Pattern)
- By
- Kirit Patel
- James Vanderhyde
39Why use Singleton Patterns?
- Ensures a class has only one instance.
- Providing a global point of access to it.
- Sometimes we want to make sure that there is only
one instance of a particular class/system. (i.e.
file system, window manager,) - Singleton was a nice person.
- //This class is a Singleton. It contains exactly
- // one instance that is statically referenced.
- // It is useful for holding global information
- // without the dangers of global variables.
- class Options
- public // interfaces available to other
classes - //Returns a pointer to the singleton object
of this class - static Options instance (void)
- //Parses and stores options from main
- void parse_args (int argc, char argv)
41Options.h (Contd.)
- //Four options that may be on or off
- //These options are stored in octal order
- // so that we can use them as bitmasks!
- enum Option
- FOLD 01, //compare strings case insensitively
- NUMERIC 02, //compare string as if numbers
- REVERSE 04, //sort in reverse order (?)
- NORMAL 010 //compare strings case
senstively - //Pivot-selection strategy for quicksort
- enum Pivot_Strategy
- MEDIAN, //median of first, middle, and last
- RANDOM, //randomly choose a pivot
- FIRST //use first element
42Options.h (contd.)
- //Returns whether Option o is set in this
singleton - bool enabled (Option o)
- //Returns value of a global variable for
- // how far we have progressed through the
input - int field_offset (void) // Offset from BOL.
- //Returns the pivot strategy in this
singleton - Pivot_Strategy pivot_strat (void)
- //Function pointer for comparing two strings
- int (compare) (const char l, const char
43Options.h (Contd.)
- protected //interfaces available to this class
and classes derived from it -
- //The default constructor for this class
- //I don't know how it ensures a singleton.
- Options (void) // Ensure Singleton.
- //The place the maskable options are stored
- u_long options_ //Maintains options bitmask
. . . -
- //How far we have progresses through the
input - int field_offset_
- //The single instance of the class
- //Since it's static, it is referenced through
the class - static Options instance_ // Singleton.
44Options.h (Contd.)
- //This operator is used to compare two Line_Ptrs
objects. - int Line_Ptrsoperatorlt (const Line_Ptrs rhs)
- //Get a handy reference to the global
information. - Options options Optionsinstance ()
- //If we are under normal operation,
- if (options-gtenabled (OptionsNORMAL))
- //we compare with strcmp.
- return strcmp (this-gtbof_, rhs.bof_) lt 0
- //Otherwise, if we are under case-insensitive
operation, - else if (options-gtenabled (OptionsFOLD))
- //we compare with strcasecmp.
- return strcasecmp (this-gtbof_, rhs.bof_) lt 0
45Options.h (Final)
- //Otherwise, we must be under number comparing
operation, - else
- // assert (options-gtenabled (OptionsNUMERIC))
- //so we use numcp.
- return numcmp (this-gtbof_, rhs.bof_) lt 0
46//TEMPLATE Singleton is a generic templated
class independent // of a particular
type. TYPE and LOCK, are the data //
types to use when a Singleton object is
instantiated. //PURPOSE we need to ensure only
one instance of the singleton // object
is created. we use a singleton pattern and a //
double checking lock mechanism to
eliminate race // conditions that may
occur in a multi-threaded environment. template
ltclass TYPE, class LOCKgt class Singleton public
//member function instance created
once(static) and remains //until program
completion static TYPE instance
(void) protected //pointer to unique instance
that remains for entire program static TYPE
instance_ static LOCK lock_ //locking
47- //TEMPLATE TYPE and LOCK, the data types to use
when Singleton - // is called.
- //RETURN pointer to single instance of object
TYPE - //PURPOSE hide creation of object and provide
access to instance - // behind class operation so that the class
cannot be - // instantiated more than once or
directly - template ltclass TYPE, class LOCKgt
- SingletonltTYPE, LOCKgtinstance (void)
- //checks if we already have an instance
- if (instance_ 0)
- //locks only on first access to eliminate race
conditions - //and lock overhead
- GuardltLOCKgt mon (lock_)
- if (instance_ 0) //double check
- instance_ new TYPE //create new instance
- return instance_
48- //PURPOSE operator lt used to perform sort. we
use a bridge pattern - // to decouple the comparison operation
from the implementation - // by providing the Line_Ptrs interface
and calling the - // Optionscompare member function to
handle the specific - // comparison.
- //INPUT reference to right hand operand.
- //COMMENTS dereferences rhs, a variable declared
as data member of - // Line_Ptrs
- int
- Line_Ptrsoperatorlt(const Line_Ptrs rhs)
- //operator lt relies on the return value
determined by - //Optionscompare
- return (Optionsinstance ()-gtcompare)
- (bof_, rhs.bof_) //this-gtbof_ltrhs.bof_
49CSE870 Homework 5Design Pattern Case Studies
with C
- by
- Rajat Joy
- Rahul Kalaskar
- Amal Latif
- Prakarn Unachak
50pg. 108
- /
- Options this class contains the cmd line
options parse_args method used - to assign value to the function ptr compare
- /
- Options parse_args (int argc, char argv)
- // . . .
- if (this-gtenabled (Options NORMAL)) // check
if the cmd line option is // NORMAL - this-gtcompare strcmp // assign addr of
strcmp to compare - else if (this-gtenabled (Options FOLD)) //
check if the cmd line option is // FOLD - this-gtcompare strcasecmp // assign addr of
strcmp to compare - else if (this-gtenabled (Options NUMERIC)) //
check if the cmd line option is // NUMERIC - this-gtcompare numcmp // assign addr of
strcmp to compare - // . . .
51pg. 109
- / This method implements the numeric
comparison s1 and s2 are strings /int
numcmp (const char s1, const char
s2) double d1 strtod (s1, 0), d2 strtod
(s2, 0) - // strtod gt sting to double if (d1 lt d2)
return -1 // if d1 is less than
d2 return - // -1 else if (d1 gt d2) return 1
// if d1 is greater than d2 - // return 1 else // if (d1 d2)
return 0 // return 0 for all other case
52pg. 114
- /
- This method is used to read and initialize
Access table is input stream at Access table - /
- template ltclass Tgtvoid operatorgtgt (istream is,
Access_Tablelt Tgt at) Input input // class
used to read the text char buffer
input.read (is) // Read entire stdin into
buffer. size_t num_lines input.replaced () //
gives the no. of line of text. at.make_table
(num_lines, buffer) // Factory Method
initializes // Access_ Tableltgt.
53pg. 115
- / Factory Method initializes Access_ Table.
num_lines no of lines in the text buffer
contains the text /int Sort_AT_Adapter
make_table (size_t num_lines, char buffer) //
Array assignment op. this-gtaccess_array_.resize
(num_lines) // resize access array according
// to the new no. of line (resize //
needs to be defined in // Sort_AT_Adaptor) - this-gtbuffer_ buffer // Obtain
ownership. size_t count 0 //initialize the
54pg. 116
- // Iterate through the buffer and determine where
the beginning of lines and fields - // must go.
- // Line_Ptrs-Iter gives on line at a time. The
line is then assigned in the - // access_array
- for (Line_Ptrs_Iter iter (buffer, num_lines)
iter.is_done () 0 iter.next ()) - Line_Ptrs line_ptr iter.current_element ()
// get the current line // from the iter. - this-gtaccess_array_ count line_ptr //
assign this line to // the current
// position in the // access
55pg. 118
- /
- Constructor for Line_Ptr_Iter class buffer
buffer containing - the lines
- num_lines no. of line in the buffer
- /
- Line_Ptrs_Iter Line_Ptrs_Iter(char buffer,
size_t num_lines)
56pg 119
- /
- This method gets the current element in the
iter returns the ptr to Line_Ptrs - /
- Line_Ptrs Line_Ptrs_Iter current_element (void)
- Line_Ptrs lp //lp is a data structure of type
Line_Ptrs // Determine beginning of next line
and next field ... lp.bol_ // . . . // assigns
a ptr lp.bof_ // . . . // assigns a
ptr return lp
57pg. 120
- /
- Out the text depending upon the options.
- os is the output stream at is the access table.
- /
- template ltclass Tgt
- void operatorltlt (ostream os,const Access_Tablelt
Tgt at) - if (Options instance()-gtenabled
(OptionsREVERSE)) - // check for options.
- for (size_t i at.size() i gt 0 -- i) // if
the option is REVERSE, os ltlt at i - 1 //
display the access table from // last to
first Array entryelse for (size_t i 0 i lt
at.size() i) // if not, display the access
table os ltlt ati // from first Array entry
to the // last