Title: Biomedical Signal Processing
1Biomedical Signal Processing
Chapter 5. Design of Non-recursive Digital Filters
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Yonsei
University Prof. Young Ro Yoon yoon_at_yonsei.ac.kr 0
10-2007-2440, 033-760-2440,2501
2The Von Hann Hamming Windows (7)
- A disadvantage of the Von Hann Hamming filters
- Their main lobes are a lot wider than the 10
specified. - ?To some extent we could narrow them by
requesting a smaller bandwidth in the first place.
H(W) dB
Frequency response of a 101-term low-pass filter
based upon the Hamming window (abscissa 320
3The Kaiser Window (1)
Specifying the design of a Kaiser-window filter.
4The Kaiser Window (2)
- The parameter a depends on the allowable ripple
value d. This is because a controls the taper of
the window, and hence its sidelobe levels. For a
given value of ripple(and hence a), the
transition width D is related to the window
length. Hence if D is specified, we can find the
parameter M. - Ripple level
- Given the value of A and the transition width D,
M is found using
5Equiripple Filters (1)
- As we move away from the transition region, the
error between desired and actual responses
becomes smaller. - This raises the interesting possibility that, if
the error can be distributed more equally over
the range. - This raises the interesting possibility that, if
the error can be distributed more equally over
the range 0 ? ? ? ?, we may be able to achieve a
better overall compromise between ripple levels,
transition bandwidth, and filter order. - Equiripple filter The aim is to find an
approximation giving acceptable levels of ripple
throughout the passband and stopband - rather
than just meeting the specification at one
frequency, and greatly exceeding it elsewhere.
6Equiripple Filters(2)
Specifying the design of a Kaiser-window filter.
7Equiripple Filters(3)
- Hermann and Schuessler specified the parameter M,
d1 and d2, allowing WP and WS to vary. They
showed that the equiripple behavior of Figure
5.21 could be expressed by a set of nonlinear
equations. - The difficulty of solving the equations for large
values of M led Hofstetter, Oppenheim, and Siegel
to develop an iterative algorithm for finding a
trigonometric polynomial with the required
properties. - Parks and McClellan chose to specify M, WP and
WS, and the ripple ratio d1/d2, while allowing
the actual value of d1 to vary. Their approach
has the advantage that the transition bandwidth
an important feature of most practical designs
is properly controlled. The design problem was
shown to reduce to a so-called Chebyshev
approximation over disjoint sets.
8Digital differentiators (1)
The first-order difference(FOD) of an input signal
9Digital differentiators (2)
10Digital differentiators (3)
Frequency responses of digital differentiators
11Example 5.2 (1)
Finding the impulse response hn corresponding
to the frequency response H(W) jB(W), where B(W)
is as shown in figure below. Sketch the form of
hn for a causal differentiating filter
truncated to 21 terms.
12Example 5.2 (2)
We have
The inverse Fourier Transform (see
equation(5.10)) is
Integrating by parts, we obtain
13Example 5.2 (3)
If n is odd, exp(jnp) exp(-jnp) -1. If n is
even, exp(jnp) exp(jnp)1 .
14Example 5.2 (4)
- The case n0 is a little awkward because of the
denominators n and n2 in the above expressions.
However if we put n0 in equation (5.40), we
readily find that h00. These results show that
hn is antisymmetrical about n0, in theory the
tails are infinitely long. - Figure 5.24 shows the impulse response truncated
to 21 terms, and shifted to begin at n0.
(Strictly, perhaps we should say 20 terms,
because the middle one is zero!) This causal
version of the differentiator will give a
best-fit approximation to the desired frequency
response in the least-squares sense, and will
introduce a pure delay of ten sampling intervals
15Example 5.2 (5)
16Three point central difference filter
System is
Having zeros at z1 and z-1.
17Least-squares polynomial derivative approximation
System is
Have zeros at z1 and z-1, z-0.25j0.968,
18Derivatives. (a) Amplitude response. (b) Phase
response. Solide lineTwo-point. Circles
Three-point central difference. Dashed line
Least-squares parabolic approximation for L2
19Second derivative filter
System is
Second derivative. (a) Signal-flow graph. (b)
Unit-circle diagram.