Title: Dolly Partons Imagination Library
1Dolly Partons Imagination Library
Presented by Invest in Kids
2What is the Imagination Library?
- Preschool literacy program that provides children
with a new, FREE, age-appropriate, hardcover book
each month! - Open to children from birth to age five,
regardless of socioeconomic status! - Ensures that children will have quality books in
the home - Inspires a love for reading and literacy
3What is the Imagination Library?
- Launched by Dolly Parton in 1996 to benefit the
children in her hometown of Sevier County - Program went NATIONWIDE in the U.S. in 2000
there are now more than 480,000 children
currently registered! - 5 MILLION books were be mailed to children in
2008! - Dolly Partons Dollywood Foundation partnered
with Invest in Kids and launched the Imagination
Library in Canada in November, 2006
4Imagination Library in Canada
- Invest in Kids National charitable organization
dedicated to helping parents become the parents
they want and need to be by providing them with
the necessary resources, knowledge, skills, and
5What are the Benefits?
- Promotes and encourages a love of reading among
children - Helps ensure that children enter kindergarten
with a strong ability to read and an eagerness to
learn - Strengthens the literacy level of your community
- Promotes parent-child interaction and bonding
- Provides FREE, high-quality, age-appropriate
books to children
6What are the Benefits?
- Children who are read to at home every day tend
to be better prepared to learn at school - - National Longitudinal Survey of Children and
Youth, Statistics Canada, 2007 - The latest science tells us that reading to our
children does much more than please and delight
them. It helps them to build a large vocabulary
and a range of language skills such as good
listening and comprehension skills, which will
help him learn to communicate and which are also
related to children's reading ability as they
grow. - - Canadian Language and Literacy Research
7What are the Benefits?
- Babies and toddlers are enriched by books. Even
more important, the relationships between very
young children and their parents are enriched by
books. Books provide a source of mutual pleasure
for parent and child that is likely to last a
lifetime. We introduce infants and toddlers to
books not simply because of what they will learn
from them, but so that they will grow to love
them. It is a gift beyond measure. - - Zero to Three Journal, September, 1991.
8How does the Program Work?
- The Dollywood Foundation partners with
communities willing to bring this gift to the
children in their area - A community partner and sponsor are required to
support the program - fund the cost of books, postage, mailing, and
administration - receive registration forms, register children,
promote the program - The program is open to ALL children from birth to
age 5 who reside in the defined and sponsored
9The Beginnings of a Library!
- Children registered with the program receive a
new, FREE, age-appropriate, hardcover book each
month until their 5th birthday! - Books are addressed to the child and mailed
directly to their home! Canada Post and
Canadian Mail Exchange - First book The Little Engine That Could
- Last book Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for
Kindergarten - First and last books include a letter from Dolly
10The Beginnings of a Library!
- BONUS! Each book also comes with an Invest in
Kids COMFORT, PLAY TEACH CARD that is specific
to the individual childs age and developmental
stage. - Each Comfort, Play Teach card provides parents
with helpful and beneficial tips on how to
comfort, play with, and teach their child as they
read their new book together. - Compelling research evidence consistently
emphasizes that when parents comfort, play
with and teach their children in a
positive manner it emphasizes the
childrens development.
11The Book Selection Process!
- Books are selected by the Imagination Library
Committee comprised of educators, child
development experts, child psychologists, and
childhood literacy professionals - Books are selected for their age-appropriateness,
developmental level, accuracy, language level,
diversity, usage of pictures and words, etc.
12The Replication Process
- How to Bring the Imagination Library to Your
Community! - Decide where you want to replicate the Program
- Fundraising Secure a Sponsor
- Identify a Local Champion
- Complete the necessary paperwork
- Order registration brochures
- Receive operations manual
- Host Rollout event!
13STEP 1 Define Your Community
- Define the city, town, community or neighbourhood
in which you would like to replicate the program
in terms of - City or town boundaries
- Neighbourhood
- School district
- Postal code
- A childs eligibility for the program depends
ONLY on - Childs age (between the ages of 0 5)
- Childs place of residence (must reside in
defined community)
14STEP 1 Define Your Community
- Rememberit is NOT permissible to limit a childs
registration based on - Socioeconomics
- Risk factors
- Participation in certain programs
- Parental factors
- Religious beliefs
- Race or ethnicity
- Or by any means other than a childs age and
place of residence!
15STEP 2 Secure a Sponsor
- The Dollywood Foundation and Invest in Kids cover
all the administrative and overhead costs
associated with the Imagination Library - Creation and maintenance of registration database
- Book mailing system
- However, in order for the Imagination Library to
be offered FREE to parents and children, the
program requires a local sponsor. - Local sponsor covers the monthly cost of books,
labeling, postage and mailing - 5.00/child - The Local sponsor also covers the cost of
registration brochures and promotional material
16STEP 2 Secure a Sponsor
- Sponsors Include
- Local businesses
- Local foundations/non-profit organizations
- School systems
- Rotary Clubs
- Civic organizations
- Local government
- Faith-based groups
- Chambers of Commerce
- United Ways
The sponsor can be almost any organization, or
even an individual, who wants to make a profound
difference in the lives of their communitys
17STEP 3 Select a Local Champion
- The local champion in each community has three
primary responsibilities - Register children for the Imagination Library
- Enter registration data into the Dollywood
Foundation Canada registration database system - Promote the program in the community!
- A local champion can be an individual or
organization, such as an Early Years Centre,
Child Development Organization, local Family
Centre, local library, Municipal organization,
18STEP 4 Complete Paperwork
- There are three pieces of information that must
be filled out with the Dollywood Foundation
Canada before beginning to register children - Memorandum of Agreement
- Affiliate Information Sheet
- Promotional Order Form (used to order
registration brochures and promotional materials)
19STEP 5 Order Reg. Brochures
- Registration brochures for each locality are
ordered through the Dollywood Foundation Canada - Brochures are customized with the community and
sponsor information and logo - A proof will be sent 5 days after the order is
placed - 4-6 weeks for delivery of brochures
20STEP 6 Operational Guide
- The Operations Training Manual and Reference
Guide includes - Library book list and descriptions
- Instructions on how to navigate the Dollywood
Foundation Canada database system - Instructions for placing the monthly book order
- Description of online registration process
- Tips on how to promote the program, along with a
promotional items order form - FAQ section
21STEP 7 Host Rollout Event!
- Intended to announce the launch of the
Imagination Library in the community - Opportunity to create a buzz, make a splash, and
get people excited about the program! - Opportunity to recognize and thank the sponsoring
organization and local champion - Chance to promote the Imagination Library
22STEP 7 Host Rollout Event!
- Some tips on how to host a successful and
exciting rollout event in the community - Involve local media
- Invite children and parents
- Involve local leaders and celebrities
- Register children on site
- Host the event in conjunction with other popular
community events such as festivals,
school-related events, fairs, etc. - Have a local leader, or Invest in Kids
spokesperson read a book from the Imagination
Library to the children at the event
23Rotary in Canada
- We became involved with The Imagination Library
when we were setting our district objectives for
community services. As we related the program to
what Rotarys goals are nationally and
world-wide, we felt that the Imagination Library
did a wonderful job of promoting those values. - Claire Derome, Rendevous Rotary Club of
Whitehorse 5010
24Support for The Imagination Library
- I've worked with Invest in Kids for the last
few years and both their initiatives in positive
parenting and their whole organization deeply
impresses me. As a father of two young children
and the author of several children's books, I
believe that The Imagination Library is truly
beneficial to families in Canada. Each month a
parent and child can read a new book that will
contribute to their child's development. There is
nothing as important and as precious as that
experience. - - Evan Solomon
25A Message from Dolly Parton!
26Dolly Partons Imagination Library
Presented by Invest in Kids