Title: Diapositiva 1
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2Improve efficiency in the industrial water sector
in Italy G. Boeri, M.G. Farrace National
Environmental Protection Agency and Technical
3Withdrawals for industrial sector per year
(m3/year) in 1998
According to the Italian Committee for the
Vigilance on the Use of the Water Resources
(COVIRI) the forecast for 2015 is of about
13,3109 m3/year
Source IRSA-CNR 1999
4 Purposes
Policy for implementing efficiency in the
industrial water sector
5Purposes from Environmental Action Strategy for
Sustainable Development (2001)
- Priority water management objectives
- Conservation or replenishment of water resources
to fulfil productive, environmental and
recreational functions - Economic sustainability of water pricing to
finance infrastructure development, taking social
conditions into account.
By the following operational objectives
6- Operational objectives
- Reducing leakage in water supply systems,
reducing water consumption and re-using treated
waste water, particularly in agriculture - Implementation of full cost recovery,
particularly for sewage and waste water
treatment moving towards a more socially
targeted pricing of water amortization of
investment over long term and ensuring that
household water prices are independently
regulated and that other types of water use are
compatible with sectorial policy objectives.
- Knowledge
- Monitoring programmes for water bodies and for
waste water discharges - Pilot projects
- BAT.
- Measures
- Some legislative and financial actions as the
Galli act the legislative decree of 1999 n.
152 Ministry decree June 12th 2003 n. 185 (which
establishes the technical requirement for treated
wastewater reuse) guidelines management plans. - Best practices
- Voluntary measures.
Optimal management areas
River Basin Authorities
9- TheOptimal management areas (ATO) responsible
for the Integrated Water Service (integrated
management from the withdrawal to the discharge),
covering the totality of the national territory,
where water is managed with an industrial
approach aiming at improving the technical and
economic efficiency of the service itself. - The River Basin Authorities, which play an active
role in the planning exercise, define the water
balance by evaluating water supply and water
demand, the minimum flow supporting dependent
ecosystems (DMV), drafting risk and hazard maps
and preparing the Hydro - Geological
Configuration Plan (PAI).
10Some Italian outputs on the industrial water
sector efficiency
Regional distribution of waste water treatment
plants according to the law n.185/2003, that will
be used for industrial reuse, either immediately
or after adaptation,
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12Water demand re-use in the industrial sector
- If no measures are taken water demand increases
while volume and quality of available water
resources decrease - Availability of water from the national network
of wastewater treatment plants could provide
significant quantities of secondary effluents to
be used when very high quality water is not
needed - In most Mediterranean countries the exploitation
index of renewable water resources is too high.
13Challenge in Mediterranean Countries
- Water re-use seems the most suitable technical
response. The practice of reused water from
secondary effluents is expanding in Southern
European countries where it provides a good
remedy to local conditions of scarcity or even of
desertification. - The main use of water is in agriculture (around
70 of abstracted waters) but also in some
industrial sectors like textiles where water
demand is very high. - Secondary effluents re-use can represent a risk,
but the Industrial reuse does not require
stringent water quality and safety standards.
14Quality standards for water reuse (Ministerial
Decree June 12th 2003 n. 185)
15Best practice example in textile industries
- Water consuming and polluting
- Wastewater need a very efficient removal process
for COD, nitrogen compounds, toxic molecules - Main pollutants represented by surfactants,
cleaners, organic solvents, fats, oils, dyes,
heavy metals (mainly non ionic) and salts - Wastewater composition largely variable because
of the very numerous different processes used.
16Textile Prato Discrict
- Area of 150 ha one of the most large private
agglomeration of small-medium industries in
Italy - 350 sites, 30 of which run a wet cycle process
- Industrial settlement is nearby the big
Baciacavallo wastewater treatment plant - Main water source for the area is
17Reuse scheme
Bisenzio River
Bleaching Flocculation
Activated Carbon Filter Sand Carbon
Multilayer Filter Sand Coal
Baciacavallo WW treatment plant (100 Liter/sec
18Water balance
- Recovered water increases its salt content which
can become not suitable for the wastewater
treatment plant, but by the integration with
fresh water from the Bisenzio river and from
about 15 wells drilled on the river catchments
the recycled water is now collected by a 35 km
industrial pipe providing up to 7.000.000 m3/y of
water - Almost half part of the water resource from the
Bisenzio river and from the wells, after the
dilution process, is returned to the
environment - Recovered volume cover the industrial need of the
first area served by the process - Volume saved for potable uses needs of 1/3 of
the local population.
19Next steps
- Improvement of the wastewater treatment plant
through the use of ozone and phytodepuration will
increase the availability of the recovered water
to 10 million m3/y which correspond to the
potable needs of half the population of Prato. - The experience of the first industrial area
served by the recycling scheme will be repeated
to a second area covering over 250 ha. - Industrial cost of recovered water is much higher
than for natural freshwater, however due to the
financially supported tariffs, promoted by the
Ministerial Decree n.185, for the industrial use
of the recovered water, an economic balance can
be achieved.
20Thanks for your attention!!!