TRANSTOOLS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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10:45 Opening by ISIS (ISIS - Ricardo Enei) 10:50 State of affairs TRANS-TOOLS ... session on European modelling together with ETIS-BASE and SUMMA projects. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: transtools | summa


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Monday 20th of June
  • 1030 Coffee
  • 1045 Opening by ISIS (ISIS - Ricardo Enei)
  • 1050 State of affairs TRANS-TOOLS (TNO-Arnaud
  • 1105 WP1 Policy and model needs and identify
    model specification Blueprint (TNO-Arnaud
  • 1120 WP2 Implementation of data input
    (TRT-Angelo Martino)
  • 1140 First results network and assignment (CTT-
    Otto Anker Nielsen)
  • 1205 Modelling SCGE (CAU Johannes Broecker)
  • 1220 Modelling Passenger (IWW- Markus Kraft)
  • 1240 Modelling Freight (NEA- Philippe
    Tardieu/Ming Chen, TNO-Maaike Snelder)
  • 1300 Lunch
  • 1400 Discussion Issues (not limitative list)
    Short Distance Traffic SCGE linkage in model
    Assignment routines
  • 1530 Break
  • 1600 Discussion Issues, Continued, Logistics
    New modelling demands (airline industry,
    reliability, others??) Technology Implementation
    Plan, Relation with the Commission and Eurostat,
    And what after TRANS-TOOLS?
  • 1800 Closing 1st day Conclusions

  • Tuesday 21st of June
  • 0930 Managerial aspects TRANS-TOOLS (TNO
    Arnaud Burgess)
  • 1010 Conclusion previous day (All)
  • 1030 WP3 Model development and calibration
    freight (NEA- Ming Chen/ Philippe Tardieu)
  • 1130 WP3 Model development and calibration
    passenger (IWW-Eckhard Szimba/Markus Kraft)
  • 1230 Lunch
  • 1330 WP4 Construct common model software
    implementation tool (CTT-Otto Anker Nielsen)
  • 1450 WP5 Scenarios and application (TNO- Arnaud
  • 1500 Planning of activities/meeting schedule
  • 1515 Activities for the next period (to do list)
  • 1530 Closing meeting

TRANS-TOOLS activities
  • The kick-off of the project was held on Monday
    18th October 2004 in Delft, the Netherlands. This
    was the moment for starting WP1. The website was
    opened at the kick off meeting. Also the
    information leaflet containing a public friendly
    description was presented at the kick-off
  • Two meetings with the Commission were held on the
    26th of October and 13th of December, important
    one scenario is fixed of WP5.
  • An FTP site is maintained at TNO for exchanging
    data within the project.
  • A project meeting has been held on 20th and 21st
    of January 2005 in Copenhagen.
  • The website was updated after the Copenhagen
    meeting, presentations of this meeting were put
    on the website.
  • On the 31st of January the first Deliverable D1
    was submitted to the Commission.
  • After finishing D1, the WP2 was immediately
    started, aiming at delivering D2 end of May.
  • On the 10th of February a presentation was given
    at the TRANS-FORUM project in Antwerpen, Belgium.
  • On the 17th of March 2005 a presentation was
    given for the PLATOS modelling conference in Den
    Bosch, the Netherlands.
  • In January to March several bilateral and
    trilateral meetings were held in order to solve
    the problems concerning networks and modelling at
    TNO office and NEA office.
  • D2 was submitted on 31st of May.
  • This Interim progress report was finally written.
  • All deliverables are accepted, except information

Administrative and other issues
Administrative and other issues
  • TRANS-TOOLS should be more explicit about
    different ways of dealing with short and long
    distance transport. The current development of
    the model foresees in three motives of journey,
    long and short distance traffic. The question is
    if the number of purposes is sufficient. e.g.,
    should we not include commuter traffic in the
    TRANS-TOOLS model? (comment Hugh Gunn)
  • The introduction of Low Cost Carriers in the
    airline industry has changed costs of travelling
    considerably. Are these changes in costs included
    in the TRANS-TOOLS model? This was discussed
    during a recent meeting of the TRANS-TOOLS
    consortium. It is difficult to develop a model
    that simulates industrial behaviour in advance.
    However, the effects of Low Cost Carriers on
    prices and travel times could be included in the
    model (comment Wim Korver).
  • The LoS might be difficult to include with the
    defined time periods. This is possible on
    regional and national level as is shown in the
    UK, but on European level it might be difficult
    to work out.(remark by mr Tom Worsley)
  • The policy needs of the TRANS TOOLS model need to
    be identified, the deliverable D1 of TRANS TOOLS
    will be evaluated on this aspect. (Marion
  • Is reliability of travel times, a research line,
    that recently is started, is growing in interest,
    included in TRANS-TOOLS? Including reliability in
    the model could be difficult according to mr Wim
    Korver the advice of TRANSFORUM was to pay
    attention to this topic as it is becoming more
    important rapidly.

  • Comments WP1
  • As feedback at the first Transforum seminar in
    which the Trans-Tools approach was presented, the
    project needs to show a clearer user-orientation
    and transparency (so as not to be inward-looking
    or appear like a "black box").
  • In particular in Deliverable D1 the policy
    requirements needs to be presented in a more
    user-oriented-way, with a clearer distinction
    between these needs on the one hand, and the
    constraints which are due either to the specific
    approach used in the project, to missing data, or
    to the effort and time limitations of the project
    on the other hand.
  • Also more details are needed on policy objectives
    and uses at EU, National but also regional or
    local level, as well as the specificities of the
    "new Member States (which should be included
    together with those of other EU member states,
    rather than presented separately). Finally,
    justification of the policy elements retained or
    not retained is needed.

  • Comments WP2
  • This detailed, clear and well-documented report
    provides a good view of many of the challenges
    which the project is faced with in this area.
  • Note however that key issues regarding
    validation, dissemination and exploitation
    strategies (including Intellectual Property
    Rights) in terms of data availability/updates/impr
    ovements (e.g. at national or regional level, or
    vis-à-vis Eurostat) will need to be addressed
    explicitly in parallel, as part of the Technology
    Implementation Plan investigation and report.
  • Please note that regarding exploitation by
    EUROSTAT of the CISCO improvements made by
    Trans-Tools, the contact person in Unit B1 is Mr
    Andreas Nägele (

  • Comments
  • TRANS-TOOLS was presented in a separate session
    on European modelling together with ETIS-BASE and
    SUMMA projects. Especially the IPR free elements
    of ETIS BASE and TRANS-TOOLS were welcomed by the
    Dutch audience. The fact that Commission now sets
    the networks and data matrices in the public
    domain together with a modelling tool was highly

  • Clear innovations obtained from TRANS-TOOLS
  • Intermodality for passenger/freight (as National
    and European transport policies seek to promote
    intermodality through different measures).
  • Inclusion of intercontinental flows (mainly for
    freight), as some models do not cover this
  • Full coverage of Central and Eastern Europe
    (Accession Countries and the countries at the
    borders of the enlarged European Union).
  • Integration of the new Member States at a level
    similar to those of EU 15.
  • Feedback infrastructure development-economy (as
    the question of indirect effects in the economy
    and on network level is important, especially
    where investment has a substantial influence -
    notably for the Accession Countries).
  • Logistics/freight chain explicitly included.
  • Coupling method with local traffic in order to
    address the effect of congestion on long-distance
  • A software approach is chosen which results in a
    software modelling tool on network level

  • Indentified shortcomings in modelling
  • No satisfactory representation of the mix of
    traffic on network (short/long distance and
  • Intermodality, as well as transport chains as
    standard load units (in case of freight), and
    logistics not well (or partly) covered in models.
  • Differences in implementation of OD base year for
    freight traffic in some models, this leads to
    non-acceptance by member states
  • Forecasting procedures do not capture important
    features as acknowledged by policy makers
    (notably the reaction of the economy on transport
    initiatives, captured in indirect network
    effects) Fixed origin destination matrices are
    to some extent a problem, one expects in the long
    run an adaptation in economic behaviour due to
    changed accessibility.
  • Some models are not updated and use still
    outdated base year data and do not cover all new
    accession countries to a sufficient degree. Some
    models have limited network representation
    especially in new member states and the candidate
  • No sufficient linkage of network based transport
    models with socio economic effects
    (accessibility) and external effects exists at

  • "policy levers" of the TRANS-TOOLS model
  • costs and travel times, i.e. for each measure you
    want to evaluate you would need an estimate of
    its impact on costs and time and then with that
    information you would get the impacts on traffic,
    environment and economic activity
  • logistics parameters (besides transport, also
    inventory and warehouse costs)
  • Socio-economic (GDP, population, employment, car
  • parameter changes (structural model parameters,
  • network changes

TRANS-TOOLS Test run June 05
  • Network established
  • Road (NEA ? CTT)
  • Rail (IWW ? CTT)
  • IWW (CTT)
  • Maritime (TNO ? CTT)
  • Air (IWW ? CTT)
  • Feeding points passenger/freight (IWW ? CTT)
  • Freight executable
  • Data 2000 (NEA? CTT)
  • Production/attraction trade model (NEA? CTT)
  • Modal split (NEA? CTT)
  • Nuts 2 unimodal freight tonnes/vehicles (NEA?
  • Converting freight into NUTS 3 (CTT)

TRANS-TOOLS Test run June 05
  • Passenger executable
  • Data 2000 (IWW ? CTT)
  • Production/attraction model (IWW ? CTT)
  • Modal split (IWW ? CTT)
  • Nuts 3 unimodal passenger/vehicles(IWW ? CTT)
  • Network assignment
  • Speed flow function implementation (IWW ? CTT)
  • Cost functions for freight (NEA/TNO ? CTT)
  • Cost functions for passenger (IWW ? CTT)
  • Testing assignment (with matrices baseyear)
  • Testing assignment with freight and passenger
    executable (CTT)

TRANS-TOOLS Test run June 05
TRANS-TOOLS Policy analysis shortcommings
  • Full coverage of all EU countries. Existing
    models already cover the traditional EU-15 member
    states for the greater part, but data on the
    required transport performance in new Member
    States are hardly included.
  • Explicit link between economic and transport
    models. The existing models do not yet directly
    link transport developments nor incentives to
    economic effects. Vice versa, economic
    developments and incentives are commonly linked
    to transport effects in a rather general manner.
    Hence, the interrelationships between economic
    and transport models are not yet fully included
    in the contemporary models.
  • Inclusion of LoS (Level of Service). How to come
    from yearly observed values to AADT and a measure
    of quality of service? In current models are
    constructed on the basis of yearly values (i.e.
    the yearly volume of tonnes, passengers, vehicles
    between origin and destination or on a link),
    however congestion does have a time component
    (per day per season).

TRANS-TOOLS Policy analysis shortcommings
  • 4. Appropriate zoning system. Some existing
    models work at too coarse spatial level and
    therefore traffic assignment results are not
    always enough accurate. Still keeping a different
    zoning systems for freight (NUTS 2) and
    passengers (NUTS 3) for trip distribution and
    modal split (essentially due to difficulties in
    the data availability and statistics gaps for
    goods movements), it is important at least to
    have an homogenous detailed assignment at NUTS 3
    level which allows the inclusion of elements of
    local traffic.
  • 5. Freight intermodality and logistics is covered
    to some extent in current models. Logistics is
    previously implemented in SMILE and in SCENES, on
    European scale the implementation is necessary,
    since it is one of the drivers of transport
    growth (see annex). However it is in SCENES never
    calibrated. is not yet tested. In passenger
    transport intermodality is covered to a better
    extent than freight in existing models. The
    present set of European models provide sufficient
    details for motive of journey and commodity
    classification which can be used for a market
  • 6. Use of recent data. European transport models
    should be based on most recent data. The best
    harmonised available data comes from ETIS-BASE,
    for the year 2000 data are available for
    passenger and for freight. An integrated model
    should use this information. For freight it is
    important that intercontinental freight flows are
    included since these are a determining factor in
    European freight flows.
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