Title: USMAI Cataloging Policy Committee
1USMAI Cataloging Policy Committee Forum on
Single Record Implementation McKeldin Library
Special Events Room 1030am-1230pm December 8,
2Members of the Cataloging Policy Committee Wilma
Bass, Monograph and Catalog Management Librarian,
University of Maryland, Baltimore Heidi Hanson,
Systems Librarian, ITD, University of Maryland
Libraries Gordana Ruth, Original Cataloging
Production Group Leader, TSD, University of
Maryland Libraries Marlene Vikor, LIS Librarian,
TSD, University of Maryland Libraries Virginia
Williams, Catalog Librarian and Department
Supervisor, Frostburg State University Vicki
Sipe (Chair), Catalog Librarian, University of
Maryland, Baltimore County
3 - Cataloging Policy Committee (CPC)
- http//usmai.umd.edu/cpc/
- Established by the Council of Library Directors,
Dec. 16, 2004 - Charge
- Formulate cataloging policy
- Advise and evaluate on specification for batch
loaded records - Organize, document, and communicate cataloging
policy decisions - Original timeframe from January 2005-December
2006 - Call for applications, two additional members,
December 20
4- Agenda
- Part one (65 minutes)
- Welcome/introductions Vicki Sipe (10 min)
- Background on serials in catalog USMAI Wilma
Bass (10 min) - Background on CONSER single record (CCM module
31) Virginia Williams - (5 min)
- USMAI single record components Gordana Ruth
Marlene Vikor (40 min) - BREAK (10 minutes)
- Part two (45 minutes)
- ERIC2 plans Wilma Bass (15 min)
- Q A Vicki Sipe (20 min)
- Closing Heidi Hanson (10 min)
5- Proposal to USMAI COI All by CPC 9/7/2006
- Single Record Proposal for Cataloging of
Electronic Journals - Â Â Â Â USMAI Cataloging Policy Committee (CPC) is
recommending a single record approach for
cataloging of electronic journal titles that are
also available in print and other formats,
providing their contents are equivalent. Â
Electronic journals will be considered equivalent
to their tangible counterparts if they have the
same title and provide the same content in their
full text articles. Â Â Â Â If multiple records
already exist in the USMAI catalog, the record
for the print will be preferred. - CPC requests responses from all Campus Contacts
by September 22, 2006 approving or rejecting this
proposal. We encourage all members of the COIs
to share their thoughts with CPC and all the COIs
as well. - CPC feels that this proposal will best meet the
needs of our users, given the following - Link resolution via SFX works most reliably from
the print record, since the print ISSN is most
often the primary and sometimes only ISSN in the
knowledge base (KB). The ISSN in the KB must be
recorded in the tag 022 subfield a of the
bibliographic record, and this is not always the
case with the e-journal record. As a result, SFX
may work from the print record and not from the
e-journal record. Requests for addition of the
e-ISSN must be submitted to Ex Libris for
incorporation in the knowledge base, not
controlled locally. - Cross-format availability is more easily
determined from a single record than from
multiple records. - Existing format limiting capabilities will be
maintained. - USMAI is investigating a free OCLC service that
will set WorldCat holdings for our e-journal
titles. This will allow us to consolidate
holdings on a single record in ALEPH yet set
holdings to separate records in WorldCat (See
eSerials Holdings Service http//www.oclc.org/eser
6 Proposal received unanimous support from all
7 An International Cooperative Serials Cataloging
8ERIC II TG It will more effectively lead users
to holdings in other formats when online access
is not available. UITG Based on the problems we
have seen users experience in usability testing
and in our own experience, we feel this will be
an improvement to the catalog. RSTG It looks
beneficial to our users who are often confused by
multiple record presentations and single records
for the same title despite format.
9Status quo---Mixed Single Separate Record
Microform only
Print indicating remote electronic and microform
Remote electronic only
10Where we will be going---Single record for
multiple formats
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