Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Dont get lost! What are we doing?
Classical (Euclidean) tools
pb. ? camera model ? calibration ? separation
(int/ext) ? pose
Numerical tools
Projective geometry
Calibrated cameras
Uncalibrated cameras
Euclidean geometry
Projective geometry
2First application camera pose estimation
Pose estimation extrinsic calibration
navigation by reference where is the camera?
where am I in the scene?
In vision, robotics, virtual reality,
Two most popular methods
- 3-point algebraic method
- 4 coplanar points linear method
3Pose estimation calibration of only extrinsic
43-point algebraic method
3 reference points 3 beacons
- First convert pixels u into normalized points x
by knowing the intrinsic parameters - Write down the fundamental equation
- Solve this algebraic system to get the point
distances first - Compute a 3D transformation
5Fundamental euclidean geometric constraint
6Solving the algebraic system by elimination
a polynomial of degree m and a polynomial of
degree n leads to a polynomial of degree mn
- (using a symbolic computation software (Maple or
Mathematica)) - using our hands ?
73D transformation estimation
given 3 corresponding 3D points
- Compute the centroids as the origin
- Compute the scale
- (compute the rotation by quaternion)
- Compute the rotation axis
- Compute the rotation angle
8Geometry of 3D rotation about an axis with angle
92 equations for 3 unknowns, so two vectors are
10Rotation axis is obtained, but not yet the angle
11Linear pose estimation from 4 coplanar points
- (Projective method based on a homography)
- (Similar to plane-based calibration)
- Vector based (or affine geometry) method
12(No Transcript)
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14Now we get only the ratios of the unknown
distances, to fix the ratio,