Title: Overview of .NET Security
1Overview of .NET Security
- Li-Yan Zhang
- Dev Support SR. Engineer
- MS Trustworthy Computing Initiative
- Security Fundamentals
- Authentication, Authorization, Access Check
- Secure channel
- Privacy, Integrity
- .NET Security Infrastructure
- Buffer Overrun--1 public enemy
- Authentication
- CAS (Code Access Security) Evidence Based
Security - Role Based Security
- Cryptography
- QA
3MS Trustworthy Computing Initiative
- Trustworthy Computing" Is Job 1 at Microsoft
- Trustworthy Computing whitepaper
- http//www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/craig/05-0
1trustworthywp.asp - Security features ! Secure features
- MS Trustworthy Computing Initiative
- Security Fundamentals
- Authentication, Authorization, Access Check
- Secure channel
- Privacy, Integrity
- .NET Security Infrastructure
- Buffer Overrun--1 public enemy
- Authentication
- CAS (Code Access Security) Evidence Based
Security - Role Based Security
- Cryptography
- QA
5Fundamentals of Security
- Process Flow
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Access Check
- Secure Channels
- NTLM,SSL, Kerberos, Basic, Digest etc.
- Privacy, Integrity, Nonrepudiation
- Crypto APIs, Digital certificates
- MS Trustworthy Computing Initiative
- Security Fundamentals
- Authentication, Authorization, Access Check
- Secure channel
- Privacy, Integrity
- .NET Security Infrastructure
- Buffer Overrun--1 public enemy
- Authentication
- CAS (Code Access Security) Evidence Based
Security - Role Based Security
- Cryptography
- QA
7Public Enemy 1 The Buffer Overrun
- What is Buffer Overrun ?
- Static buffer run
- Heap overrun
- Format string bugs
- Array indexing errors
- Demoa static buffer overrun exploit
- Countermeasures
- Developers applying best code practice
- Tools System
- VC7 /GS flag
- CLR type verification
8The VC7 /GS Option for "Buffer Security Check"
9A Simplified Stack Layout and inserting a canary
into a stack
10CLR type verification
- Security enforceable on well-behaved code
- Arbitrary code can subvert security mechanisms
- Verification rules are safe, may falsely reject
- Code is verified to be memory type safe
- Only access objects via well-defined interfaces
- Well-formed metadata and instructions
- No stack underflow/overflow conditions
- Verifiability depends on the compiler/language
- Visual Basic .NET
- C verifiable (except C unsafe keyword)
- C is generally not verifiable
- SecurityPermissionAttribute.SkipVerification
- Basic, Digest
- Operating system (such as NTLM or Kerberos)
- Passport
- Application-defined mechanisms, such as
Form-based in ASP.NET
12Form-based security
- ASP.NET security IIS security
- Form-based security
- Demo
13Passport Authentication
- SSI (Single Sign In)
- Passport is irrelevant to authorization
- Sample sites MSN, Ebay, Monster.com.
- Technologies
- Cookies
- HTTP Redirect
- GET and POST
- Query String
- Development
- Whitepaper
14.NET Passport SSI process
15Code Access Security (CAS)
- Why CAS?
- Partial trust environment mobile code, WinForm
Controls - Luring attack
- Permissions
- Overrides Stack walks
- Evidence Based Security
- Evidence
- Policy assemblies
- Code groups
- Security Policy evidences ?permissions
- Declarative vs. Imperative security
16Code Access Security Permissions
- Permissions
- To limit access to system resources. For example,
EnvironmentPermission class for environment
variables access permission. - Types (System.Security.Permissions)
- Environment
- File Access
- Etc.
- SecurityException
- Thrown when code attempts to access a protected
resource without having the needed permission
17Code Access Security Stack Walk
- Permissions are kept in a Stack Frame
- Demand LinkDemand
- Causes the CLR to walk the stack evaluating each
frames permissions - Modify the stack walk
- Assert, Deny, PermitOnly
- The more requests for protected resources, the
more system overhead
18Code Access Security Stack walk (cont.)
- Demand EnvironmentPermission ()
- Each frame demand permission ? grant?
- If all frames pass Succeed, allow operation
- Otherwise SecurityException()
Demand EnvironmentPermission(read, USERNAME)
19Code Access Security Stack walk with overrides
- Permission added to stack as assertion
- To assert SecurityPermission.Assertion
- Must have the permission being asserted
- Assert stops stack walk for permission
Demand SecurityPermission (UnmanagedCode)
20Declarative vs. Imperative
- Declarative
- FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Read
c\\temp) - public void foo()
- // class does something with c\temp
- Imperative
- FileIOPermission p new FileIOPermission(
- FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, f)
- p.Demand()
- Demo
- testStackWalk
21Evidence-Based Security Evidence
- Where those PSets come from?
- Evidence
- Presented by an assembly at load time
- Location based or identity based
- Origin of the assembly, assembly publisher,
digital signature. - Evidence is the input to policy
- Hash hash of the assembly
- Publisher AuthentiCode signer
- StrongName public keynameversion
- Site Web site of code origin
- Url URL of code origin
- Zone zone (IE) of code origin
- Extensible for new kinds of evidence
22Evidence For The Assembly
- Get evidence location, from assembly
- Put evidence on Assembly security descriptor
- Evidence cannot be viewed/modified by code
- Ready to begin security policy resolution
file//kohnfelder/ share/app.exe
- Evidence
- URL(file//kohnfelder/share/app.exe)
- Zone(Intranet)
23Evidence-Based Security Code Groups
- A code group has two attributes Membership
condition, PermissionSet - Code groups tests evidence against membership
condition - If fails, ignore the code group and its
children - If match permission set and children
24Evidence-Based SecurityPolicy Assembly
- Policy Assemblies
- The pre-trusted assemblies for evaluation other
assemblies in the policy evaluation process. - Configured in Mscorcfg.msc
25Evidence Based SecurityPolicy Evaluation
- Test evidence against this code group
- IMembershipCondition tests evidence set
- If code group matches evidence
- Accumulate these permission sets by level
- Evaluate all child code groups (as above)
- Stop at non-matching code groups
- Children are ignored, have no impact
26Managed Code Execution
27Role Based Security
- Identity, Principal and Role
- User, user token and groups.
- .NET applications grant rights to the principal
based on its identity or, more commonly, its role
membership. - Three namespaces
- System.Security.Principal
- System.Security.Permissions
- System.Web.Security
28The runtime structure of the objects
29Role Based Security (cont.)
- Four ways to implement Role-Based Security
- Windows authentication
- WindowsIdentity, IsInRole
- Application customized
- GenericIdentity objGenericIdentity new
GenericIdentity(Page.User.Identity.Name) - GenericPrincipal objGenericPrincipal new
GenericPrincipal(objGenericIdentity, userRoles) - objGenericPrincipal.IsInRole(allRolesi)
- Declarative
- PrincipalPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.De
mand, User John, Role "Assembly Line
Coordinator") - Imperative
- PrincipalPermission objPrincipalPermission
new PrincipalPermission("John", "Assembly Line
Coordinator") - objPrincipalPermission.Demand()
- System.Security.Cryptography Namespace
- asymmetric encryption - RSA and DSA
- symmetric encryption - DES, TripleDES, RC2,
31Cryptography (Cont.)
- Hashes - MD5, SHA1,SHA256,SHA384,SHA512
- Digital Certificates
- System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
- Writing Secure Code Michael Howard
- Designing Secure Web-Based Applications for
Microsoft Windows 2000 Michael Howard - Programming Windows Security Keith Brown
- Hacking Exposed Network Security Secrets and
Solutions, Third Edition Joel Scambray - URLs
- http//www.gotdotnet.com/team/clr/about_security.a
spx lt.NET securitygt - http//msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url
/nhp/default.asp?contentid28001191 ltSecurity for
all platformsgt - Track SecBugs
- SecurityFocus for our competitors security
vulnerabilities - http//www.securityfocus.com/
- Microsoft Security Bulletin Service
- http//www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.
- Trustworthy Computing" Is Job 1 at Microsoft
- .NET Security (for mobile code and partial trust
environment) - Code Access Security
- Evidence Based security
- Role based security
- Cryptography
If you have any questions about this session,
please go to Microsoft Chinese Newsgroup to
discuss. Thank You for Coming! -)
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