Title: Maori and Pasifika Education Initiative
1Maori and Pasifika Education Initiative
2Our Vision
- Ma tatou ano tatou e korero
- (We speak for ourselves)
- An empowered Pasifika Community building Pasifika
3Demographic Trends Median Age Ethnic Groups
(39 44yrs) (28 36yrs) (23
26yrs) (21 24yrs)
Source www.mai.ac.nz 2008 MANU-AO Lecture
Whanau 2033 Presenter(s)Durie,
MasonDate1/23/2008 DescriptionProfessor Mason
Durie The Determinants of Transformation
4- In the next 10 years
- Auckland regions Maori population will rise from
144,000 to 183,000. - Its Pasifika population will rise from 176,000
to 256,000.
5What this means?
- In 2021 when possibly many of us here will be
pensioners - the average age of the Maori and
Pacific community will be around 23 ½ years old
6The Statistics
- Statistics of students leaving school with less
than NZCEA Level One - 21.7 are Pakeha
- 48.9 are Maori
- 36.6 are Pasifika
7Harnessing Potential
- A million minds are not making the contribution
to New Zealand society that they might. - How can we harness this potential?
8ASB Community Trust
- Have already put grants worth 67 million into
education between 2001 and 2006. - More funds have now been set aside specifically
for this new Education Initiative. -
9(No Transcript)
10Question for the ASB Community Trust
- Are we going to Accept our Future?
- or are we going to Change our Future?
11The Initiative
- Alongside Maori Pasifika Reference Groups,
community funder ASB Community Trust has taken on
the challenge to change our future
12Areas of Focus for Pasifika
- Strengthening partnerships to equip seamless
learning within families/communities. - Sustainable programs connecting schools and
communities - Successful transition from one educational
setting to another - Retention and success within an educational
setting - Pasifika based education.
- Increasing community Leadership capacity and
capability in education.
13Areas of Focus for Maori
- School-Community-Home engagement
- School and beyond
- Kaupapa Maori-based education
- There will also be a space for initiatives that
do not fit within these areas
14What we will fund
- We will fund both existing projects that have
demonstrated successful Educational outcomes as
well as new initiatives. - Applicants must have charitable status i.e. be a
Charitable Trust or Incorporated Society or come
under the umbrella of one. - We can fund from Cape Reinga down to Port Waikato
(being the ASB Community Trust geographic
boundary). - For Maori - the initiative is aimed at a hapu or
iwi level, rather than at individual marae.
15What to include in your EOI
- An outline of your organisations purpose and
intended project/initiative. - Explain the target sector and numbers that will
benefit. - Outline the area/region youll be working in.
- Evidence of a collaborative community approach.
- Clear contact details.
17Contact us
(09) 360 0291 or 0800 272 878