Title: ECYC in numbers
1ECYC in numbers
2Why did we do it?
- Who we are
- Who our members are
- Funders
- Website
3Number of youth clubs (members)
4Number of youth clubs
Armenia 65 Ireland 400
Belgium 400 Luxemburg 80
Cyprus 100 Moldova 7
Czech Republic 88 Norway 600
Finland 935 Poland 23
Georgia 12 Switzerland 412
Iceland 92 UK 7000
5ECYC in numbers
- Total number of youth clubs 10,214
- Average number of youth clubs 730
- Average not including UK 247
6Number of employees
7ECYC in numbers
- Average number of employees 8 to 9
- Average not including UK 5
- Average ratio of employees to youth clubs
- 91 - 1
8How many Member organisations have websites?
Member Yes No Member Yes No
Armenia Ireland
Belgium Luxemburg
Cyprus Moldova
Czech Republic Norway
Finland Poland
Georgia Switzerland
Iceland UK
10How many MOs publish a magazine or newsletter?
11Magazine or newsletter
Member Yes No Member Yes No
Armenia Ireland
Belgium Luxemburg
Cyprus Moldova
Czech Republic Norway
Finland Poland
Georgia Switzerland
Iceland UK
12Number of MOs that has been involved in
international exchanges
13Date of foundation and joining ECYC
14Date of foundation and joining ECYC
Member founded joined Member founded joined
Armenia 1999 2002 Ireland 1962 1976
Belgium 1965 Luxemburg 1982 1996
Cyprus 1972 Moldova 2004 2005
Czech Republic 1968 1992 Norway 1978
Finland 1974 1984 Poland 2004 2006
Georgia 2003 2005 Switzerland 2002 2006
Iceland 1985 1986 UK 1911 1976
15How many MOs organise trainings for youth workers?
16ECYC in numbers
- Average number of trainings per year 9.5
- Average not including UK 4.5
17How many MOs work with disabled people or groups
with specific needs?
18Work with disabled people
Member Yes No Member Yes No
Armenia Ireland
Belgium Luxemburg
Cyprus Moldova
Czech Republic Norway
Finland Poland
Georgia Switzerland
Iceland UK
19How will we use this?
- In finding funding
- Lobbying
- ECYC across the years
20Thank you
- Armenia
- Belgium
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Finland
- Georgia
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Luxemburg
- Moldova
- Norway
- Poland
- Switzerland
- UK
- And Spain who also sent their survey