The Ohio Destination Imagination Training Director - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Ohio Destination Imagination Training Director


The Ohio Destination Imagination Training Director s ... The Kinetic Art must not use electrical or battery power that is a part of the Art to create or keep ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Ohio Destination Imagination Training Director

Wind VisibleChallenge B Scientific
  • The Ohio Destination Imagination Training
    Directors Overview of

Points of Interest
  • Explore how the science of wind energy can be
    used to make kinetic art move
  • Design and create kinetic art that moves during
    the presentation
  • Create and present an original story that
    features an invisible visitor
  • Integrate wind energy research into the story
  • Use idea-creation and idea-directing tools to
    develop and choose options

STEM Challenge Attributes
  • Research the scientific concept of wind energy
  • Use wind energy to start motion
  • Demonstrate the collection and conversion of wind
    energy into usable energy

In Order to Successfully solve this Challenge,
Teams must read and follow
  • Team Challenge
  • A. Central Challenge (240 points)
  • B. Team Choice Elements (60 points)
  • C. Presentation Site
  • D. Reward Points
  • Rules of the Road
  • Published Clarifications (online _at_
  • The information in these materials is binding for
    all teams

Recommended Resources for Team Managers
  • Roadmap
  • Instant Challenge Practice Set (available online
    in the Resource Area at
  • Travel Guide for Teams (available online after
    Jan. 1, 2013)
  • Training at

Team Challenge Overview
  • Time Limit
  • The team must complete the Presentation
    (including setup) in eight minutes or less.
  • Team Budget
  • The total value of the materials used may not
    exceed 125US.
  • My 2012-13 Team Number is 135- ___ ___ ___ ___
  • My team is planning to compete in a sanctioned
  • I have registered for that tournament with the
    Regional Director

The Central Challenge
  • The Intent of the Challenge
  • To solve this Challenge, the team must research
    and explore how the science of wind energy and
    art can work together.
  • The team must present an original Story that
    features an Invisible Visitor who, like the wind,
    sets something in motion.
  • The team will integrate its research into the
  • The team will also create Kinetic Art that is
    started by the wind and integrated into the Story.

Team Choice Elements
  • In addition, the team must present TWO creations
    called Team Choice Elements that show off their
    interests, skills, areas of strength, and
  • The team may create anything they wish for Team
    Choice Elements including props, music, technical
    gadgets, costumes, physical actions etc.

The Presentation Site
  1. Floor surface Destination Imagination strongly
    suggests that the Presentation Site be a large
    space with a hard floor such as wood, linoleum,
    concrete or very short-napped carpet. Teams
    should be prepared to deal with a variety of
    floor surfaces.
  2. Site Size The minimum required overall size of
    the Presentation Site is 8ft deep x 20ft wide,
    but teams may use any additional space that
    Tournament Officials designate as available. The
    8ft x 10ft site will not be taped.
  3. Electrical Power A single 3-sprong electrical
    outlet will be provided at the edge of each
    Presentation Site for the teams use.

Continue Reading Through This Presentation to
  • Learn all the Challenge elements teams are
    required to complete
  • Learn about the elements of the Challenge under
    the teams control
  • See all the scoring elements and the maximum
    number of points you may receive from each

  • Destination Imagination
  • Challenge B Scientific
  • 2012 - 2013

  • Art
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Wind Energy
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Storytelling
  • Theater Skills

Time Limit
  • Time Limit
  • The team must complete the Presentation
    (including setup) in eight minutes or less.

Team Budget
  • Team Budget
  • The total value of the materials used may not
    exceed 125US.
  • The Rules of the Road will be helpful to you when
    determining the value of your Tournament

Team Number
  • Teams and individuals using these Program
    Materials must hold a 20121 - 2013 Team Number.
  • The Destination ImagiNation Team Number is a
    license to compete in sanctioned Tournaments
    and/or to use the Program Materials for
    educational purposes within your team, school,
    group or organization.
  • Online access to Program Materials for teams who
    have purchased Team Numbers is on
  • My 2012-13 Team Number is 1 3 5 - ___ ___ ___
    ___ ___
  • My team is planning to compete in a sanctioned
  • I will register for that Tournament with the
    Regional Director by the Regions deadline

A. Central Challenge - Section 1
  • Intent of the Challenge
  • To solve this Challenge, the team must research
    and explore how the science of wind energy and
    art can work together.
  • The team must present an original Story that
    features an Invisible Visitor who, like the wind,
    sets something in motion.
  • The team will integrate its research into the
  • The team will also create Kinetic Art that is
    started by the wind and integrated into the Story.

A. Central Challenge Section 2
  • 2. The Story Imagine what can happen when an
    Invisible Visitor arrives in your Story and sets
    things in motion.
  • a. The team will create and present an original
    Story that features an Invisible Visitor. A Story
    is more creative when there is original and novel
    development of the storyline, including the plot
    and the ending. The team will earn points for the
    creativity of the Story.
  • b. The team will earn points for clear and
    effective storytelling. This means that the Story
    has a beginning, middle, and an end. It is
    presented in a manner that is easy to follow and
  • c. There are no restrictions on specific
    settings, time periods or characters in the
  • d. The team will research the many properties of
    Wind Energy (see definition) and integrate that
    information into the Story. Research information
    may be conveyed through props, scenery, dialogue
    or actions of the characters in the Story or by
    any other means that the team sees fit to use.
    Teams will earn points for creative integration
    of Wind Energy research into the Story.

A. Central Challenge Section 2
A. Central Challenge Section 3
  • 3. The Invisible Visitor The Invisible Visitor
    is like the wind. It cannot be seen and it has
    the ability to set something in motion.
  • a. In this Challenge, the Invisible Visitor must
    be a character in the Story. One or more of the
    other characters in the Story must interact with
    the Invisible Visitor during the Presentation.
  • b. The Invisible Visitor must NOT be seen by the
    Appraisers and the audience at any time during
    the Presentation.
  • c. The Invisible Visitor must NOT be visibly
    represented by a team member in a costume. A prop
    may indicate the presence of the Invisible
    Visitor, but may not be the Invisible Visitor.
  • d. Teams will be allowed to provide dialogue for
    the Invisible Visitor, however, teams will earn
    points if the Invisible Visitors presence can be
    indicated without the use of any spoken or
    written language.

A. Central Challenge Section 3
  • e. The Acting Skills (see definition) of the
    other character(s) and the use of Stagecraft (see
    definition) must convince the Appraisers and the
    audience that there is an Invisible Visitor
    present in the Story.
  • f. The team will earn points for the Acting
    Skills used during the Presentation when a
    character or characters interact with the
    Invisible Visitor. The team will also earn points
    for the effective use of Stagecraft in the
    portrayal of the Invisible Visitor.
  • g. Just as the wind sets something in motion, so
    too does the Invisible Visitor. The motion caused
    by the Invisible Visitor could be anything from a
    new development in the storyline to a change in
    attitude or an action by one of the other actors.
    The team will earn points for the creativity of
    the motion and its effect on the Story.

A. Central Challenge Section 3
A. Central Challenge Section 4
  • 4. The Kinetic Art This type of art is all about
    motion. It contains moving parts that create its
    effect. Your team must combine the science of
    Wind Energy with art to create Kinetic Art (see
    definition) and integrate it into the Story.
  • a. Only energy from the Wind will cause the
    Kinetic Art to begin moving.
  • b. The team must provide their own way to create
    the necessary Wind to start the Kinetic Art. The
    team is advised to refer to Rules of the Road
    regarding safety. The team will earn points for
    the successful use of Wind Energy to start the
    motion of the Kinetic Art.
  • c. Once the movement of the Kinetic Art has been
    started by the Wind, some part(s) of it must stay
    in motion for at least 15 consecutive seconds
    during the Presentation. The Kinetic Art must not
    use electrical or battery power that is a part of
    the Art to create or keep it in motion. A team
    member should signal an Appraiser that the scored
    requirement of motion is ready to begin
    otherwise, the Appraiser may miss the beginning
    of the motion. The team will be allowed to make
    as many attempts as necessary to complete the
    required 15 seconds of motion. Teams will earn
    points for successful motion for 15 continuous

A. Central Challenge Section 4
  • d. The Kinetic Art must be integrated into the
    Story. This means that it has a meaningful
    connection to the Story. The team will earn
    points for the integration of the Kinetic Art
    into the Story.
  • e. The Kinetic Art must not be the Invisible
    Visitor. (See A.3)
  • f. The team will earn points for the quality of
    the appearance and workmanship involved in the
    construction of the Kinetic Art. This score
    includes all and any visual effects of the
    Kinetic Arts motion.
  • g. The team will earn points for the Technical
    Design (see definition) and for the Technical
    Innovation (see definition) of the Kinetic Art.
    Scores for Technical Innovation of the Kinetic
    Art will be based on the methods actually used
    during the Presentation.

A. Central Challenge Section
B. Team Choice Elements
  • B. In addition to the above requirements, the
    team must present TWO creations called Team
    Choice Elements that show off their interests,
    skills, areas of strength, and talents. The team
    may create anything they wish for Team Choice
    Elements including props, music, technical
    gadgets, costumes, physical actions etc.
  • 1. The team must present both Team Choice
    Elements as part of the eight-minute Presentation
    and each Team Choice Element should have a
    meaningful connection to the teams Central
    Challenge solution. Each Team Choice Element must
    be described briefly on the Tournament Data Form
    found at the end of this Challenge.

B. Team Choice Elements
  • 2. A Team Choice Element may not be a specific
    item that is required in the Central Challenge
    that is already being evaluated. A Team Choice
    Element MAY be a single unique PART of a required
    item, as long as it can be evaluated as a
    stand-alone item. Both Team Choice Elements may
    be presented at the same time ONLY IF both can be
    easily identified and scored separately. Examples
    of these can be found in Rules of the Road.
  • 3. Each Team Choice Element will be evaluated in
    three ways for the Creativity and Originality of
    the Team Choice Element, and for the Quality,
    Workmanship, or Effort that is evident and
    Integration into the Presentation. Evaluation of
    Team Choice Elements is subjective.

D. Presentation Site Section
  • 1. Floor surface Destination ImagiNation
    strongly suggests that the Presentation Site be a
    large space with a hard floor such as wood,
    linoleum, concrete or very short-napped carpet.
    Teams should be prepared to deal with a variety
    of floor surfaces. Teams may contact the
    Tournament Director for more information about
    the Site.
  • 2. Site Size The minimum required overall size
    of the Presentation Site is 20 ft deep x 20 ft
    wide, but teams may use any additional space that
    Tournament Officials designate as available. The
    20ft x 20ft site will not be taped. A minimum
    ceiling height of 10ft (3.05m) is recommended for
    this Challenge at Regional and Affiliate
  • 3. Electrical Power A 3-prong electrical outlet
    will be provided at the edge of each Presentation
    Site for the teams use.

E. Reward Points Scoring Category 1
  • The Story Up to 55 points
  • a. The Creativity of the Story points from A.2.a
  • b. Clear and Effective Storytelling Up to 20
    points from A.2.b
  • c. Creative Integration of Wind Energy research
    into the Story Up to 15 points from A.2.d

E. Reward Points Scoring Category 2
  • The Invisible Visitor up to 75 points
  • d. Acting Skills when a character or characters
    interact with the Invisible Visitor Up to 25
    points from A.3.f
  • e. Effective use of Stagecraft in the portrayal
    of the Invisible Visitor Up to 25 points from
  • f. The creativity of the motion and its effect
    on the story Up to 25 points from A.3.g
  • g. Invisible Visitors presence indicated
    without use of spoken or written language Up to
    25 points from A.3.d

E. Reward Points Scoring Category 3
  • Kinetic Art up to 110 points
  • h. Successful use of Wind Energy to start
    motion 0 or 10 points from A.4.b
  • i. Successful motion for 15 continuous seconds
    0 or 10 from A.4.c
  • j. Integration of the Kinetic Art into the
    Story Up to 15 points from A.4.d
  • k. Quality of appearance and workmanship of the
    Kinetic Art Up to 25 points from A.4.f
  • l. Technical Design of the Kinetic Art Up to
    25 points from A.4.g
  • m. Technical Innovation of the Kinetic Art Up to
    25 points from A.4.g

E. Reward Points Team Choice Elements
  • Team Choice Element 1 up to 30 points from B
  • a. Creativity and Originality up to 10 points
    from B.3
  • b. Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is
    Evident Up to 10 points from B.3
  • c. Integration into the Presentation Up to 10
    from B.3
  • Team Choice Element 2 up to 30 points from B
  • a. Creativity and Originality up to 10 points
    from B.3
  • b. Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is
    Evident Up to 10 points from B.3
  • c. Integration into the Presentation Up to 10
    from B.3

E. Reward Points Team Challenge Scoring
  • Central Challenge Scoring at a Glance
  • Instant Challenge 25
  • Team Choice Elements 60 points 15
  • Central Challenge 240 points 60
  • Kinetic Art 46 of the 240 Central Challenge
  • The Story 23 of the 240 Central Challenge
  • The Invisible Visitor 31 of the 240 Central
    Challenge points

F. Tournament Data Form Part 1
  • Part One Required Paperwork
  • At the Tournament Presentation Site, the Prep
    Area Appraiser will ask for your teams forms. A
    complete checklist of the required forms is
  • Your team needs
  • Five copies of this completed two-page Tournament
    Data Form.
  • Two Copies of the completed Declaration of
    Independence. Blank copies of this form can be
    found in the Rules of the Road. One copy of this
    form is for Team Challenge, the other copy of is
    for you to take to Instant Challenge.
  • One Copy of the completed Expense Report. This
    form can be found in the Rules of the Road. Be
    sure to bring copies of your receipts in case you
    are asked for them, but it is not necessary to
    attach them to the form.
  • Published Clarifications We have read and are
    aware of the Published Clarifications on
  • Team Identification Sign This will tell the
    appraisers and the audience who you are. The
    team should provide a free-standing
    Identification sign (ID Sign) of approximately
    2ft. X 3ft displaying your Team Name, Team
    Number, School/Organization(if different from
    Team Name), and Level.

F. Tournament Data Form Part 2
  • Part Two
  • Team Choice Element 1
  • What is your Team Choice Element?
  • Please write a brief description of your Team
    Choice Element. Make sure that Appraisers know
    exactly what you want them to evaluate. What
    would you like them to know about the Team Choice
    Element? _______________________________________
  • Team Choice Element 2
  • What is your Team Choice Element?
  • Please write a brief description of your Team
    Choice Element. Make sure that Appraisers know
    exactly what you want them to evaluate. What
    would you like them to know about the Team Choice
    Element? _______________________________________

F. Tournament Data Form Part 3
  • Part Three Presentation Elements
  • This Challenge Requires the team to supply the
    following information to help the Appraisers
    evaluate your solution. This is PAGE TWO of the
    form. Be sure to fill in both pages.
  • What role does the Invisible Visitor play in your
    Story and what does it set in motion?
  • What type of Stagecraft are used to suggest the
    presence of the Invisible Visitor?
  • Is your Invisible Visitor presentation done
    without any spoken or written language? ? Yes ?
  • Describe your Kinetic Art and explain how it has
    a meaningful connection to the Story.
  • What wind source will you be using to start the
    motion of the Kinetic Art? _____ How will one
    team member signal to the appraisers that the
    required 15 seconds of continuous movement is
    about to begin? ______________
  • Explain how your Kinetic Art moves to create its
    effect. _________________

Thanks for Attending this Training
Have a safe trip back home!
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