Title: The SpanishAmerican War
1The Spanish-American War
"It has been a splendid little war, Secretary
of State John Hay
- Spanish rule of Cuba harsh under Gen. Valeriano
Weyler led to reconcentration camps of Cuban
- Harsh conditions reported in US papers
3Role of the Newspapers
- Hearst papers exaggerated Spanish threat to US
- Manufactured stories of Spanish atrocities
4The de Lome Letter
Enrique Dupuy de Lome, Spanish ambassador to the
- Besides the natural and inevitable coarseness
with which he repeats all that the press and
public opinion of Spain has said of Weyler, it
shows once more what McKinley is weak and
catering to the rabble, and, besides, a low
politician, who desires to leave a door open to
me and to stand well with the jingoes of his
party. - Insults of McKinley published in newspapers de
Lome sent home anger against Spain rises
5The Maine
- USS Maine sent to protect Americans in Havana
mysterious explosion destroys ship, Feb. 15, 1898
Americans blame Spanish possible causes?
6US Congress Declares WAR!!!
- War should never be entered upon until every
agency of peace has failed - Reluctant McKinley asks Congress for war
- McKinley has no more backbone than a chocolate
7The Teller Amendment
- Sen. Henry Teller adds amendment to war
the United States "hereby disclaims any
disposition of intention to exercise sovereignty,
jurisdiction, or control over said island (Cuba)
except for pacification thereof, and asserts its
determination, when that is accomplished, to
leave the government and control of the island to
its people."
8Role of Theodore Roosevelt
- Background of Roosevelt (TR)
- former Dakota cowboy NYC police
commissioner - Under Secretary of the Navy in 1898 when war is
9Role of Theodore Roosevelt
- Orders Adm. George Dewey to attack the Spanish
in the Philippines when ready - Lacked authority to do so, later approved by
president resigned to form own regiment
10Battle of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898
- Dewey and the steel navy of the US destroys
Spanish fleet in Manila in six hours, no US
11Dewey and the Filipino Revolt
- Filipinos had been in revolt for a decade, led by
Emilio Aguinaldo - Dewey allies will rebels to fight Spanish in the
Philippines, with promise of independence
12TR and the Roughriders
- TR resigns post and forms the Roughriders
- Made up of cowboys and Ivy Leaguers and friends
of TR -
- Commanded by Col. Leonard Wood
13Cuba and San Juan Hill
- July 5th, 1898, TR and the Roughriders charge San
Juan (really Kettle) Hill
14San Juan Hill
- Media coverage makes TR a national hero
- TR becomes governor of NY, later VP in 1900
- July, 1898 US fleet destroys the Spanish,
ending the war - Spain surrenders after battle
16The Aftermath
- Provisions of Treaty
- Spain cedes Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam
- US pays Spain 20m
- US reluctantly gives Cuba independence, but
passes Platt Amendment - US can intervene in Cuban politics
- Keeps naval base (Guantanamo Naval Station)
17The Filipino Revolt
- McKinley decides to keep the Philippines
I am not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, that I
went down on my knees and prayed Almighty God for
light and guidance more than one night. And one
night late it came to me this wayI dont know
how it was, but it came
that there was nothing left for us to do but to
take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and
uplift and civilize and Christianize them, and by
Gods grace do the very best we could by them, as
our fellow-men for whom Christ also died.
18The Revolt Against the US
- The Filipino Revolt
- (1899 1902)
- Aguinaldo leads revolt until his capture in 1902
US uses harsh methods -