Title: Diapositiva 1
1Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques on
Multiple Sclerosis
2Diagnosis of MS MRI criteria
Fazekas criteria (1988) 3 or more lesions of
which 2 with the following characteristics
diameter gt 5mm close to lateral ventricle
location Infratentorial locations Sensibil
ity 87 Specificity 94
3MRI findings in predicting clinically definite MS
- Barkhof criteria (1997)
- Almost 3 of these findings
- 1 enhancing lesion or 9 T2 hyperintense lesions
if no enhancing lesion - 1 lesion located subcortically
- 3 lesion located periventricularly
- 1 lesion located infratentorially
4 McDonald criteria (2001) Recommanded
diagnostic criteria for MS Ann Neurol
Dissemination in time
Dissemination in space
- A Gd-enhancing lesion in a scan perfomed at least
3 months after the onset of the clinical event,
provided that it is not at the site implicated in
the original clinical event. - If no enhancing lesion is seen at this second
scan, a further scan not less than 3 months after
the first scan that shows a new T2 lesion or an
enhancing lesion will suffice
- 9 or more brain T2-hyperintense lesions
- Or
- 2 or more spinal lesions
- Or
- 4-8 brain lesions and 1 spinal lesion
5MRI T2-weighted imagesAcquisition mode
- Double-echo sequences
- Conventional Spin-echo
- Fast / turbo spin-echo (reduced time for the
procedure) - FLAIR sequences
- null out liquoral signal
- increased T2 weight
- increased sensibility to MS lesions (
periventricular and juxtacortical regions)
6MS PD and T2-weighted images
7MS FLAIR images
8MS T1-weighted images
9Common location of MS lesions MRI findings
10Common locations Periventricular
Axial PD sequence. Left and right images show
lesions located periventricularly
11Common locations Cortico-subcortical
Axial fast-FLAIR sequence. Right image shows
lesions (arrows) located at the
cortico-subcortical location
12Common locations Corpus Callosum (CC)
Sagittal T2 (left), and enhanced T1 (right). Left
image shows a lesion located at level of the CC
body that enhances after injection of Gd-DTPA
13Common locations Trigeminal cranial nerve
Axial T2 (left), and enhanced T1 (right). Left
image shows a lesion (arrow) located at level of
the 5th cranial nerve that enhances after
injection of Gd-DTPA (right)
14Common locations Infratentorial
regions Brainstem
15Common locations Optical nerve
16Common locations Spinal cord
Sagittal T2 (left), and enhanced T1 (right) of
cervical spine. Left image show lesions located
at C1 and C5-C6 levels which enhance after
injection of Gd-DTPA (right)
17Common locations Spinal cord
Sagittal T2 (left), and enhanced T1 (right) of
spine. Left image shows a lesion located at
level of the thoracic spinal cord that enhances
after injection of Gd-DTPA (right)