Title: Genomic Advances in Sepsis (GAinS)
1Genomic Advances in Sepsis (GAinS)
A Multi-centre, UK based, genomic association
study of the genetic determinants of the
susceptibility to, and outcome from, severe
life-threatening infection and sepsis.
Paula HuttonGAinS Research Coordinator John
Radcliffe Hospital Oxford
- Functional polymorphisms of genes regulating the
host response to infectious insults and gene-gene
interactions, will influence levels and activity
of key proteins and hence the onset, progression
and severity of an infectious illness, the
development of organ failures and outcome.
3To Identify Genomic Influences On
- Susceptibility of patients with infectious
diseases to the development of severe sepsis
sepsis/septic shock and organ failures - Outcome from sepsis/severe sepsis/septic shock
- Outcome from specific organ failures
4Sepsis Incidence
- Commonest form of death in adult intensive care
units in the UK - UK-21,000 cases per annum
- 6-10 of all ICU admissions
- Annual total hospital costs in Europe approx 7.6
billion euros
5Why is this study important?
- Intellectual knowledge base
- Guide drug discovery
- Guide interventional therapy
- Predict outcome
6Is individual host response variable?
- Clinical Observation - Patients with similar
microbiological insults may exhibit very
different clinical responses and outcomes.
7How can we characterise the host?
- Phenotype
- i.e. the expressed characteristics
- Genotype
- This is the "internally coded, inheritable
information" carried by all living organisms (the
genetic code)
8Data Collection
- Charleson co-morbidity
- Antibiotic administration
- Additional Infection Audit
- Ethnicity
- Discharge and outcome data
9Data Collection
- Data collected day 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7
- Data collection to calculate
- Apache 2
- SOFA scores
- Sepsis/severe sepsis/septic shock criteria
- 20mls blood for DNA
- Store at room temperature until dispatch to the
genome centre (WHRI)
11Patient Populations
- Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
- Faecal Peritonitis (FP)
12CAP Definition
- Febrile illness associated with
- Cough, sputum production
- Dyspnoea
- Leucocytosis
- Radiological evidence of pneumonia
- Pneumonia onset is pre-hospital admission or
within 48hrs of hospital admission - 2 Clinicians agree with diagnosis
13FP Definition
- Inflammation of the serosal membrane lining the
abdominal cavity secondary to contamination by
faeces as diagnosed at laparotomy.
14Consent in incapacitated adults
- Patient consent
- NOK consent
- Follow-up consent
15Inclusion Criteria
- Patients gt 18 years of age
- Admission to ICU or HDU
- Willing to consent (Pt or NOK)
16Exclusion Criteria
- Patient or NOK unable to give consent
- Patient already enrolled in interventional
research study - Patient pregnant
- Advanced directive to withhold or withdraw life
sustaining treatment - Patient immunocompromised
17Recruitment numbers
- Recruitment aim
- Over a 3 year period
- In 40 participating centres
- 5,000 CAP patients
- 2,000 FP patients
- Largest Genomics association study in Sepsis
18Primary End Points
- Susceptibility to development of sepsis/severe
sepsis/septic shock in CAP and FP patients - Development of specific organ failures
identified by SOFA scores - Outcome - death or survival (in ICU and at 6
19Secondary End Points
- Severity of illness APACHE II
- Duration of organ support
- Shock reversal
- Duration of ICU and hospital stay
20GenOSept (Genetics of Sepsis and Septic Shock in
- Developed with GAinS
- Combined with GAinS
- Add Pancreatitis and Meningococcal disease
- 1 year recruitment
21Website link
- http//www.ukccg-gains.org/
22GAinS study summary
- UK based
- Genetics study
- Largest to date
- Focus CAP/FP septic patients
- Genetic influence on the response to and outcome
from sepsis