Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Cruise dates  almost official October 21-
December 13
- 48 hour stop at Easter Island
2Possible evolutions regarding initial strategy
Easter Island
3(No Transcript)
Easter Island
8Alternative scenarii for the cruise
OPTION 1 basic
OPTION 2 ref HLN Marq.
OPTION 3 gradient towards UPW
OPTION 4 mesotrophic station in grad.
28 10 6 10
30 8 6 10
26 12 8 8
22 16 8 8
9Three types of stations
- Short stations 7 hours 30
Transit time calculated at 11 knots
10Short stations
Three main temporal constraints
- Stations no longer than 7.5 hours
- Sampling for simulated production before sunrise
- Overpasses of satellites in the 9h00-15h00 time
window - calval /- 1 Hour of the passage
112 Day-stations
Context / constraints
- Locations will be choosen on the basis of high
resolution color scenes (and SST for upwelling?) - a priori, distance between stations equals 55-70
miles (5-7 hour transit). Need to be on the
following station on time (3-4 am) for primary
production sampling - Eventually perfom a deep station
- CTD-rosette-PVM-IOP every 3 hours
125 Day-stations
Context / constraints
- CTD-rosette-PVM-IOP every 3 hours
- Eventually perfom a deep station
13Deep stations
- TCO2, O2, N20,
- Iron
- nutrients
- Other trace elements (?)
- diversity
- irradiation MO profonde
Where and how deep?
14Detritus and surface microlayer specific sampling?
At convergence, misinterpretation of the signal
in terms of Chla because of the presence of
floating detritus
15Moorings / argo floats / tramps
16(No Transcript)
17Continuous underway measurements
- Temperature, Salinity
- fluo Turner
- Hiac
- Transmissometer Cstar 488 nm 660 nm
- pCO2, N2O
- (flow cytometry, 1 hour)
- other measurements ???
18Deck incubation
- Alternative solution to get Ze  at night and
to chose the accurate sampling depths (require
to calibrate the Seatech fluorometer with
extracted turner Chla and operate a small
program just after the dowcast. Operational after
2-3 days (sufficient data points for the
calibration of the turner).
19Radioisotopes produits chimiques
- container (France, Thierry, Peggy, Marcel)
- compteur à scintillation
- demande CIREA personnes compétentes
- contraintes sur les produits chimiques?
- Fiches produits
20Rosette bottles - sensors
- CTD INSU modifiée O2 CSTAR (660) Fluo CDOM
AC9 bb3 - batterie capteur NO3 (Marlon)
- batterie AC9 (dissous) CSTAR (488) SAM
ECO VSF - PVM monotube
- place pour 19 ou 21 bouteilles sur la rosette
- 42 bouteilles INSU (21 classiques, 21
extérieures) quel choix? - tests et assemblage de la rosette et des
capteurs en Mars-Avril à Villefranche
21 Data - base
22- Role of the PROOF data base
- To list, collect, organize and archive data
originated from PROOF operations - To permit the exchange of data between national
and international institutions - Transfer the validated data to international data
bases (PANGAEA) - To diffuse scientific information within the
PROOF program (Announcements, Colloquium,
Proposals ) - http//www.obs-vlfr.fr/proof/index_vt.htm
23PROOF Data Base M.P. Labaied
Chief of mission orcruise data person in charge
Parameter manager
Researchers which make the data acquisition
24Step 1 - Before the cruise (June) Chief of
Listing of all the planned parameters
25 Step 1 - Before the cruise (June)
Responsibles of parameters
Precise description of the parameters
26 Step 2 - Before the end of each leg
Managers of Parameters
- Give a first indication on what has been measured
during the leg? -
- number of stations
- number of samples
- continuous
- etc
27Step 3 - After the cruise Manager of Parameters
Complete the Parameter form
28Step 4 Before your retirement ! Chief
of Mission Managers of parameters
- Transmit your data files to the Proof Data Base
- Marie-Paule Labaied
- Indicate the data validation level
- Indicate the confidentiality (2 years)
29Embarquants qui échantillonne pour les
non-embarquants? Collaborations?
- phyto (Gomez) Antoine/ Hervé
- coccolithophoridés (Beaufort / de Varga)
Frédéric - ciliés (Dolan) Frédéric
- pigments photoheterotrophes (Bidigare) Joséphine
- flow cytometry bacteria chla
(Bidigare) Frédéric - virus (Markus) ?
- Nif gene (Zehr) Frédéric
- Oxygène ?
- P pools (Karl) Thierry?
- FRRF IR (Kolber Falkowski?) ?
- Molecular CDOM (Repeta) Hervé / Davy
- ??
- ??