Title: Mycorrhizal association with pine roots
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6Mycorrhizal association with pine roots
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8changing forest structure and
9Bushy-tailed woodrat occupying entrance hole
created by woodpeckers.
10White-headed woodpecker excavating a nest
cavity in a dead pine tree.
11Longitudinal section of a nest cavity excavated
in a lodgepole pine by a black-backed woodpecker.
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13Symptoms include Chlorotic (yellow) needles
Stress cone crop
14Douglas-fir in various stages of decline.
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17Fungus spreads primarily through and along roots.
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20Armillaria root rot
21Laminated root rot
22Ectotrophic mycelium
Setal hyphae (red whiskers)
23Annosus root rot
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26Stem decay caused by Indian paint
fungus Echinodontium tinctorium
27Indian paint fungus
28Red ring rot fungus Phellinus
29Management -Plan roads carefully -Keep
vehicles away from trees -Minimize stand
entries -If pruning, do so early -Dedicate
wounded trees to wildlife
30Needle cast disease
Meria laricis
32Symptoms and Signs of Swiss Needle Cast
Premature needle loss
33Cedar flagging
Fall yellowing
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35White pine blister rust
36Stem canker on white pine
Infected Ribes
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39Phases of Forest Development
40Stand development
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43Defoliating insects
Tent caterpillar
Fall webworm
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45Silver spotted tiger moth
46European gypsy moth
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49Bark Beetles
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58Citrus longhorned beetle
Banded alder borer
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