Title: Fundamentals of Genetics, Evolution, and Development 2: Darwin
1Fundamentals of Genetics, Evolution, and
Development2 Darwin the Origin of
Evolutionary Biology
- Bio 1111
- Christopher T. Cole
- University of Minnesota, Morris
2Bacon Darwin
- Reading
- Excerpt from Darwins Voyage of the Beagle
- Carroll
- Preface
- Chapter 1 pp. 19-33
3Charles Darwin, age 34 (the barnacle years)
4Frontispiece to Darwins Autobiography
- For myself I found that I was fitted for nothing
so well as for the study of Truth as being
gifted by nature with desire to seek, patience to
doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert,
readiness to reconsider, carefulness to dispose
and set in order and as being a man that neither
affects what is new nor admires what is old, and
hates every kind of imposture. So I thought my
nature had a kind of familiarity and relationship
with Truth. - Bacon (Proem to the Interpretatio Naturae)
5You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and
rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to
yourself and all your family.
Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
6Cambridge proved more to Darwins liking
Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
7Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
8- Disreputable to my character as a clergyman
hereafter - 2) A wild scheme
- 3) That they must have offered to many others
before me the place of naturalist - 4) And from its not being accepted there must be
some serious objection to the vessel or
expedition - 5) That I should never settle down to a steady
life hereafter - 6) That my accomodations would be most
uncomfortable - 7) That you father should consider it as again
changing my profession - 8) That it would be a useless undertaking
Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
9Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
10Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
11Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
12Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
13Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
15Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
16Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
17Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
18Anne Darwin 1841 - 1851
Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
19The barnacle years 1846 -1854
Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
21Darwin Baconian method
- After my return to England from the Beagle
voyage it appeared to me that by following the
example of Lyell in Geology, and by collecting
all facts which bore in any way on the variation
of animals and plants under domestication and
nature, some light might perhaps be thrown on the
whole subject. - (contd).
22Darwin Baconian method
- My first notebook was opened in July 1837. I
worked on true Baconian principles, and without
any theory collected facts on a wholesale scale,
more especially with respect to domesticated
productions, by printed enquiries, by
conversations with skillful breeders and
gardeners, and by extensive reading. - (Autobiography)
23Browne, 1995 Charles Darwin Voyaging
24Zimmer, 2001 Evolution
25Alfred Russell Wallace 1823-1913