Clustering Algorithms BIRCH and CURE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Clustering Algorithms BIRCH and CURE


Clustering Algorithms BIRCH and CURE Anna Putnam Diane Xu What is Cluster Analysis? Cluster Analysis is like Classification, but the class label of each object is not ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Clustering Algorithms BIRCH and CURE

Clustering AlgorithmsBIRCH and CURE
  • Anna Putnam
  • Diane Xu

What is Cluster Analysis?
  • Cluster Analysis is like Classification, but the
    class label of each object is not known.
  • Clustering is the process of grouping the data
    into classes or clusters so that objects within a
    cluster have high similarity in comparison to one
    another, but are very dissimilar to objects in
    other clusters.

Applications for Cluster Analysis
  • Marketing discover distinct groups in customer
    bases, and develop targeted marketing programs.
  • Land use Identify areas of similar land use.
  • Insurance Identify groups of motor insurance
    policy holders with a high average claim cost.
  • City-planning Identify groups of houses
    according to their house type, value, and
    geographical location.
  • Earth-quake studies Observed earth quake
    epicenters should be clustered along continent
  • Biology plant and animal taxonomies, genes
  • Also used for Pattern recognition, data analysis,
    and image processing.
  • Clustering is Studied in Data mining, statistics,
    machine learning, spatial database technology,
    biology, and marketing.

Some Requirements of Clustering in Data Mining
  • Scalability
  • Ability to deal with different types of
  • Discovery of clusters with arbitrary shape
  • Minimal requirements for domain knowledge to
    determine input parameters.
  • Ability to deal with noisy data
  • Insensitivity to the order of input records
  • High dimensionality
  • Constraint-based clustering
  • Interpretability and usability

Categorization of Major Clustering Methods
  • Partitioning Methods
  • Density Based Methods
  • Grid Based Methods
  • Model Based Methods
  • Hierarchical Methods

Partitioning Methods
  • Given a database of n objects or data tuples, a
    partitioning method constructs k partitions of
    the data, where each partition represents a
    cluster and kn.
  • It classifies the data into k groups, which
    together satisfy the following requirements
  • each group must contain at least one object, and
  • each object must belong to exactly one group.
  • Given k, the number of partitions to construct a
    partitioning method creates an initial
  • It then uses an iterative relocation technique
    that attempts to improve the partitioning by
    moving objects from one group to another.

Density Based Methods
  • Most partitioning methods cluster objects based
    on the distance between objects.
  • Such methods can find only spherical-shaped
    clusters and encounter difficulty at discovering
    clusters of arbitrary density.
  • The idea is to continue growing the given cluster
    as long as the density (number of objects or data
    points) in the neighborhood exceeds some
  • DBSCAN and OPTICS are two density based methods.

Grid-Based Methods
  • Grid-based methods quantize the object space into
    a finite number of cells that form a gird
  • All the clustering operations are performed on
    the grid structure.
  • The advantage of this approach is fast processing
  • STING, CLIQUE, and Wave-Cluster are examples of
    grid-based clustering algorithms.

Model-based methods
  • Hypothesize a model for each of the clusters and
    find the best fit of the data to the given model.
  • A model-based algorithm may locate clusters by
    constructing a density function that reflects the
    spatial distribution of the data points.

Hierarchical Methods
  • Creates a hierarchical decomposition of the given
    set of data objects.
  • Two approaches
  • agglomerative (bottom-up) starts with each
    object forming a separate group. Merges the
    objects or groups close to one another until all
    of the groups are merged into one, or until a
    termination condition holds.
  • divisive (top-down) starts with all the objects
    in the same cluster. In each iteration, a
    cluster is split up into smaller clusters, until
    eventually each object is one cluster, or until a
    termination condition holds.
  • This type of method suffers from the fact that
    once a step (merge or split) is done, it can
    never be undone.
  • BIRCH and CURE are examples of hierarchical

  • Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering Using
  • Begins by partitioning objects hierarchically
    using tree structures, and then applies other
    clustering algorithms to refine the clusters.

Clustering Problem
  • Given the desired number of cluster K and a
    dataset of N points, and a distance-based
    measurement function, we are asked to find a
    partition of the dataset that minimizes the value
    of the measurement function.
  • Due to an abundance of local minima, there is
    typically no way to find a global minimal
    solution without trying all possible partitions.
  • Constraint The amount of memory available is
    limited (typically much smaller than the data set
    size) and we want to minimize the time required
    for I/O.

Previous Work
  • Probability-based approaches
  • Typically make the assumption that probability
    distributions on separate attributes are
    statistically independent of each other.
  • Makes updating and storing the clusters very
  • Distance-based approaches
  • Assume that all data points are given in advance
    and can be scanned frequently.
  • Ignore the fact that not all data points in the
    dataset are equally important with respect to the
    clustering purpose.
  • Are global methods. They inspect all data points
    or all current clusters equally no matter how
    close or far away they are.

Contributions of BIRCH
  • BIRCH is local (instead of global). Each
    clustering decision is made without scanning all
    data points or currently existing clusters.
  • BIRCH exploits the observation that the data
    space is usually not uniformly occupied, and
    therefore not every data point is equally
    important for clustering purposes.
  • BIRCH makes full use of available memory to
    derive the finest possible subclusters while
    minimizing I/O costs.

  • Centroid
  • Diameter D
  • Radius R
  • Given the centroids of two clusters and
  • -The centroid Euclidian distance D0 -The
    centroid Manhattan distance D1

Definitions (cont.)
  • Given N1 d-dimensional data points in a
    cluster where i1,2,,N1, and N2
    data points in another cluster where j
    N11, N12,,N1N2
  • -Average inter-cluster distance D2 -Average
    intra-cluster distance D3
  • -Variance increase distance D4

Clustering Feature
  • A Clustering Feature (CF) is a triple summarizing
    the information that we maintain about a cluster.
  • N is the number of data points in the cluster
  • is the linear sum of the N data points
  • SS is the square sum of the N data points

CF Additivity Theorem
  • Assume that and
  • are the CF vectors of two disjoint clusters.
    Then the CF vector of th cluster that is formed
    by merging the two disjoint clusters is
  • From the CF definition and additivity theorem, we
    know that the CF vectors of clusters can be
    stored and calculated incrementally as clusters
    are merged.
  • We can think of a cluster as a set of data
    points, but only the CF vector is stored as

CF Tree
  • A CF tree is a height-balanced tree with two
  • Branching factor B
  • Threshold T
  • Each nonleaf node contains at most B entries of
    the form CFi,childi where i1,2,B.
  • childi is a pointer to its i-th child node
  • CFi is the CF of the sub-cluster represented by
    this child.
  • A leaf node contains at most L entries, each of
    the form CFi where i1,2,,L.
  • A leaf node also represents a cluster made up of
    all the subclusters represented by its entries.
  • All entries in a leaf node must satisfy a
    threshold value T the diameter (or radius) has
    to be less than T.

CF Tree
Insertion into a CF Tree
  • Given entry Ent
  • Identify the appropriate leaf Starting from the
    root, it recursively descends the CF tree by
    choosing the closest child node according to a
    chosen distance metric D0,D1,D2,D3 or D4
  • Modify the leaf When it reaches a leaf node, it
    finds the closest leaf entry, say Li and then
    tests whether Li can absorb Ent without
    violating the threshold condition. If so, the CF
    vector for Li is updated to reflect this. If
    not, an new entry for Ent is added to the leaf.
    If there is space on the leaf for this new
    entry, we are done, otherwise we must split the
    leaf node.

Insertion into a CF Tree (cont.)
  • Modify the path to the leaf After inserting
    Ent into a leaf, we must update the CF
    information for each nonleaf entry on the path to
    the leaf. Without a split, this simply involves
    adding CF vectors to reflect the addition of
    Ent. A leaf split requires us to insert a new
    nonleaf entry into the parent node, to describe
    the newly created leaf. If the parent has space
    for this entry, at all higher levels, we only
    need to update the CF vectors to reflect the
    addition of Ent. In general, however, we may
    have to split the parent as well, and so up to
    the root. If the root I split, the tree height
    increases by one.

The BIRCH Clustering Algorithm
Phase 1 Revisited
Performance of BIRCH
  • Tested on three datasets used as base Work load
    with D as the weighted average diameter. Each
    dataset consists of K clusters of 2-d data
    points. A cluster is characterized by the number
    of data points in it (n), its radius (r), and its
    center (c).
  • Running time is basically linear wrt N, and does
    not depend on the order (unlike CLARANS).

  • In conclusion, BIRCH uses much less memory, but
    is faster, more accurate, and less
    order-sensitive compared with CLARANS.

BIRCH Clusters of DS1
CLARA Clusters of DS1
Actual Clusters of DS1
CLARANS Clusters of DS1
Application to Real Dataset
  • BIRCH used to filter real images
  • Two similar images of trees with a partly cloudy
    sky as he background, taken at two different
    wavelengths (512x1024 pixels each).
  • NIR Near-infrared band
  • VIS Visible wavelength band
  • Soil scientists recieve hundreds of such image
    pairs and try to first filter the trees from the
    background, and then filter the trees into sunlit
    leaves, shadows and branches for statistical

Application (cont.)
  • Applied BIRCH to the (NIT,VIS) value pairs for
    all pixels in an image.
  • Weighted equally obtain 5 clusters
  • Very bright part of sky
  • Ordinary part of sky
  • Clouds
  • Sunlit leaves
  • Tree branches and shadows on the trees
  • Pulled out the part of the data corresponding to
    (5) and used BIRCH again. This time NIR was
    weighted 10 times heavier than VIS.

CURE Clustering Using REpresentatives
  • A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm that Uses

Partitional Clustering
  • Find k clusters optimizing some criterion
  • (for example, minimize the squared-error)

Hierarchical Clustering
  • Use nested partitions and tree structures
  • Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
  • Initially each point is a distinct cluster
  • Repeated merge the closest clusters

  • CURE proposed by Guha, Rastogi Shim, 1998
  • A new hierarchical clustering algorithm that uses
    a fixed number of points as representatives
  • Centroid based approach uses 1 pt to represent
    cluster gt too little information sensitive to
    data shapes
  • All point based approach uses all points to
    cluster gt too much information sensitive to
  • A constant number c of well scattered points in a
    cluster are chosen, and then shrunk toward the
    center of the cluster by a specified fraction
  • The clusters with the closest pair of
    representative points are merged at each step
  • Stops when there are only k clusters left, where
    k can be specified

Six Steps in CURE Algorithm
Draw Random Sample
Partially Cluster Partitions
Partition Sample
Cluster Partial Clusters
Label Data In Disk
Eliminate Outliers
CUREs Advantages
  • More accurate
  • Adjusts well to geometry of non-spherical shapes.
  • Scales to large datasets
  • Less sensitive to outliers
  • More efficient
  • Space complexity O(n)
  • Time complexity O(n2logn) (O(n2) if
    dimensionality of data points is small)

Feature Random Sampling
  • Key idea apply CURE to a random sample drawn
    from the data set rather than the entire data
  • Advantages
  • Smaller size
  • Filtering outliers
  • Concerns may miss out or incorrectly identify
    certain clusters!
  • Experimental results show that, with moderate
    sized random samples, we were able to obtain very
    good clusters.

Feature Partitioning for Speedup
  • Partition the sample space into p partitions,
    each of size n/p.
  • Partially cluster each partition until the final
    number of clusters in each partition reduces to
    n/(pq). (q gt 1)
  • Collect all partitions and run a second
    clustering pass on the n/p partial clusters
  • Tradeoff sample size vs. accuracy

Feature Labeling Data on Disk
  • Input is a randomly selected sample.
  • Have to assign the appropriate cluster labels to
    the remaining data points
  • Each data point is assigned to the cluster
    containing the representative point closest to it
  • Advantage using multiple points enables CURE to
    correctly to distribute the data points when
    clusters are non-spherical or non-union

Feature Outliers Handling
  • Random sampling filters out a majority of the
  • The remaining few outliers in the random sample
    are distributed all over the sample space and
    gets further isolated.
  • The clusters which are growing very slowly are
    identified and eliminated as outliers.
  • Use a second level pruning to eliminate
    merging-together outliers outliers form very
    small clusters.

  1. Parameter Sensitivity
  2. Comparison with BIRCH
  3. Scale-up

Dataset Setup
  • Experiment with data sets
  • Data set 1 contains one big and two small
  • Data set 2 consists of 100 clusters with centers
    arranged in a grid pattern and data points in
    each cluster following a normal distribution with
    mean at the cluster center.

Sensitivity Experiment
  • CURE is very sensitive to its user-specified
  • Shrinking fraction alpha.
  • Sample size s
  • Number of representatives c

Shrinking Factor Alpha
  • Alpha lt 0.2, reduces to the centroid-based
  • Alpha gt 0.7, becomes similar to the all-points
  • 0.2 0.7 is a good range for alpha

Random Sample Size
  • Tradeoff between random sample size and accuracy

Number of Representatives
  • For smaller values of c, the quality of
    clustering suffers.
  • For values of c greater than 10, CURE always
    found the right clusters.

CURE vs. BIRCH quality of clustering
  • BIRCH cannot distinguish between the big and
    small clusters.
  • MST (all-point approach) merges the two
  • CURE successfully discovers the clusters in Data
    set 1.

CURE vs. BIRCH Execution Time
  • Run both on dataset2
  • CURE execution time is always lower than BIRCH
  • Partitioning improves CUREs running time by gt
  • As sample size goes up, CUREs execution time
    only slightly increases due to fixed sample size

CURE Scale-up Experiment
  • CURE and BIRCH are two hierarchical clustering
  • CURE adjusts well to clusters having
    non-spherical shapes and wide variances in size.
  • CURE can handle large databases efficiently.

  • Sudipto Guha, Rajeev Rastogi, Kyuseok Shim
    CURE An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Large
    Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1998 73-84
  • Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining
    Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann
    Publishers, 2000.
  • Tian Zhang, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Miron Livny
    BIRCH An Efficient Data Clustering Method for
    Very Large Databases. SIGMOD Conf. 1996 103-114
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