Title: How A research design in 3 steps
1Research in Applied Contrastive Linguistics How
and Why?Ph. Hiligsmann (Université catholique de
Louvain) M. Baelen, A.L. Leloup L. Rasier
(F.R.S.-FNRS Université catholique de Louvain)
- ? How? A research design in 3 steps
L1 Dutch
L1 English
Other L1s
System-based CA Contrastive analysis of
comparable data in the L2 learners L1 and L2(s)
based on typological criteria ? RESULT
Contrastive L1 Grammar
Comparison of the contrastive grammars to
emphasize - language-specific -
universal factors in the learning process
Contrastive L1 Grammar
Contrastive L2 Grammar
L2 Dutch
Other L2s
L2 English
Description of IL within the same
framework 2.1. Description of each
individual IL 2.2. Comparison IL / control
data (L1) 2.3. Comparison of the IL data
with each other e.g. English-speaking
learners of Dutch ?
Dutch-speaking learners of English
? German-speaking learners of Dutch ?
RESULT Contrastive L2 Grammar
2- ? Why? Research based on the design
- Prosody
- Rasier (2006)
- Object accentuation strategies in FFL DFL
- Participants
- ? 20 advanced French-speaking learners of Dutch
- ? 20 advanced Dutch-speaking learners of French
- Method
- description of geometrical figures in different
colours - with situational contrasts ? NPs (ART ADJ N)
- Results
- ? Step 1 Typology Romanic/Germanic Lggs
- Dutch and French in contrast within Eckmans MDH
Voice assimilation A research project Baelen (in
progress) Object voice assimilation in
DFL Participants ? 20 advanced French-speaking
learners of DFL ? 10 native speakers of Dutch
(control group) Method ? Tasks shadowing,
reading aloud, transformation task ?
Stimuli CVC1/C2VC (at word boundary) Acous
tic analysis ? Step 1 - Assimilation patterns
in L1 Dutch vs L1 French ? typological
distance markedness - Acoustic
characteristics of the target sounds ? Step 2
- Comparison of the phonetic realisation of the
target sounds in DFL vs. L1 Dutch -
Transfer/markedness ? (Step 3)
- Requests A research project
- Leloup (in progress)
- Object requests in FFL and DFL
- Participants
- ? French-speaking learners of Dutch
- ? Dutch-speaking learners of French
- Hypotheses see Van der Wijst (2000a, 2000b)
- Dutch/French in contrast
- FFL/DFL in contrast
- - transfer (overuse or underuse)
- DFL overuse apologies and reasons, underuse
modal particles and diminutives - FFL underuse apologies and reasons
- - no transfer/correct downtoner
References Rasier, L. 2006. Prosodie en
vreemdetaalverwerving. Accentdistributie in het
Frans en het Nederlands als vreemde taal,
unpublished PhD dissertation, Université
catholique de Louvain http//edoc.bib.ucl.ac.be8
42931/. Rasier, L. Ph. Hiligsmann. 2007.
Prosodic Transfer from L1 to L2. Theoretical and
Methodological Issues, in Nouveaux cahiers de
linguistique française, 28, 41-66. Wijst, P.J.
van der. 2000a. Beleefdheid in het Nederlands van
Franstaligen, in Leuvense bijdragen, 89 (1-2),
251-265. Wijst, P.J. van der. 2000b. Ontzag voor
gezag Taal en macht in Franse en Nederlandse
verzoeken, in Gramma/TTT, 8 (2), 185-212.