Title: Cooperative Learning
1Cooperative Learning
- Cooperative Learning Strategies for New Teachers
- Quick and easy Organizational Tips
- Keys to Motivation
- Engage all of your learners
2Organize the groups ahead of time
- Decide the type and size of each group
- Decide who will work together most effectively.
- Groups of Two (Pairs) is easier for new teachers
and for Less complex topics and for young
learners. - Groups of 4 or 5 is recommended by experts-More
heads to think! But only after making pairs work
3Decide who will work together
- Assign students to a group.
- EQUITY is more likely achieved when the teacher
assigns students to a group-Students tend to pick
other like themselves. - Keep in mind learning styles, disabilities and
social skills.
4Positive Interdepedence is a Must
- Structure the task for interdependence.
- Examples
- One group worksheet Signed by all members
- Set a group goal Each member completes the
assignment or 90. - Bonus points when everyone achieves goal.
- Beat a record set by another group
5Ensure individual accountability
- Everyone is responsible for the answer or
presentation of group response. - Call on one person to explain group response.
- Assign each person a group role.
- Practice tests Test taker, quizzer, helper
6Teach Social Skills
- Teach students to cooperate.
- Students need to learn that they must cooperate
in order to succeed. This is very difficult for
some students, and a potential source of
conflict. - Remind students of social skills and group
procedures before each lesson-Use overhead or
7Social Skills For Cooperation
- Group Maintenance Skills Use soft voices, Use
names, Stay with group and talk with group only,
No putdowns, Encourage everyone to participate,
Agree to Disagree,Give praise, etc. - Task Skills Stay on task, Follow directions,
Listen, take turns, Seek give information, ask
each other before asking teacher, paraphrase
Summarize, etc.
8Group Procedures-Example
- Everyone must cooperate and equally participate
No freeloaders here. - Everyone must understand their group role.
- Each person must use a 1 inch voice during group
work. - No talking across the room. Have the traveler ask
another group a question. - In order to ask the teacher a question, all
persons in the group must have the same question.
- Be encouraging, share and address each other by
9Make a T-Chart for Social SkillsSharing
Take turns with markers
Thanks for handing me the marker.
10Use Proximity to Monitor Learning
- Monitor learning, involvement and cooperative
behavior. - Focus on one social skill at a time
- Assess / process group skills
11Assign Group Roles
Materials Handler
12Plan Collaborative Independent Activities in
Same Lesson
- Assign independent activity for individuals to
complete as a warm up For example, Plan a
Question, All Write on a topic. - All students write a brief response and then when
all are complete, share some responses with whole
class. - .
13Combine Independent Work With Collaborative
- Interview and Share
- Step 1. Students work in pairs. Each partner
interviews the other on a given topic. For
Example, Explain how you solved the problem. - Step 2.Ingroups of 4, students then take turns
sharing what they learned from their partner. - Samples Share a strategy you use to check
students understanding. What strategies have
you found successful in teaching an inquiry
14Plan to Use a Structural Approach
- Adapted from Spencer Kagen, University of
California. - These are content-free strategies to organize
social interaction among students. - Each structure is simple, yet provides a wealth
of learning opportunities for each students
15Round Table
- Step 1 Teacher asks a question with multiple
answers. - Step 2 Students respond by making a list of
possible answers. - Step 3 Round Table On one sheet of paper, each
student writes down a solution until everyone has
responded. - Example On graph paper, each person draws a
shape with an area of 5cm, but different
perimeters. Make a list of fractions equivalent
to one half.
- Provide wait time so Everyone responds to a
question. - Pair students up, and each partner shares answer.
The entire group can share responses. - Teacher can call upon several or all groups to
share answer. - Example Explain difference between a square and
a rectangle.
17Methods for Sharing with Whole Class
- Students write responses on white boards or
slates. - Each student shares a response with another
student. - Do a quick check through the class. Each students
responds quickly one after another. - All students stand up. When the student responds
she/he sits down. - Student holds up a numbered card corresponding to
the answer.
18Numbered Heads Together
- Students number off from 1 to 4.
- Teacher asks a question or poses a problem.
- Students put heads together to make sure everyone
can answer it. - Teacher randomly calls a number. That person must
answer the question. - Example What are the four NCTM process
standards common for all grade levels?
19Jig Saw Multiple Grouping FormatBase
Group---Practice Group----Base Group --- Whole
- 1. Each member is assigned a number (1 to 4)
(Home group) - 2. Each numbered is assigned a portion of a
chapter to read and discuss so that they practice
and become Experts - 3. Then everyone goes back to home group to
share learning. - 4. Entire group shares and teaches other group
members, then the teachers selects whole group