Title: Lissabontraktatens skbne
1Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Den irske proces
- 1. Opinionsrapport bestilt af regeringen
- om baggrunden for det irske nej.
- 2. DER konklusioner juni og okt. 2008
- 3. rapport fra underudvalg i Irlands
- parlament med et løseligt bud på
- Irlands krav
- Det franske formandskabs rolle og Det Europæiske
Råds møde 11.-12. dec. - 1. Kommissionens størrelse og udnævnelse.
- 2. Tidspunktet for folkeafstemning
- 3. øvrige forsikringer
2Lissabon-traktatens skæbner
- Afstemningsresultat
- Nej 28 af vælgerne
- Ja 25 af vælgerne
- Stemte ikke 47 af vælgerne
3Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
Post Lisbon Treaty Referendum Reseasrch
Findings September 2008
4Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Lack of knowledge/understanding
- Main reason for abstention was lack of
understanding/knowledge (47 af de, der afstod
fra at stemme - The main reason for voting No was lack of
knowledge/understanding (42 af de, der stemte
nej) - At a wider level, an EU knowledge deficit is
clearly present which has undoubtedly contributed
to the No vote. This was evidenced in both the
opinion poll and the focus group research.
Knowledge of EU institutions and how they work
appears to be particularly low. The difficulty of
advocating a referendum that is based on the
premise of an institutional reform in this
environment is evident.
5Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
6Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
7Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
Citater fra fokusgrupper
I think they just launched something that nobody
could understand you had to go with your gut I
think Hard Yes, Female
Its an awful thing to say but I was completely
confused between the two. I felt listening to
one politician one day expounding about all the
benefits of voting Yes, you kind of say, yeah, I
can see that, and then you listen to someone
else talking about the No campaign. Hard No,
8Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Delkonklusioner i rapporten
- Across all focus groups the level of
understanding of the Lisbon Treaty is best
described as fairly poor - Frustration was the most common emotion in the
focus groups. Many People had made effeorts to
understand the implications of ratification but
could not find the answers they were looking for
it was too complex and confusing. Anger was also
commonly expressed. - Confusion was the prevailing theme. Many were
repeatedly swayed in different directions due to
what they described as conflicting evidence.Panic
was also evident in some cases.
9Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
10Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
11Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
Citater fra fokusgrupper
- They got bogged down in the detail whereas they
should have early on given a synopsis of what it
was, theres no need to be bothering with the
details. Hard Yes, Male - I said Id have a go at it (The Referendum
Commission Booklet) to get more knowledge but
being honest, I said oh my God, thats too
complicated. Hard Yes, Female - They couldnt tell us why it was good for us,
nobody was able to tell me this, and believe me,
I tried, nobody was able to tell me Conflict
Group, Female
12Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Nejet var ikke udtryk for en negativ vurdering
af Irlands medlemskab - Positiv holdning til at Irland fortsat skal være
fuldt medlem af EU - 60 af hele vælgerkorpset
- 68 af ja-stemmerne
- 53 af nej-stemmerne
- Kun 17-18 ønsker mindre involvering
13Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Konklusioner
- En kompliceret (institutionel) traktat fænger
ikke. - Det er TV/radio, der tæller.
- Neutral information fænger ikke.
- Vælgerne bliver frustrerede, hvis de skal at
stemme, hvis emner er komplekst men også hvis
de snydes for en folkeafsemnng.
14Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
15Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Vigtige emner i vælgerkorpsets syn på EU
- Undgå overdreven EU-regulering
- Arbejdstagerrettigheder
- Neutralitet
- Bevare indflydelse i EU
- Abort
- Tab af en irsk kommissær
16Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Det irske parlaments underudvalgs rapport
- Formål at skabe enighed mellem ja-partierne om
linien. - BgrænsningerIkke krænke regeringens
udenrigspolitiske prærogativ, læs ikke skabe så
meget enighed, at det bliver til borgfred.
17Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- The challenge
- Irelands standing and influence in the EU have
diminished following the peoples decision not to
ratify the Lisbon Treaty. - It is ...likely that a mechanism will be
devoloped by other Member states which allow them
to proceed with a process of further integration
which excludes Ireland - .. Seriously damage Irelands competitiveness in
attracting foreign direct investment. - The perception that Ireland is moving away from
the core of Europe has the potential to affect
its standing and credibility with the UN in its
work to maintain international peace and
18Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Issues
- Maintaining control over direct taxation policy
is vital. That control is not affected by the
Lisbon-Treaty. - EU should continue to develop the social market
economy. Ireland should focus on workers right
and sustainable economic growth - Member States policies in areas of social and
ethical sentitivities should continue to be
respected. Subsidiarity and respecting the limits
of EU competence should be respected - Any practical measure that demonstrates that
Irish neutrality is and continue to be protected
and respected should be considered - Having a Commissioner nominated by the
Government appears a matter af national
sensitivity.... and would also offer legitimacy
to the Commission
19Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Options
- The Subcommittee has concerns about any opt-outs.
It points to the Danish experience - The sub-committee has strong concerns about
options that could lead to ireland being on an
outer or second tier of the EU. Catastrophic for
ireland - A solution must be found that keeps Ireland at
the heart of Europewhile respecting the
democratic will of the people by arranging for
these concerns to be accomodated
20Lissabon-trakttens skæbne
- Herudover
- Bedre generel information om EU og bedre
skoleundervisning herom - Mere kontrol med regeringens optræden i EU
(britisk model).
21Lissabon-traktatense skæbne
- III. Det Europæiske Råds møde 11.12. dec.
- 1. Generel ramme for løsning
- Ingen genforhandling
- Ingen nye ratifikationer
- DER Konklusioner oktober 2008
- DER besluttede at vende tilbage til spørgsmålet
på mødet i december 2008 med henblik på at
definere elementer til en løsning og en fælles
vej frem.
22Lissabon-traktatens skæbne
- Hvad kan Det Europæiske Råd beslutte?
- Tre Hovedpunkter
- Tidspunkt for traktatens ikrafttræden/folke-afstem
ningen - Kommissionen under Lissabon og Nice
- Indhold og retlig form for andre forsikringer
- Cowen EU skal respektere de irlandske vælgeres
bekymringer, og det skal ske i en robust legal