Title: Abnormal Psychology
1Abnormal Psychology
- Def. general term given all forms of therapy
which - Attempt to help a person improve his/her
psychological well-being and - Help one better adjust to lifes situations
- There are over 250 psychotherapies some good
and some bad - E.g. Primal scream therapy
3Mental Health Professionals
- Clinical Psychologists trained in assessing,
diagnosing and treating psych. Disorders - Psychiatrists Doctors who have earned medical
degrees and completed a residency in psychiatry
4Multicultural Issues in Psychotherapy
- Are therapists properly trained to work with a
clientele from different cultural and ethnic
backgrounds than his/her own? - Usually
- And much more so than in the past
- Therapists use one of two approaches
- Eclectic approach
- Specific theoretical approach
- Founder Sigmund Freud
- Key belief Psych. problems are result of
- Childhood experiences
- Repressed impulses
- Conflicts between structures in the unconscious
mind (id, ego and superego)
- Therapists job
- Help the client gain self-insight
- Insight figuring out where the persons problem
stems from - Techniques that unearth the past
- Free association (resistance)
- Interpretation
8Techniques Used to Unearth the Past
- Techniques (cont.)
- Transference
- Dream analysis
- Dreams the royal road to the unconscious
- Manifest and latent content
9Criticisms of Psychoanalysis
- Long and costly
- Can go on for years, several sessions/wk
- Useless for treating severe disorders
- Psychodynamic therapies
- Similar to psychoanalysis but lasts for several
weeks to months, 1 session/wk, done face to face
10Cognitive Therapies
- Therapies which teach people new, more adaptive
ways of thinking/acting - Based on the assumption that thoughts intervene
between events and our emotional reactions
11Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
- Founded by Albert Ellis
- Vigorously challenges peoples illogical,
self-defeating beliefs - Figure 15.3
- We must rid ourselves of irrational beliefs
- Replace them with rational beliefs
12Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
- Ellis therapy tries to show how absurd these
self-defeating thoughts are - Challenges the client
- Wheres the proof for your beliefs?
- Shows the client that s/he is in control of what
s/he is thinking - Client is taught to monitor beliefs/emotions
- Substitute real, positive beliefs
13Cognitive Therapy
- Founded by Aaron Beck
- Particularly effective in treating depression
- Similar to REBT
- Clients irrational beliefs are confronted
- Homework assignments are often used
14Successes/Criticisms of Cognitive Therapies
- Both Becks and Ellis therapies work well in
treating many disorders - Both have been criticized for concentrating on
the present while ignoring potential causes from
the past and/or that which is in the unconscious
15Humanistic Therapy
- Aim raise self-fulfillment by helping people
grow in self-awareness and self-acceptance - Focus is on
- The present instead of the past
- Conscious thoughts
- Taking responsibility for ones actions
- Promoting growth instead of curing illness
16Client-centered Therapy
- Founded by Carl Rogers
- Most widely used humanistic therapy
- Brief summary uses techniques within a genuine,
accepting, empathic environment in order to
facilitate a clients growth - A person will not be blocked from
self-fulfillment if s/he is in a state of
17Techniques Employed in Therapy
- Active listening
- Genuineness
- Unconditional positive regard
- Empathy
18Behavior Therapies
- Therapies that apply learning principles to
eliminate unwanted behaviors - Goal replace problem thoughts/behaviors with
constructive ones - Belief disorders are thoughts/behaviors learned
through reinforcement and or modeling
19Behavioral Techniques
- Systematic desensitization Fig. 15-4
- Gradual exposure
- Modeling
- Effective in social skills and assertiveness
training - Aversion therapy
- Associates an unpleasant state with an unwanted
behavior - E.g Alcohol/nausea inducing pill, rapid puffing
20Behavioral Techniques
- Operant conditioning techniques
- Use of reinforcement to maintain desired
behaviors - Token economy in institutions
- Removal of a reinforcer to eliminate undesirable
behaviors - Taking away privileges in the hopes the person
will stop the unwanted behavior
21Biomedical TherapiesDrug Therapy
- Psychopharmacology study of the effects of
drugs on the mind and behavior - Antianxiety drugs
- Depress CNS activity, thereby reducing tension
and anxiety - When used properly, can help a person learn to
cope with fear-triggering stimuli
22Biomedical TherapiesDrug Therapy
- Antipsychotic drugs
- Dampen responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli
- Hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, etc.
- Is believed these drugs work by blocking dopamine
and serotonin receptors - Tardive dyskinesia (eye blinking, lip smacking,
facial grimaces, involuntary muscle movements)
23Biomedical TherapiesDrug Therapy
- Mood stabilizers antidepressants
- Lithium provides an effective treatment for up to
50 of people with bipolar disorder - Antidepressants
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
blocks reuptake of serotonin, increasing
availability - Monamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors)
prevents breakdown of norepinephrine and
serotonin in the synapses, increasing availability
24Electroconvulsive Therapy(ECT)
- Video History of Shock Therapy
- Biomedical therapy for severely depressed
patients - A brief electric current is sent through the
brain of an anesthetized patient - Psychiatrist shocks brain for lt 1 second
- Within 30 min., the patient awakens, but is a
little confused
25Electroconvulsive Therapy(ECT)
- Is used only as a last resort
- After 3-5 treatments/wk, for 2-4 weeks, about 80
show a marked improvement - Without noticeable brain damage
- Why does it work?
26Psychosurgery The Prefrontal Lobotomy
- Egaz Moniz founded the operation in 1936
- Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1949
- Was once used to calm uncontrollable emotional or
violent patients - Done by cutting the nerves that connect the
frontal lobes to the thalamus and hypothalamus
(emotion-controlling centers of the brain)
27Psychosurgery The Prefrontal Lobotomy
- Today, lobotomies are extremely rare and are
usually used to stop uncontrollable seizures,
depression, OCD, etc. - Doctors today are able to deactivate specific
nerve clusters, thereby causing less damage - Like ECT, it is used mainly as a last resort