Title: IPSWT_nos97
1Capabilities of multi-angle polarization cloud
measurements from satellite POLDER results
Frédéric Parol and the POLDER ERB and
Cloudsscience team Laboratoire d Optique
Atmosphérique / CNRS
MAY 2002
End of OCTOBER 2005 ?
JUNE 2004
POLDER and PARASOL are very similar instruments
2 Outlines
? Context and rationale Cloud, radiation and
climate ? The POLDER instrument ? Interests of
multi-angle polarization measurements ? Cloud
properties ? Earth radiation balance ? POLDER
ERB,WV and Clouds operational products ?
Conclusion and perspectives
3Context and rationale cloud, radiation and
How clouds impact the Earths radiative energy
-50Wm-2 in the SW 30 Wm-2 in the LW
4Context and rationale cloud, radiation and
Change in the TOA Cloud Radiative Forcing
associated with a CO2 doubling is still uncertain
positive feedback increases the warming
negative feedback reduces the warming
Effect of instantaneous CO2doubling Variation of
emitted LW 4 W.m-2
(IPCC 2001 from Le Treut and Mc Avaney, 2000)
5Context and rationale cloud, radiation and
- Small changes in clouds are potentially
important for climate change - Probably the greatest uncertainty in future
projections of climate arises from clouds and
their interactions with radiation (IPCC 2001) - Clouds affect radiation through their height,
their thickness and their radiative properties - Satellite instruments allow for deriving and
monitoring the radiation fluxes and/or the cloud
properties (cloud cover, phase, temperature) at
the global scale
6POLDER concept and capabilities(POLarization and
Directionality of the Earths Reflectances)
- Main technical features
- Wide field of view lens
- 43 along track,
- 51 cross track
- ? 2400km x 1800km
- Filter wheel
- 8 spectral bands (443, 490, 565, 670, 763,
765, 865, 910 nm) 1020nm for PARASOL - Some are polarized
- CCD detector array
- 242 x 288 pixels
- ? Spatial resolution
- - full resolution ( 6x6 km2)
- - coarse resolution superpixel scale ( 20x20
- POLDER instrument LOA/CNES
- Japanese platforms Adeos 1 Adeos 2
- and CNES micro satellite Myriad platform
- Missions
- POLDER 1 Nov 1997 June 1997
- POLDER 2 Jan 2003 Oct 2003
- PARASOL since Dec 2004
7The multi-directional viewing capability of
France 97/01/13
Up to 14 ? viewing angles per pixel for a single
satellite pass
8Interests of the multiangle polarization
- Derivation of cloud properties from
POLDER just two examples
9Multiangle polarisation measurements and Cloud
Riedi et al, GRL, 2000
Variations of cloud polarized reflectance with
scattering angle exhibits very different features
depending on particle shapes (liquid droplets vs
ice crystals). The cloud phase algorithm uses 4
major differences between these angular
10Cloud thermodynamic phase from multiangle
11Multiangle measurements a tool for testing
cloud (microphysical) models (1/3)
Optical thickness
Spherical albedo
Departure from the model are coded in spherical
(or diffuse) albedo
12Multiangle measurements a tool for testing
cloud microphysical models (2/3)
What's happened when all clouds are assumed to be
composed of spherical droplets ?
Liquid water clouds
Ice clouds
Overcast conditions over ocean
Departure from the model
Scattering angle (deg.)
Scattering angle (deg.)
Parol et al, IEEE, 1999
Doutriaux-Boucher et al, GRL, 2000
13Multiangle measurements a tool for testing
cloud microphysical models (3/3)
The discrepancy observed for ice clouds decreases
when the Inhomogeneous Hexagonal crystal Model
(IHM) is used
14Interests of the multiangle polarization
(B) Multiangle visible measurements TOA SW
albedo (and SW flux) retrievals
Radiance (or reflectance) measurement
Statistical ADM (observations)
Theoretical ADM (RT calculations)
Flux (or albedo)
151. The theoretical approach Multiangle
multispectral measurements
- Cloud optical thickness is retrieved under up to
14 directions - Directional parameters (optical thickness and
cloud albedo) are calculated at 443 nm (or
490nm), 670 nm and 865 nm.
16Multispectral integration shortwave albedo
- ? 443 nm ? 200 550 nm
- ? 670 nm ? 550 700 nm
- ? 865 nm ? 700 4000 nm
3 Spectral albedo
17Juin 2003
Monthly mean shortwave albedo
Viollier et al, GRL, 2002
POLDER-CERES differences , 20S-20N mean -0,57
182. The statistical approach ADMs based on
satellite-derived cloud properties
(a) Optical Depth lt 2.5
?180o (bwd)
?0o (fwd)
(Loeb et al, JAS,2000)
(b) Optical Depth 18-40
Radiance measurement
TOA flux
?0o (fwd)
?180o (bwd)
Rj(?0,?,?) is the ADM for the scene type j
19 POLDER ERB,WV and Clouds ProductsRapid
overview of the different levels of operational
cloud products
20Products availability
- POLDER1 November 1996 to June 1997POLDER2
April 2003 to October 2004 - PARASOL since Dec 2004
- Level1 calibrated georeferenced data
- Level2 daily products one file per orbit
swath - The level 2 (orbital swath) products contain
about thirty non-directional parameters and ten
directional parameters (for each of the 14
viewing directions) - Level3 monthly global products
- The level 3 (monthly) products contain about
forty parameters - Joint Atmosphere product (selected daily and
monthly parameters) - This product contains combined cloud and aerosol
parameters - Projection Lat-Lon 10802160 ( 1/6 )
- HDF file format
21Data ordering interface from the CNES POLDER web
portal ... Web POLDER
22 Conclusion
POLDER is a very nice research instrument with
still no equivalent It provides - Usual
standard cloud parameters Cloud cover,
Cloud Optical thickness, Cloud pressure,
etc. - Original parameters Cloud phase
index Information on shape and size of cloud
Angular variability
23 Conclusion/Perspectives
- Possible contribution of POLDER (and the A-train)
to the MT mission - to establish a climatology of cloud properties
in the Tropics - frequency of occurrence of liquid water
clouds/ice clouds - discrimination between thick cirrus and
semi-transparent cirrus - multiangle measurements could be analyzed in
order to investigate regional variability of ice
cloud particles - others
- to evaluate the existing ADMs or/and to
construct new ADMs based on multi-satellite-derive
d cloud properties - To be discussed with the ERB people (M.
Viollier, )