Title: Fast Fourier Transform Components
1Fast Fourier Transform Components
- Project Proposal Sept. 22
- Team Leader Tomasz Jankowski
- Course ECE 815
- Partners Mosis, GigaIC
2Project Definition
- Project description - The purpose of the project
is to develop a library of components for a 16
point, radix 4 FFT algorithm - FTT Library components
- Butterfly - a basic building block for an FFT
algorithm - consists of multipliers, adders and a
twiddle factor memory
FTT -Sixteen-point, radix-4 decimation-in-frequenc
y algorithm with input in normal order and output
in digit-reversed order
3Project Definition
- FTT Library components
- Multiplier fast multiplies uses carry-save
adders (CSAs) to sum the partial product. (Figure
4x4array multiplier)
4Project Definition
- FTT Library components
- Adder Add two inputs A and B. The result is 0 ,
1 or 2 so two bits are required to represent the
value - Truth table full adder
- G Generate, K Kill, P Propagate, Cout
carry out, S sum, C, Cin Carry in - GAB, K/(AB), PAxorB, S PxorC, CoutABACBC
- FIFO - First In First Out buffer data between
two asynchronous streams
5Project Specifications
- suggested clock speed 100 MHz (note if the
speed of 100 MHz can not be achieved in AMI05
technology then a lower frequency is acceptable) - algorithm radix-4
- arithmetic 16 bit fixed point, 2s complement
- complex arithmetic operations should be divided
into smaller tasks (pipelining) if the assumed
target frequency could not be achieved otherwise - All control and status signals should follow the
same standard - All components should have a clock input (CLK),
reset (RST) - Arithmetic operators should contain a status line
(OVFL) indicating whether an overflow has
occurred - The cooperation among the design teams is
6Implementation Project Team
7Project plan
Agenda - project preparation - project
design - project simulation - report
8Project pre-reports
Every 2 week Wednesday 5pm pre-report
(e-mail) which will includes - Team nr Team
number - Date Date - Project step -
project preparation complete value
proposal due time - project design -
complete value proposal due time -
project simulation - complete value
proposal due time - Risks/Problem Starting
October 5.
10More info, links ?