Title: TMD and Spin in SIDIS experiments
1Transversity friends from HERMES
Delia Hasch
a very brief introduction
1 and 2 hadron production transversity Sivers
theory meets experiments
International workshop on hadron and
spectroscopy, Torino, Italy, 31. March 02.
April 2008
2quark structure of the nucleon
transversely polarised quarks and nucleons
longitudinally polarised quarks and nucleons
unpolarised quarks and nucleons
also h1q, DTq
dq helicity-flip of both nucleon and quark
dq is chiral-odd
? needs a chiral odd partner
chiral-odd PDF
chiral-odd FF
chiral-odd fragmentation function acts as
polarimeter of transverse quark polarisation
31hadron production Collins-effect
Collins FF H1?(z,kT2) correlates transverse
spin of fragmenting quark and transverse momentum
Ph? of produced hadron h
? left-right (azimuthal) asymmetry in the
direction of the outgoing hadron
our observable single-spin azimuthal asymmetry
4 is this observable unique? Sivers-effect
another mechanism that produces single-spin
azimuthal asymmetries
Sivers distribution function distribution of
unpolarised quarks in a transversely polarised
nucleon ? describes spin-orbit correlations
Matthias Burkardt
a non-zero Sivers fct. requires non-zero orbital
angular momentum !
5polarised DISh cross section
6polarised DISh cross section
transversity (Collins effect)
7extraction of azimuthal amplitudes
definition of angles asymmetries acc. to
Trento convention
unbinned Maximum Likelihood fit to the log of the
weighted PDF
fixed parameters for
takes into account cross contamination of moments
8Collins asymmetries
first time transversity Collins FF are
- p asymmetries positive no surprise u-quark
dominance and expect dqgt0 since Dqgt0
- large negative p- asymmetries ARE a surprise
suggests the disfavoured CollinsFF being large
and with oposite sign
9Collins asymmetries
first time transversity Collins FF are
K amplitudes consistent with p amplitudes as
expected from u-quark dominance
K- of opposite sign from p- (K- is all-sea object)
10more Collins asymmetries
neutral pions important control asymmetry
holds for all tw-2 and tw-3 DF in LO and NLO in as
11more Collins asymmetries
neutral pions important control asymmetry
neutral pions
results for the three pion charge states are
consistent with isospin symmetry
holds for all tw-2 and tw-3 DF in LO and NLO in as
12 extracting transversity
13first glimpse of transversity
global, simultaneous fit
compare to a model calculation
Anselmino et al. PRD75(2007)
14first glimpse of transversity
global, simultaneous fit
compare to Dq
Anselmino et al. PRD75(2007)
15first glimpse of transversity
global, simultaneous fit
looking forward
- include new high statistic data from BELLE and
HERMES identified hadrons from COMPASS
- awaiting proton results from COMPASS ?
extending to lower x
Anselmino et al. PRD75(2007)
16spin-orbit structure
Sivers function
Matthias Burkardt
a non-zero Sivers fct. requires non-zero orbital
angular momentum !
17Sivers asymmetries
p are subtantial and positive
- first unambiguous evidence for a non-zero T-odd
distribution function in DIS
- a signature for quark orbital angular momentum !
18Sivers asymmetries
- K amplitude 2.30.3 times larger than for p
? conflicts with usual expectations based on
u-quark dominance
? suggests substantial magnitude of the Sivers
fct. for sea quarks
19 comparison to models
Anselmino et al. PRD72(2005)
excellent description of pion data but cannot
constrain sea
predictions for kaons
? see talk from DAlesio about choice of
fragmentation functions
20 comparison to models
Anselmino et al. PRD72(2005)
excellent description of pion data but cannot
constrain sea
predictions for kaons
M. Anselmino _at_PACSPIN07
FF from deFlorian, Sassot, Stratmann,
? see talk from DAlesio about choice of
fragmentation functions
21extracting the Sivers function
usual unpolarised fragmentation function
_at_FAIR (GSI)
22semi-inclusive 2-hadron production
232-hadron asymmetries
interference fragmentation function between pions
in s-wave and p-wave
- only relative momentum of hadron pair relevant
? integration over transverse momentum of hadron
pair simplifies factorisation (collinear!) and
Q2 evolution
- however cross section becomes very complicated
(depends on 9! variables)
24models for 2-hadron asymmetries
Jaffe et all, PRL80(1998)
due to r0-s interference
252-hadron asymmetries
interference fragmentation function between pions
in s-wave and p-wave
missing energy of the event
- more than 2 hadrons ? all combinations
262-hadron asymmetries
- BOTH transversity and interference fragmention
function are non-zero !
27models for 2-hadron asymmetries
- model calculation for H1ltq (z)
- combined with various models for dq(x)
Jaffe et all, PRL80(1998)
28 first evidence for non-zero interference FF
2-hadron asymmetries
- BELLE plans to measure it ! ?
- this kind of interference effect is a very
promising way to access dq _at_RHIC
dq(x) from SIDIS pp ee-
29 where do we stand ?
precision of data for identified hadrons adequate
for quantitative extraction of flavour
dependence of both transversity and Sivers fct
30 where do we stand ?
precision of data for identified hadrons adequate
for quantitative extraction of flavour
dependence of both transversity and Sivers fct
more to come
1/7/07_at_ 10956 am
31 where do we stand ?
precision of data for identified hadrons adequate
for quantitative extraction of flavour
dependence of both transversity and Sivers fct
more to come
PT-weighted Collins and Sivers asymmetries
? model-independent interpretation of
asymmetries ? requires control of acceptance
effects (more _at_transversity08)
Boer-Mulders fct. via ltcos(2f)gt, ltkTgt via
Cahn-effect ltcosfgt ? requires control of
acceptance effects (more _at_transversity08)
ltcos(f-fS)gtLT access to tw-2 fct. g1T other
AUT moments
inclusive pion photoproduction AUT (E704 effect)
stay tuned !
courtesy of A. Bacchetta
33Sivers asymmetries
neutral pions
results for the three pion charge states are
consistent with isospin symmetry
34contributions from VM
AUT of VM prod.n and decay distributions not yet
available for a correction
35(No Transcript)
36 resolving the convolution integral
? pT weighted asymmetries
37 what about the PT weighted asymmetries?
MC study of acceptance effects gmc_trans
generator for transversity TMDs
Collins asymmetries unweighted
L. Pappalardo, PhD Thesis University Ferrara
38 what about the PT weighted asymmetries?
MC study of acceptance effects gmc_trans
generator for transversity TMDs
Collins asymmetries weighted
L. Pappalardo, PhD Thesis University Ferrara
39 what about the PT weighted asymmetries?
acceptance depends strongly on PT
ltpTgtltkTgt0.38, constant
40 what about the PT weighted asymmetries?
solutions under study
41multiplicities compared to theory
new FF from combined NLO analysis of
single-inclusive hadron production in ee-, pp
and DIS
deFlorian,Sassot,Stratmann arXiv0708.0769