- Henry Malinga
- Purpose
- Background
- Legislative Environment
- Current Preferential Procurement System
- Alignment of PPPFA with BBBEEA
- Way forward
3 4Purpose
To provide an overview of the draft Preferential
Procurement Regulations (Alignment of the
Preferential Procurement with the aims of the
Broad Based Black Empowerment Act and its Codes
of Good Practice)
5 6Background
- On 10 September 2003, government adopted of a
Policy Document, titled Policy to Guide
Uniformity in Procurement Reform Processes in
Government - On 05 December 2003 the Framework for Supply
Chain Management was published in the Government
Gazette as part of Treasury Regulations in terms
of section 76 (4) (c). - On 5 March 2005 the Framework for Supply Chain
Management was included into the Treasury
Regulations as Chapter 16A. - On 09 January 2004 the Broad Based Black Economic
Empowerment Act was promulgated.
7 8 Statutory Framework for Public Sector Procurement
Constitution PFMA / MFMA Acts PPPF Act and
Preferential Procurement Regulations B-BBEE
Act Other prescripts
Standard for Uniformity
National Treasury Best practice guidelines
9Procurement Reform
- The PFMA and MFMA gives effect to the
Constitutional Requirements in order to bring
about sound financial management by - Replacing the outdated procurement and
provisioning processes with uniform simplified
procurement procedures - Establishing supportive SCM structures.
- Promoting consistency in policy application.
- Devolving accountability and full powers to
accounting officers/authorities. Consistent with
the aims of the PFMA and MFMA that accountability
and responsibility for all expenditure vest with
accounting officers/authorities
The above initiatives resulted in the
introduction of the INTEGRATED SUPPLY CHAIN
MANAGEMENT function in government.
10Legislative Environment
- Section 217(I) of The Constitution provides the
basis for procurement by determining that - When an organ of state in the national,
provincial or local sphere of government, or any
other institution identified in national
legislation, contracts for goods and services, it
must do so in accordance with a system which is
fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and
cost-effective. - The PFMA and MFMA with their respective
regulations give effect to this prescript.
11Legislative Environment
Section 217(I) of The Constitution further
confers an obligation for national legislation
to prescribe a framework providing for
preferential procurement to address the social
and economic imbalances of the past. The
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act
(PPPFA) of 2000 and its accompanying Regulations
were promulgated to achieve these goals. (This
Act incorporated the 80/20 and 90/10 preference
point systems.)
12- Current Preferential Procurement System
13Preference Points System
- The PPPFA and its associated Regulations
incorporate the 90/10 and 80/20 preference
point systems - 10 or 20 points make provision for the promotion
of equity ownership by HDIs or the specific RDP
goals - Allows the state to pay a maximum of 11.1 and
25 premiums respectively. - A maximum of 90 and 80 points represents price.
- Contracts awarded to the bidder who scores the
highest total points (points for price added to
points for RDP goals)
1490 / 10 Preference Points System
- Compulsory for Procurement gt R500 000
- Maximum of 90 Points for Price
- Maximum of 10 Points for promotion of HDIs and /
or Specific RDP goals
1580 / 20 Preference Points System
- Compulsory for procurement gt R30 000 - R500 000
- May be used for ltR30 000 (database of suppliers
for price quotations) - Maximum of 80 Points for Price
- Maximum of 20 Points for promotion of HDIs and /
or specific RDP goals.
16Preference Points System
- Ambiguity was identified between PPPFA and BBBEEA
- thus alignment of the two legislations was
necessary. - Some of the identified shortcomings were but not
limited to - Inconsistency in the policy application
- The definition of HDI was too broad leading to
huge fronting - BBBEE and PPPFA were out of sync
- A work group was established between National
Treasury and the BEE unit of the DTI to align the
Preferential Procurement Regulations with the
BBBEE Act, i.e. Preferential Procurement
Regulations to be revised.
18Long term legislative process for repeal PPPFA
- Repeal PPPF Act
- New Treasury Regulations would incorporate SCM
Regulatory Framework (including preferential
procurement) - The same process will be applied for the
19Immediate Alignment Initiatives
- For immediate, short term retain the PPPFA and
amend Preferential Procurement Regulations to be
brought in line with the aims of the B-BBEE Act
using the balance scorecard methodology as
prescribed by the B-BBEE Act and its Codes of
Good Practice - Use definitions contained in the B-BBEE Act and
Codes of practice eg. Black people vis a vis
HDIs - Use Verification Certificates issued in terms
of the - B-BBEE Scorecard to calculate points out of 10
or 20 -
20B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice Balance Scorecard
- Elements of the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice
Balance Scorecard that would be used to
determine B-BBEE level of contribution are as
follows - Black ownership
- Management control
- Employment Equity
- Skills development
- Preferential procurement from BEE
suppliers - Enterprise development
- Socio-economic development
- These elements include black ownership and the
RDP goals
21Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations
- Points to be awarded to a bidder based on his or
her B-BBEE status level - Eg. Level 1 contributor would receive 20 points
whilst level 4 contributor would receive 12
points out of a maximum of 20 points. - Level 1 contributor would receive 10 points
whilst level 4 contributor would receive 5 points
out of a maximum of 10 points. - Calculation of points to be based on the B-BBEE
ratings of a bidder as follows
22Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations
Calculation of points for B-BBEE RATINGS
B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor Number of points (90/10 system) Number of points (80/20 system)
1 10 20
2 9 18
3 8 16
4 5 12
5 4 8
6 3 6
7 2 4
8 1 2
Non-compliant contributor 0 0
23Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations
- Threshold values
- 80/20 preference points system
- Compulsory for procurement
- gt R30 000 R1m
- 90/10 preference points system
- Compulsory for Procurement
- gt R1m
24Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations
- Exempted Micro enterprises (EME)
- (Entities with total revenue of less than R5
million) - automatic level 4 recognition.
25Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations
- Verification
- EME need to prove revenue status.
- Non-EMEs to submit B-BBEE verification
certificate obtained from Verification Agencies
accredited by SANAS. - Certificates issued by non-accredited
Verification Agencies prior to 9 April 2009 will
only be valid for 12 months from date of issue. -
26Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations
- Remedies to be made available for false B-BBEE
claims etc. - Enterprise awarded a contract may not
sub-contract more than 25 of the value of the
contract to a person who does not have equal or
higher B-BEE status level. - Preferential Procurement Regulations will be
extended to all organs of state for uniformity
purposes -
27 28- Draft Revised Regulations has been published in
National Government Gazette and all Provincial
Gazettes for public comments Closing Date 14
September 2009 - Comments will be evaluated and incorporated in
consultation with the DTI Legally refined - Minister of Finance will formally promulgate
Regulations - Roll-Out will be properly communicated to
government institutions (including training,
information sessions and workshops) - Treasury would monitor policy outcomes
closely to influence national policy - Public sector required to monitor own
outcomes to influence own policy
29- Comments must be submitted in writing for
attention - Mr. HML Malinga or Mr. Jan Breytenbach
- The Director-General
- National Treasury
- Private bag X115
- PRETORIA, 0001 or
- faxed to 012-3155355 or 012-3155343 or
- emailhenry.malinga_at_treasury.gov.za or
jan.breytenbach_at_treasury.gov.za respectively
30 Discussion