Title: Agroenergies in Luxemburg
1Agro-energies in Luxemburg
- Presentation of
- Centrale Paysanne - Service Jeunesse
- with the support of the Chamber of Agriculture
2Agro-energies in Luxemburg
- Important Agro energies in Luxemburg
- Naturally growing raw materials (seed flax,
grain, wood, corn) - Biogas
- Solar energy
- Wind energy
3Distribution of renewable energies Source SEE
Electricity produced from renewable energies in
4Development of biogas installations in numbers
Source SEE
5Development of solar energy installations Source
6Compensation for feeding renewable energy into
the electricity system Source SEE
- Beginning of the production in 2001
- Realization of the entire project in 2003
- Starting of bio-methanisation September 2003
- 29 farmers
- 3 employees
8- Dimension
- 3 préfosses
- 3 digesters of 1000 m3 and 3 post-digesters of
1000 m3 - 2 storage tanks of 1900 m3
- 10 tanks for decentralized storage of 21 000 m3
- Force
- Gas motor of 500 KW
- 2 dual-fuel motors of 100 KW
- Extension to 1300 KW in progress 3 motors of
265 KW that will take over the work of the small
9- Resources
- 2950 UGB, 31000t/year of liquid manure
- and 7000t/year manure
- Corn 5000t/year
- Tons of lawn and grass silage 4000t/year
- Energetic plants 1100t/an
- Bio-digest Production
- 41200t/year spreading by injection
10- Energy production
- Average of 3,6 millions of m3 biogas a year
- Electricity 5500MWh/year
- Total calorific energy 6400MWH/year of which
2200MWH/year are distributed via a heat network
of 800m to the swimming pool - Connections to the new High School of Redange and
its gymnasium in progress -
11Natural gas Kehlen (soc.coop.) (1/2)
- Agricultural Biogas installation with
co-fermentation (still under conception) - Owners and operators 30 Farmers (Union)
- Fermentation (wet) with gas production following,
which means no electricity - Processing of the raw biogas 55 Methane
converted to natural gas quality, i.e. at least
98 CH4 - Feeding into the existing natural gas network
(medium pressure) - Gas processing via wet gas cleaning (500 m3/h)
- Separation of the fermentation rest substrate
12Input materials (2/2)
- Agricultural input materials
- Slurry (semi-liquid manure), Manure from
participating farms - NaWaRos (herb and corn silage,
GanzPflanzenSilage (silage of entire plants),
Cereals, ...) - Input materials not coming from agriculture
- Biological waste and plant waste from the local
community - K3 waste, i.e. so-called waste from food
production (e.g. Dough ware) as well as from the
food chain (e.g. expired food)
K3 waste has to be hygeninized, following EU
rules (70C during 1 hour)? uses a lot of energy
and is expensive!!
13Subsidies for renewable energies from 2008
- Solar energy 30 of the acquisition costs up to
30 KWcrête - Wood burner for heating 30 of the acquisition
costs up to a subvention maximum of 4000 - Biogas installations are supported with 50 of
the acquisition costs - (Subsidies of New Agriculture Law)
14Prices for feeding in are valid for 15 years
- Electricity from solar energy 0,42cent/kW
- Biogas
- From 300 to 500 KW 0,13 Cent/KW
- From 501 to 2500 KW 0,12Cent/KW
- If proof for selling of Heat is shown, an extra
Beim Nachweis des Verkaufes der Hitze Extra
premium of 0,3 Cent/KW
- Accelerate research activities
- Cut down subsidies for lowering the price of the
feeding in - ( This makes it easier to cover running costs)
- Make it easier to use waste for Biogas
installations - More profit from feeding in