Title: CTSA Imaging Working Group
1CTSA Imaging Working Group
- Coordinated by
- RSNA (Radiologic Society of North America)
- DTRI (Duke Translational Research Institute)
2Rationale for RSNA Interest and Involvement
3RSNA Strategic Plan Goals
- Conduct activities to meet the educational and
continuing professional development needs of RSNA
members. - Promote high quality science and research in
radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic
physics. - Maintain the preeminence of the annual meeting as
a scientific and educational forum. - Pursue excellence in publications and
communications to advance radiologic science and
education. - Foster productive relationships with other
organizations and corporate entities for the
purpose of strengthening radiology. - Foster relationships with international
physicians and societies in recognition of an
increasingly international radiologic community. - Govern and manage RSNA in an effective,
efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.
4RSNA Strategic Plan Goals
- Conduct activities to meet the educational and
continuing professional development needs of RSNA
members. - Promote high quality science and research in
radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic
physics. - Maintain the preeminence of the annual meeting as
a scientific and educational forum. - Pursue excellence in publications and
communications to advance radiologic science and
education. - Foster productive relationships with other
organizations and corporate entities for the
purpose of strengthening radiology. - Foster relationships with international
physicians and societies in recognition of an
increasingly international radiologic community. - Govern and manage RSNA in an effective,
efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.
5Goal 2 Promote high quality science and research
in radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic
- 2.1 Facilitate successful applications for
funding from NIH and other sources. - 2.2 Increase awareness of cutting edge
developments and research opportunities vital to
the future of radiology. - 2.3 Stimulate the pursuit of cutting edge
developments and research opportunities vital to
the future of radiology. - 2.4 Identify, stimulate and support research
opportunities in residency and fellowship
training. - 2.5 Enhance the readiness and capability of the
radiologic community to conduct research. - 2.6 Prepare professionals in radiologic sciences
for an increasingly quantitative future. - 2.7 Increase the Research and Education
Foundation resources.
6Goal 2 Promote high quality science and research
in radiology, radiation oncology, and radiologic
- 2.1 Facilitate successful applications for
funding from NIH and other sources. - 2.2 Increase awareness of cutting edge
developments and research opportunities vital to
the future of radiology. - 2.3 Stimulate the pursuit of cutting edge
developments and research opportunities vital to
the future of radiology. - 2.4 Identify, stimulate and support research
opportunities in residency and fellowship
training. - 2.5 Enhance the readiness and capability of the
radiologic community to conduct research. - 2.6 Prepare professionals in radiologic sciences
for an increasingly quantitative future. - 2.7 Increase the Research and Education
Foundation resources.
7CTSAs and IRATs
- RSNA coordination of CTSA Imaging Working Group
is modeled after AACI (American Association of
Cancer Institutes) coordination of NCI-funded
Image Response Assessment Teams (IRATs) - Significant overlap of investigators in IRATs and
imaging components of CTSAs
8How is it funded?
- RSNA provides administrative and logistical
support from the operating budget of its
Scientific Division, headed by Dr. Linda
Bresolin. - RSNA contracts with Duke University for a
percentage of Dr. Sullivans time. - Dr. Reynolds time is included as part of his
duties as Project Leader of the Imaging Core
under DTRI.
9Emory Center for Systems Imaging (CSI)
4 Pillar Themes
10Common themes among CTSA imaging programs
- Inventory both imaging resources and imaging
trials - Create an imaging Core or centralized imaging
resource some virtual, some physical - Increase accessibility to information, expertise
(possibly consultative) and equipment related to
imaging - Utilize/Integrate imaging in translational
research - Increase knowledge of imaging biomarkers and
their use as endpoints in clinical trials - Implement or improve image storage and analysis
PACS and analytical tools - Develop mechanisms for data sharing
- Provide training in translational research to new
and established investigators - Develop innovations in imaging
11RSNA-Duke Role in Developing an Imaging Working
Group within the CTSA program
- Organizational meeting, Chicago, Nov 27, 2007
- Requests for regular conference calls, wiki,
periodic meetings - Conference call with NCRR NIBIB staff Jan 2008
12RSNA-Duke Role in Developing an Imaging Working
Group within the CTSA program
- Conference calls with grantees, Feb 12 Apr 11
2008 - Requests for subcommittees on
- Core resources
- Imaging Informatics
- Clinical Trials
- Education
- Quantification
13- Participation in this Imaging Working Group and
Subgroups is open to all interested people. - (Modeled after the NCI-funded caBIG Workspaces).
14IWG Subcommittees in development
- Core Resources
- Brian Reynolds, PhD, Duke
- Imaging Informatics
- Brad Erickson, MD, PhD, Mayo
- Clinical Trials
- Gary Dorfman, MD, Cornell
- Education
- Katarzyna Macura, MD, PhD, Hopkins
15Core Resources Subcommittee
- Share information about organization, management,
finances for core resources - Promulgate best practices
- Provide support group for non-faculty-member
Core Managers (e.g., career development issues,
16Imaging Informatics Project Group
- Goal Develop an inter-operable imaging
informatics infrastructure that enables maximal
sharing of image-derived data and information
from research that can be widely deployed to CTSA
sites, IRAT sites, Cancer Centers and other major
research facilities employing medical imaging. - Methods
- 1. Monthly (TBD) teleconferences in which
participants discuss what and how to achieve goal - 2. Participate in CTSA Informatics activities and
Imaging Informatics activities in other venues - 3. Establish task groups focused on components of
the larger plan - 4. Consider arranging/participating in a workshop
on imaging informatics needs / available tools
for research - 5. Develop proposals and plans for prototypes /
test installations
17Clinical Trials Subcommittee
- Develop UPICT (Uniform Protocols for Imaging in
Clinical Trials) - Help CTSA imaging groups establish procedures for
imaging involvement in development of and review
of clinical trial protocols at their institutions - Develop a proposal for a multi-site demonstration
project related to imaging in clinical trials
(e.g., a validation study of an imaging
18Education Subcommittee
- Inventory resources available to imagers and
users of imaging to educate them about
appropriate methodology for clinical trials. - Develop educational activities or resources to
fill gaps identified by above inventory.
19Future Plans
- Full conference calls q 2 mos
- Subgroup conference calls TBD, maybe monthly
- Face-to-face meetings
- October 2, 2008, Pentagon City, VA, all day (with
ACRIN meeting) - December 2, 2008, Chicago, 3 to 5 PM (with RSNA
meeting) - 2009, TBD, 1.5 days (with IRATs)
- Google group established
- Web site under development
20Future Plans
- Determine appropriate interactions with
Translational Steering Committee, and other
Steering Committees - Determine appropriate interactions with other
relevant subcommittees, task forces, etc.