Title: W Mass Measurements and Electroweak Constraints
1 W Mass Measurements and Electroweak
- Happy 22nd Birthday Ws
- UA1,UA2
- W Boson Properties
- WW xsec, W BRs, Vcs, TGCs
- W Mass ? Higgs mass
- The Future
- TeVatron Run II, LHC, ILC
Chris Parkes
Higgs Maxwell Particle Physics Workshop, Ne-SC
Edinburgh, February 9th 2005
2W Discovery
UA2, Phys.Lett.B276354-364,1992
MW80.35?0.33?0.17 GeV
3LEPs Legacy Weighing the Bosons
- Precision measurements of the weak interactions
- The Z
- LEP 1 Phase 1989-1995
- 15 million Zs
- MZ 91187.5?2.1 MeV
- 2 parts in 105 !
- ?Z2495.2?2.3 MeV
4LEP 2 Phase 1996-2000
- W boson measurements
- Measuring the Higgs mass ?
- MW depends on (mtop)2
- MW depends on ln (mhiggs)
5WW Production at LEP
- Three Feynman graphs with interference gives Six
terms - Only Born level shown
- Near threshold t-channel dominates
- Cancellations are consequence of SM structure
6First WW Event
- 35,000 selected WWs at LEP2
- Luminosity 700pb-1 per Experiment
- Energies 161 209 GeV
7Event Selection
Divide events into final states
- Event characteristics
- Jets, leptons
- Backgrounds
- Z?, ZZ
- Selections typically
- Neural Net, Likelihood
- based
8WW cross-section results
GENTLE 0.969 ?0.009
- Measured cross-sections corrected for QM
interference with other processes that produce
the same final state - Theoretical error at threshold (IBA) 2
- Theoretical error above 170 Gev (LPA/DPA)
9Branching Ratios, Vcs
SM 67.51
Assuming measurements of other elements
- 2.8 sigma excess in tau decays
10W Mass Analysis Technique
- Select Events
- Reconstruct lepton and jets (also gluon jets)
- Impose Kinematic constraints
- improve resolution
- E,p conservation
- M1,M2 or M1M2
- Perform maximum likelihood fit to data
- Calibrate with simulation
- Event by Event Resoultion
11LEP W Mass Error Components
12LEP Beam Energy Determination
Correlated between all experiments
- Spin precession frequency of polarised ee- beams
(?EBEAM200keV) - Polarisationlt 60 GeV? Calibrate other methods
- Measurement of magnetic field of LEP bending
magnets - Oscillations of beam around ideal orbit
(Synchotron tune) - Spectrometer
From Ebeam
13Final State Interactions
- WW- decay vertices separation typically 0.1fm
- Typical hadronisation scale 1fm
- BEC between final state hadrons
- identical bosons (pions) close in phase space
35 MeV - CR cross-talk between coloured objects in
non-perturbative QCD region 65 MeV - Additional systematic on W Mass for
fully-hadronic decays - Simulation
- Measurements
14World average W Mass
?0.029(stat.) ?0.031 (syst)
- Weight of qqqq channel in LEP fit 10
- Mass difference (no FSI) 22?43 MeV
- Stat (no syst.) 21 MeV
- LEP direct determination of W Width
- 2.150 ? 0.0068(stat.) ?0.0060(syst.) GeV
15Measuring the Higgs Mass
Remember LEP 1 predicted the top mass !
- mHiggs lt 260 GeV (95 CL)
- SM MH varied
- MSSM parameters varied
17Triple Gauge Couplings
- O(?em)
- 1-2 xsec
- W- production angle becomes more fwd peaked
C, P conserving emag. gauge invariant WWZ, WW?
- Also QGCs!(WW?)
- And NTGCs
18The near-ish Future TeVatron, LHC
- LEPTeVatron Run II ?MW?30 MeV
- LHC ?MW?15 MeV
- Transverse mass
- No knowledge of longitudinal ? momentum
- Transverse ? momentum from missing momentum
- Systematics limited? Statistical Error 2 MeV for
10fb-1 - Lepton energy scale, use Z?ll- i.e. measure
mW/mZ - Parton distribution functions ?W longitudinal
p?lepton acceptance
19The Far Future ILC
Measure the cross-section at threshold ?measure
Measurement made at LEP with 10pb-1 Sensitivity
same at direct reconstruction
The difficulties
- Luminosity
- LEP 700pb-1?
- ILC 107 s, 100fb-1
- Determine Background
- At threshold t-channel
- ? diagram, eL eR-
- Polarised beams can turn off
signal !
- Theory
- To obtain error of 1MeV
- Full O(?) calculation in threshold region, 104
Feynman graphs - Ebeam
- Spectrometer, calibrate to Mz
- Z? radiative return
20Dear All,Having a lovely time in the 2nd nicest
town in Scotland.
- WW cross-section, 1
- BR, Vcs
- TGCs
- W Width 2.150 ?0.091 GeV
- W Mass 80.412 ?0.042 GeV
Given the state of the British postal service, it
may be measured to 15 MeV(LHC) , 7 MeV (ILC)
by the time this arrives