Title: highlight2004
1APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Gun Woong Bahng Korea Research Institute of
Standards Science
2APMP ad-hoc WGMM
- Pilot Study
- ? Flexural strength measurement of Ceramics
- - Finished in 2005
- - Joint work with ANMET, VAMAS
- - Final report is available
- Tensile strength of Steel
- - Report of results finished
- - BAM, NPL were invited and participated
- - Final report is under preparation
- Difficulties Only a few institutes have
capabilities in - materials metrology area.
3APMP ad-hoc WGMM
- CIPM ad-hoc WGMM
- ? Established in 2005
- - Proposed by KRISS, Oct. 2004
- - Endorsed by CIPM in 2005
- Participants
- - Chaired by Dr. Seton Bennet, CIPM member
- Meetings held
- - NPL(May 2006), NIST (Dec 2006), LNE (May
2007). - - Dr. Graham Sims prepared final report to
4APMP ad-hoc WGMM
- Scope
- - Liquid, biological materials are out of scope
- - Solid, engineered, structural or functional
materials - Materials Properties
- 1. Inherent Properties
- e.g. Youngs modulus, Thermal properties,
Magnetic - properties, etc.
- 2. Procedural Properties
- e.g. Tensile strength, Hardness, Corrosion,
Fatigue, - Fracture strength, etc.
5APMP ad-hoc WGMM
- Calibration always goes together with
uncertainty - ? traceability by CRM with uncertainty,
- ? calibration of materials testing procedure
itself is - necessary
- Related Working Groups
- - CCM WG Hardness, WG Density
- - CCEM
- - CCT WG 9, Thermophysical properties
- - CCQM, several WGs
6APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Metrological traceability is defined as
property of a measurement result whereby the
result can be related to a stated reference
through a documented unbroken chain of
calibrations, each contributing to the
measurement uncertainty where for this
definition, note 1 states that A stated
reference can be a definition of a measurement
unit through its practical realization, or a
measurement procedure including the measurement
unit for a non-ordinal quantity, or a
measurement standard. The re-definition allows
wider options for traceability such as that used
by the JCTLM in assessing reference materials.
7APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Reference material (RM) - Material or substance,
one or more of whose property values are
sufficiently homogeneous and well established to
be used for the calibration of an apparatus, the
assessment of a measurement method, or for
assigning values to materials.
8APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Certified reference material (CRM) - Reference
material, accompanied by a certificate, one or
more of whose property values are certified by a
procedure, which establishes its traceability to
an accurate realization of the unit in which the
property values are expressed, and for which each
certified value is accompanied by an uncertainty
at a stated level of confidence.
9APMP ad-hoc WGMM
- Trends
- - General recognition of widening coverage by
CIPM of measurement areas outside initial SI
responsibilities - - the need for, and benefits of, mutual
recognition applies equally strongly to material
property determination. - - material properties are already covered in key
and supplementary comparisons. - - Metrology for the characterization of
nano-material is a new emerging area
10APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Calibration according to U budget
Calibration using CRM
11APMP ad-hoc WGMM
NMI Uncertainty is obtained through uncertainty
budget U from measuring device,
procedure, materials ? International
comparison Equivalency ? Product primary
CRM with uncertainty CRM producer ? U of
machine U of test result U of primary CRM
? U of CRM U of machine U of test
results Industry ? U of machine U of CRM
U of test results ? U of certification U
of machine U of test results
12APMP ad-hoc WGMM
No guarantee on equivalence and comparability of
test data. Most of other procedural properties
are in the same situation except hardness.
13APMP ad-hoc WGMM
14APMP ad-hoc WGMM
15APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Required precision of materials properties at
different stages of design
16APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Range of required properties
17APMP ad-hoc WGMM
- 5 task groups
- -Mechanical, thermophysical, composition and
microstructural, functional, electrochemical - Survey for property evaluation
- Mechanical There is a clear need to demonstrate
for this intrinsic property that acceptable
uncertainties can be obtained. It is proposed
that this area should be used for a pilot study.
18APMP ad-hoc WGMM
Materials Metrolgy is an another challenge for
19APMP ad-hoc WGMM
WGMM Review again in 3-4 years Joint committee
with CIPM, VAMAS, ILAC later? Sector
Stakeholders Discussions?? To CCs Materials WGs
within CCs Joint WGs between CCs To NMIs To VAMAS
20New bridge for better measurements
Thank you !