Title: Pronouns
- A pronoun is a word that is used in the place of
a noun. There are seven types of pronoun. These
are - demonstrative
- indefinite
- interrogative
- personal
- possessive
- reflexive
- relative
- A demonstrative pronoun points out or
demonstrates something. Words like this, that,
such, these, them, one can be used as
demonstrative pronouns. Here is an example -
- Such is the case.
- In the two following sentences, the demonstrative
pronoun this is used to replace the noun glue in
the first sentence - Glue is a good method for securing wooden joints.
- This is a good method for securing wooden joints.
Demonstrative pronoun
3INDEFINITE Indefinite pronouns are used for the
names of things that are not definite in number.
Words like some, they, anyone, several, someone
can be used as indefinite pronouns. Here are some
examples They say that it is too cold. Anyone
can use the park. Some prefer cheese sandwiches.
Someone was going to win the lottery.
4INTERROGATIVE These are the pronouns that are
used to construct questions. Words like who,
when, where, how are interrogative pronouns.
Where are you going?
What does it cost?
When will you return?
Who will carry your case?
5PERSONAL Personal pronouns can be used in the
place of a noun for one person (singular) or more
than one person (plural). Both singular and
plural personal pronouns have three persons.
6POSSESSIVE These are the pronoun that are used
to show ownership. Words like hers, his, mine,
theirs, yours can be used as possessive pronouns.
Yours is better than mine.
7REFLEXIVE A reflexive pronoun links back to the
subject of a sentence. Words like himself,
myself, herself, itself can be used as reflexive
pronouns. In the following sentence, the word
itself is being used as a reflective
pronoun The view was perfection itself.