Title: Graham Ashmore Head of European and Cluster Policy
1Graham AshmoreHead of European and Cluster
- Co-operation Linking Interactive Networks and
Innovative Clusters - Best practice in public policy to establish, grow
and internationalise industrial clusters - preparation completed design of structure for
research - research ¾ completed- desk and 3 study tours
- assembling results ½ completed- draft reports on
3 regions and some best practice case studies - dissemination not yet started
3The Project overall objectives
- Active engagement of the public sector and
enterprises in transnational knowledge transfer - Partner region adoption of best practice in
cluster development and promotion from a European
and global perspective - Suggestions for best practice approach
- Development of approaches to developing business
opportunities through linking clusters
4The CLINIC Partnership
- We have brought together an expert partnership
which spans leading cluster and network service
providers and adds the academic rigour of two
outstanding universities
5The Partners West Midlands
- Black Country Chamber of Commerce, acting for all
West Midland Chambers, delivers regional cluster
programmes for UK Trade and Investment and the
Regional Development Agency AWM - Birmingham Business School The University of
Birmingham. The project group is independently
recognised as being of International Standing.
Work of the group has had a particular emphasis
on the analysis of clusters and networks
6The Partners Saxony and Tuscany
- RKW Saxony is responsible for the quality
management of publicly financed SME support
programmes in Saxony. Over 10 years experience in
cluster and network formation and management.
Lead partner in two INTERREG projects - PIN s.c.r.l. shareholders include University of
Florence, Municipality of Prato, Chamber of
Commerce. PIN is an innovatory organisation
connecting the university to business and other
aspects of society.
7Project ManagementA Project Management group
drawn from the partners and chaired by the lead
partner has met four times in Brussels,
Dresden, Prato and Dudleyto plan the delivery of
the project and to review progress
8The project the study stage
- Broad criteria have been established for the
evaluation of cluster development - Materials have been prepared to be used during
study visits, so that a standard approach is
adopted and that results can be compared - Three study visits to the participating regions
to seek best practice have been undertaken - A study visit to a region identified as
demonstrating world best practice in cluster
formation and development is being planned
9Expected Results
- 4 new transnational relationships with a cluster
theme - Final report on best practice based on
innovation, regional and global clustering - New cluster tools
10Contribution to District Objectives- the project
will identify
- How cluster networks can be improved and enhanced
- How information and knowledge transfer can be
made more effective regionally and trans
nationally - Long lasting regional co-operations
- Potentially significant future innovative policy
directions - Trans national relationships through clusters
11Innovative Features/Success Factors
- Interaction of Players
- Academic and practitioners
- Structured approach
- New ideas for cluster delivery
- More competitive businesses
12The project Dissemination/Transferability
- Assembling report on best practice
- Workshop in a partner region
- Dissemination to other regions
- Preparation of a blueprint for targeted
international visits using lessons learnt
13Proposal for further developmentTo engage with
SMEs to test our blueprint for targeted
international visits
14Thank you for listening