Title: Prezentace aplikace PowerPoint
1Three new species of agromyzid leafminers?
Agromyza sp. nr. frontella
Agromyza sp. nr. bromi
Robert Vlk
1. Agromyza sp. nr. bromi  Shortened
description Medium-sized black species, with
costa ending at vein R45. Head Frons is brown,
significantly projecting above eye 2 ors, the
upper slightly stronger, 2 ori (2 or 3 in A.
bromi.) jowls deeply extended at rear, 1/3
height of eye (1/4 in A. bromi) third antennal
segment slightly longer than broad, rounded
bellow, with distinct angle above. Mesonotum
Shining black, with 4 dc (up to 5 differentiated
dc in A. bromi). Wing Costa ending at vein R45,
last and penultimate sections of M34 approx.
equal, first cross-vein at midpoint of a discal
cell. Squamae, including margin and fringe,
white. Legs Largely black, fore knees narrowly
yellowish. Â Reference specimens Brno - Chrlice
(CR), 25.5.1996, 2?, R. Vlk leg., det. et coll.,
1?, R. Vlk leg. et det., M. Cerný coll. ? is
unknown! Â Â
2. Agromyza sp. nr. frontella Shortened
description Small species with brown or reddish
frons, 31 dc and costa ending at vein R45.
Head Frons is brown to reddish only in front
(reddish to yellow, often also behind, in A.
frontella), narrower, 1,5 times width of eye
(twice width of eye in A. frontella),
conspicuously projecting above eye in profile
orbits are entirely black (partially pale in A.
frontella). Jowls deeply extended at rear, almost
the same height like eye in male, 3/4 height of
eye in female (up to 1/2 height of eye in A.
frontella). Antennae are entirely dark brown or
almost black (first and second segments are
reddish and third antennal segment is black often
only on outside in A. frontella), pubescence of
the third segment is short and scarce in male
(conspicuous pubescence in male of A. frontella)
and barely recordable in female (a fringe at
upper corner in female of A. frontella). Mesonotum
With 31 strong dc, blackish, distinctly
shining. Wing Costa ending shortly after vein
R45, last section of M34 equal to or slightly
longer than penultimate, first cross-vein
distinctly placed distally (at midpoint of a
discal cell in A. frontella). Squamae are pale
greyish (more ochrous in A. frontella), with
margin and fringe dark brown to black (ochrous to
brownish in A. frontella). Legs Almost entirely
black, only fore legs with yellowish knees (all
knees are largely yellow in A. frontella), tibiae
and tarsi sometimes paler, brownish. Reference
specimens Perná (CR), 13.5.1997, 1? 1?, R. Vlk
leg., det. et coll. Dolnà Dunajovice (CR),
25.6.1997, 1?, R. Vlk leg., det. et coll.
3. Amauromyza (Cephalomyza) sp. nr.
chenopodivora  Shortened description
Medium-sized, entirely black species. Head
Frons is brown (black or dark brown in A.
chenopodivora), broad, twice width of eye,
conspicuously raised in front. Orbits broadly
projecting above eye in profile 2 ors, 4 ori (3
ori in A. chenopodivora), orbital setulae short,
sparse, straight (reclinate in A. chenopodivora).
Jowls deep, between 1/3 and 1/2 vertical height
of eye, cheeks forming broad rinh below eye.
Third antennal segment rounded, slightly longer
than broad, arista is not distinctly pubescent
(distinct long pubescence in A.
chenopodivora). Mesonotum Mat black, slightly
greyish, with 31 d. Wing Costa extending to
vein M12 last section of M34 slightly more
than 1,5 times length of penultimate. Squamae
grey, margin and fringe black. Legs Entirely
black. Â Reference specimens Nosislav (CR),
21.5.1996, 1?, R. Vlk leg., det. et coll. ? is
unknown! Â Â Â
Amauromyza sp. nr. chenopodivora
Authors address Department of
Biology Pedagogical Faculty Masaryk
University PorÃcà 7 639 00 Brno Czech Republic