Title: Diapositiva 1
1 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
REACT Renewable Energy Action
Carlos García BarqueroHead Department of
Studies IDAE Brussels, February 24th 2005
2 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
National meetings planned
Project timetable Starting date August
2003 Final date February 2005
3 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
National meetings
- 3 National Meetings
- May 2004 1st National Meeting in the frame of an
annual meeting focused on monitoring renewable
energy projects in Spain (BDFER database). - June 2004 National Meeting on Biomass, relevant
as input for REACT project.
- October 2004 2nd National Meeting (Workshop).
Meeting Place IDAEs Headquarters, Madrid.
4 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
1st REACT National Meeting
- Who?
- Regional Energy Agencies
- Objective
- Disseminate all the Best Practices
- Attendance 22 participants
- Duration 4 hours
- Request to participants their opinion concerning
two main questions - Which Best Practices were needed in their
region? - Which actors involved in the promotion of the
renewable energy sector should be invited to the
REACT national workshop in Spain?
5 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
Additional Biomass National Meeting
- Why?
- Strategic importance of the meeting for Biomass
and RES planning in Spain ? Input to REACT
project - Who?
- Relevant actors within the biomass sector
- Objective
- To propose a Biomass Action Plan
- Results 24 recommendations
- Administrative (3)
- Energy resources (9)
- Energy crops
- Agriculture and forestry residues
- Creation of a real biomass market
- Financial (2)
- Feed in tariffs and fiscal measures for biofuels.
- Technological (4)
- Programs for R D
- Others (6)
- Thermal applications in buildings
- Biomass standards for solid biofuels
6 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
2nd REACT National Meeting Workshop
- Who?
- Regional energy Agencies
- Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce
- National Commission of Energy (CNE)
- The Spanish Office for Climatic Change
- The Research Centre for Energy, Environment and
Technology (CIEMAT) - Attendance 25 participants
- Duration 5 hours
- Workshop Structure
- General presentation of the project.
- Presentation of REACT 23 Best
- Practices structured in 3 markets
- Electricity 8 Best Practices.
- Heat 12 Best Practices.
- Biofuels 3 Best Practices.
- Best Practices for Spain were not exposed
-they were well known by all assistants-. - Interactive workshop developed after the
presentation of the Best Practices for each
7 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
- Recommendations concerning the revision of
Directive 2001/77/EC - Harmonisation of the support systems to CHP in
the MMSS. - Need of further development of the electrical
grid for a better integration of renewable
energies. - Security criteria to optimise the operation of
the electrical system.
- Recommendation of support to the feed-in
tariff system - Positive assessment of the new Spanish feed-in
tariffs system Open option for RES-E
participation in the electricity market, which
includes both incentives and premiums.
8 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
- Wind energy
- General interest concerning the Portuguese
Practice of giving a bonus ( of income) to the
town councils. - Not recommended to give priority to sites with
low resources. - Photovoltaic
- Positive valuation of Germans Best Practice.
- Recommendation of including in the premium a term
of subvention for the connexion to the grid.
- General
- gtgtRecommendation of more aids to manufacturers
involved in the RES energies sector. - gtgtQuestion Is there any Best Practices for
wind off-shore development?
9 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
- Positive valuation of the Best Practices of
Finland and Austria - National energy advisors network Heat sales.
- Residential sector Aids to renewable energies.
- For Spain, it is concluded the need of
coordination on measures of economic support,
together with campaigns of promotion, for a
better use of available aids for this energy
- Projects BIOHEAT and BIOHEAT II, show for
Spain good results on the promotion of the
thermal biomass by means of installers,
manufacturers and city councils.
10 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y
- General agreement with the proposal of
recommendations drafted in the first version of
the document REACT Liquid Biofuels, September