Title: Footpoint behavior
1Footpoint behavior
Galileo science meeting Nobeyama, July 12, 2002
2What can footpoints teach us?
- How do we understand the symbiosis of energy
release and particle acceleration? - What is the nature of the geometrical evolution
of the corona in the impulsive phase of a flare
(or the acceleration phase of CME)? - Recall work of Sakao (Yoyogi conference) Saita
(unfinished thesis) Asai (ongoing)
3 Coronal structure and conjugacy
Fletcher et al., 2001
Cargill Priest, 1995?
4Somov cartoon
B. Somov, 2002
5Coronal separatrix structure
- The separatrix surfaces deform during an
energy-release event - The flare ribbons in the chromosphere should map
into these separatrices - Ribbon brightening not only reveals the energy,
but also describes the coronal restructuring
- The coronal magnetic field, assuming low beta,
- plays two roles simultaneously
- The field defines the source of energy via B2/8p
- The field defines the geometry of the energy
- release
7Examples of conjugate behavior
Warren Warshall ApJ 560, L87, 2001
Asai et al., Y10 proceedings, 2002
8Footpoint behavior for Aug. 25, 2001 (Metcalf et
al. AGU poster)
9Footpoints and separatrices
Metcalf made a potential- field extrapolation and
found that the separatrix structure correlated in
interesting ways with the in-plane motions, but
not with the out-of-plane (perpendicular to B)
10 Particle acceleration and energy release
- Neupert effect (Neupert, 1968 Hudson, 1972)
- Soft-hard-soft spectral pattern (Parks
Winckler, 1971 Benz, 1975)
11Examples of the Neupert effect
Neupert effect
RHESSI 20-25 keV (purple) GOES 1-8 A (green)
12Lessons from the Neupert effect
- The energy release that fills coronal loops with
hot plasma has a direct relationship with
particle acceleration - To a first approximation, this relationship is
independent of the scale or intensity of the
energy release
13Soft-hard-soft pattern
14Another SHS example
F. Farnik, 2001
15A RHESSI M-class flare
16Broad-band spectral variation
17Spectral soft-hard-soft effect
18Lessons from soft-hard-soft
- Non-thermal time scales are usually not
determined by trapping - The spectral evolution at high energies is an
intrinsic property of the acceleration mechanism - Understanding hard X-ray spectral morphology will
be a major RHESSI goal
19HX/EUV overlay for Bastille flare ribbons
Fletcher Hudson, 2001
20Ribbon evolution and photospheric B
Fletcher Hudson, 2001
21Magnetic flux swept out in ribbon motions
Fletcher Hudson, 2001
22Swept-out fluxes
Fletcher Hudson, 2001
23Lessons from ribbons
- Ribbon shapes dont reflect photospheric field
- Ribbon motions and swept-out field dont match
preconceptions - In the Bastille 2000 flare, the hard X-ray
footpoint brightnesses dont match the
expectation from mirroring
- The footpoint sources (hard X-ray or other) can
teach us a lot about coronal restructuring
(flares and CMEs) - The lessons learned thus far dont agree
particularly well with expectations from simple
25Final remark
- The Neupert effect and the soft-hard-soft
spectral pattern are dominant, but not universal - The exceptions are probably well worth studying