Title: John Searle
1John Searle
- John Searle is Mills Professor of Philosophy of
Mind and Language at the University of California
at Berkeley - His Chinese room argument is perhaps the most
influential and widely cited argument against
claims of artificial intelligence .
Chinese Room John Searle
2John Searle
- This "infamous Chinese room argument" has been
described by Stevan Harnad as having "already
achieved the status of a minor classic" and as
having "shook up the entire AI field" so
considerably that "things still have not settled
down since" . - William Rapaport, for instance, deems it "a rival
to the Turing Test as a touchstone of
philosophical inquiries into the foundations of
AI" - On the other hand, Searle's argument has been
decried, by Dennett as "sophistry" and, by
Hofstadter, as a "religious diatribe against AI
masquerading as a serious scientific argument"
Chinese Room John Searle
3Weak versus Strong AI
- Weak AI modeling or simulating intelligence on a
computer. Simulated hurricane does not blow down
trees. - Strong AI constructing actual intelligence on a
computer. Must have intentionality
Chinese Room Weak Vs.Strong
- Intentionality is by definition that feature of
certain mental states by which they are directed
at or are about object and states of affairs in
the world. Thus, beliefs, desires and intentions
are intentionality states undirected forms of
anxiety or depression are not
Chinese Room Weak Vs.Strong
5Strong AI
- Thinking is a species of computation.
(Computationalism/Functionalism) - Universal Turing Machines can compute any
computable function. (TuringChurch thesis) - Digital computers are Universal Turing Machines.
- therefore,
- Digital computers can think. (Possible AI)
Chinese Room Weak Vs.Strong
6Chinese RoomSimulating Simulation
- Suppose a computer program can simulate the
understanding of Chinese by examining all the
Chinese symbols it receives, consulting an
internal look-up table and determining what
symbols to send back as output. - Suppose this program could pass the Turing Test
- Suppose Searle himself (who understands no
Chinese) replaces the program - Since Searle obviously would not understand
Chinese, neither could the computer simulation.
Chinese Room Simulating Simulation
7Chinese Room Main Issue
- The real issue is whether the right kind of
computation / program is sufficient for having a
mind. Does something think in virtue of having
the right software?
Chinese Room Main Issue
8Chinese Room Objections
- Systems Room knows Chinese, not man Searle
suggests the man in the room internalize
everything, then he is the whole system. But
there is a real problem of scale. - Robot Room lacks connection to world. The
computer can only point to other data (even the
mechanisms to control a robot are, internally,
just device addresses) while human
intentionality points outside the brain (e.g. to
actual horses). But brains dont directly
interact with the world either. - Brain Simulator As long as it simulates only
the formal structure of the sequence of neuron
firings at the synapses, it wont have simulated
what matters about the brain its ability to
produce intentional states.
Chinese RoomObjections
9Chinese Room Objections
- Combination Of 1, 2 and 3
- Other Minds How do you know that anyone has a
mind? - Many mansions Future developments
Chinese RoomObjections
10Main Points
- But the main point of the present argument is
that no purely formal model will ever be by
itself sufficient for intentionality, because the
formal properties are not by themselves
constitutive of intentionality and they have by
themselves no casual powers except the power,
when instantiated, to produce the next state of
formalism when the machine is running.
Chinese RoomObjections
11Main Points
- Because formal symbol manipulations by
themselves dont have any intentionality. They
are meaningless-they arent even symbol
manipulations, since the symbols dont symbolize
anything. In the linguistic jargon, they have
only a syntax but no semantics.
Chinese RoomObjections
12Main Points
- Searle's primary argument remains the linking
between the simulation of intelligence, with
"real" intelligence. In the Chinese room he
attempts to put this on a firm footing, but in
the discussion he makes this claim more clear
when he notes no one would expect to get wet
jumping into a swimming pool full of ping-pong
balls simulating water".
Chinese RoomObjections
13Searle is NOT saying
- Machines cannot think
- Thinking organisms have to be biological
- Thinking is not symbol manipulation
- Searle is saying
- Hardware with the right casual powers AND
software important - Consciousness is necessary
Searle is NOT saying
14Chinese RoomScientific American Article January
- (A1) Programs are formal (syntactic).
- (A2) Minds have mental contents (semantics).
- (A3) Syntax by itself is neither constitutive of
nor sufficient for semantics - to the following, conclusion (p.27)
- (C1) Programs are neither constitutive of nor
sufficient for minds. - Searle then adds a fourth axiom (p.29)
- (A4) Brains cause minds.
- from which we are supposed to "immediately
derive, trivially" the conclusion (p.29) - (C2) Any other system capable of causing minds
would have to have causal powers (at least)
equivalent to those of brains. - Finally, from the preceding, Searle claims to
derive two further conclusions (p.29) - (C3) Any artifact that produced mental
phenomena, any artificial brain, would have to be
able to duplicate the specific causal powers of
brains, and it could not do that just by running
a formal program. - and
- (C4) The way that human brains actually produce
mental phenomena cannot be solely by virtue of
running a computer program.
Chinese Room Axioms
15Some Observations
- Realistic implementation? What is the scale?
- Chinese room and computer cannot cause mental
event but he never explains how the brain can - Agrees consciousness is an emergent property, but
claims physical medium must be right
Final Arguments
16Some Observations
- The Chinese Room begs the question. The very
existence of "understanding" is at stake the
question is whether the Chinese Room
"understands". Yet "understanding" is simply
postulated of other entities-- human minds, and
the human inside the Chinese Room. Searle cannot
have it both ways.
Final Arguments
17Some Observations
- The man in the Chinese Room represents the
computer-- more precisely, the CPU, the tiny chip
which actually executes the instructions that
make up a program. - It seems obvious the CPU really doesn't
understand, and no one who believes in "strong
AI" thinks it does. - But note Searle's sleight of hand. The Chinese
Room story tells us that the CPU doesn't
"understand". But a page later he's trying to say
that programs don't understand. ("Programs are
neither constitutive of nor sufficient for
Final Arguments
18BlockComputer Model of the Mindhttp//www.nyu.ed
- The mind is the program of the brain
- For cognitive scientists intelligent computers
offer the chance to learn about the mind
BlockModel of the Mind
19BlockDefinitions of Intelligence
- Two definitions
- the word..behavioral like the Turing test
- construction.. how it works (functionalism)
Block Definitions of Intelligence
20BlockDefinitions of Intelligence
- Functionalism is a theory in philosophy developed
as an answer to the mind body problem because of
objections to both identity theory and logical
behaviorism. Its core idea is that the mental
states can be accounted for without taking into
account the underlying physical substrate (the
neurons), instead attending to higher-level
functions such as beliefs, desires, and emotions
Block Definitions of Intelligence
- The mind consists of smaller and smaller and
stupider and stupider homunculi until you finally
reach to level of a mechanical homunculi
Block Homunculi
- Intelligent capacities are understood via
decomposition into a network of capacities
executed by primitive processes (reductionism).
Block Intelligence
23Block Multiplication
Multiplication is broken down into repetitive
Block Intelligence
24BlockPrimitive Processes
- For primitive processes the question of how they
work is not a question for cognitive scientist. - They are the only computational devices for which
behaviorism is true.
Block Primitive Processes
25Block Gates The primitive Processes for Adder
Block Primitive Processes
26Block Gates The Primitive Processes for Adder
- Primitive processes considered equivalent if they
have the same input and output - Here gates can be realized in different ways
different ways of representing bistable states - Hardware irrelevant to computational description
Block Primitive Processes
27Block Gates The Primitive Processes for Adder
Electrical AND gate open 0 closed 1
Block Primitive Processes
28Block Gates The Primitive Processes for Adder
Cat and Mouse AND Gate hungry mouse 0 mouse
fed 1
Block Primitive Processes
29Block Modeling the Mind
- Cognitive science attempts to model the primitive
processes of the mind - At this level hardware is irrelevant
Block Intelligence and Intentionality
30Block Intentionality
- Intentionality is aboutness
- The thought that the moon is full and the
perceptual state that the moon is full are both
intentional states - Pain is not an intentional state
Block Intentional Levels
31Block Functionalism and Intentionality
- The method of functional analysis that explains
intelligent processes by reducing them to
unintelligent mechanical processes does not
explain intentionality - The parts of an intentional system can be just as
intentional as the whole system the component
processors of an intentional system can
manipulate symbols that are about just the same
things as the symbols manipulated by the whole
Block Intentional Levels
32Block Functionalism and Intentionality
- The multiplier was explained via a decomposition
into devices that add, subtract and the like. - The multiplier's states were intentional in that
they were about numbers. The states of the adder,
subtractor, etc., are also about numbers and are
thus similarly intentional.
Block Intentional Levels
33BlockIntentional Levels
- There is, however, an important relation between
intentionality and functional decomposition - Though the multiplier's and the adder's states
are about numbers, the gate's representational
states represent numerals - In general the subject matter of representations
shift as we cross the divide from complex
processors to primitive processors.
Block Intentional Levels
34BlockIntentional Levels
- Lowest intentional level are the primitive
processes - This level is the realization level where input
and output are about things but they do not
have parts that are about things
Block Intentional Levels
35Block Symbols and Representations
- At the primitive process level, there is a shift
of subject matter from abstractions like numbers
or from things in the world to the symbols
themselves . - Difference between numbers and numerals are like
the difference between the city of Boston and the
word Boston.
Block Intentional Levels
36BlockIntentional Levels
- The algorithm used by the multiplier notation is
independent. It depends on the properties of the
numbers represented, not the representations
themselves. - By contrast, the internal operation of the adder
depends on binary notation, and its description
speaks of numerals - The adder works in binary, but not in other
standard notations.
Block Intentional Levels
37BlockIntentional Levels
- The designer has found a machine which has
physical aspects that can be interpreted
symbolically - Under that symbolic interpretation, there are
symbolic regularities that are isomorphic to
rational relations among the semantic values of
the symbols - It is the isomorphism between these two functions
that explains how it is that a device that
manipulates symbols manages to add numbers.
Block Intentional Levels
38BlockIntentional Levels
- The idea of the brain as a syntactic engine
driving a semantic engine is just a
generalization of this picture to a wider class
of symbolic activities, namely the symbolic
activities of human thought. - The idea is that we have symbolic structures in
our brains, and that nature (evolution and
learning) has seen to it that there are
correlations between causal interactions among
these structures and rational relations among the
meanings of the symbolic structures.
Block Intentional Levels
39BlockComputational System
- As a computational system is decomposed reach a
point where there is a shift in subject matter
from the things in the world to the symbols
Block Computational System
40BlockSymbolic Representation
- Remember
- The map is not the territory
Block Symbolic Representation