Title: Transverse Spin and DrellYan Process
1Transverse Spin and Drell-Yan Process
Jen-Chieh Peng
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
PKU-RBRC Workshop on Transverse Spin Physics,
Beijing, June 30 July 4, 2008
- Brief overview of TMDs and Drell-Yan
- Recent Drell-Yan results from Fermilab E866
(Boer-Mulders functions) - Future prospects for Drell-Yan experiments
2Complimentality between DIS and Drell-Yan
Both DIS and Drell-Yan cross sections are well
described by NLO calculations
3Three parton distributions describing quarks
transverse momentum and/or transverse spin
1) Transversity
2) Sivers function
3) Boer-Mulders function
4Transversity and TMD PDFs are probed in
Semi-Inclusive DIS
Polarized target
Polarzied beam and target
SL and ST Target Polarizations ?e Beam
5Transversity and TMD PDFs are also probed in
6A Brief History
7Meson East Spectrometer
Beam-dump (Cu)
s(J/?) 15 MeV
s(J/?) 150 MeV
s(J/?) 300 MeV
8Independent confirmation of GSR measurement in DIS
9Gluon distributions in proton versus neutron?
Lingyan Zhu et al., PRL, 100 (2008) 062301
(arXiv 0710.2344)
Gluon distributions in proton and neutron are
very similar
10Decay angular distributions from E866 Drell-Yan
200,000 high-mass Drell-Yan events
11Drell-Yan decay angular distributions
T and F are the decay polar and azimuthal angles
of the µ in the dilepton rest-frame
Collins-Soper frame
A general expression for Drell-Yan decay angular
In general
12Drell-Yan decay angular distributions
T and F are the decay polar and azimuthal angles
of the µ in the dilepton rest-frame
Collins-Soper frame
A general expression for Drell-Yan decay angular
13Decay angular distributions in pion-induced
NA10 p- W
Z. Phys. 37 (1988) 545
Dashed curves are from pQCD calculations
14Nuclear Effect?
NA10 Z. Phys. C37, 545 (1988)
Open Deuterium Solid Tungsten
Nuclear effect seems not to be the dominant
15Decay angular distributions in pion-induced
E615 Data 252 GeV p- W
Phys. Rev. D 39 (1989) 92
16Decay angular distributions in pion-induced
Is the Lam-Tung relation violated?
140 GeV/c
194 GeV/c
286 GeV/c
Data from NA10 (Z. Phys. 37 (1988) 545)
17Boer-Mulders function h1-
?10.47, MC2.3 GeV
Boer, PRD 60 (1999) 014012
?gt0 implies valence BM functions for pion and
nucleon have same signs
18Motivation for measuring decay angular
distributions in pp and pd Drell-Yan
- No proton-induced Drell-Yan azimuthal decay
angular distribution data - Provide constraints on models explaining the
pion-induced Drell-Yan data. (h1- is expected to
be small for sea quarks. Some other models
predict similar effects for pN and pN) - Test of the Lam-Tung relation in proton-induced
Drell-Yan - Compare the decay angular distribution of pp
versus pd (information on flavor dependence)
19Azimuthal cos2F Distribution in pd Drell-Yan
Lingyan Zhu et al., PRL 99 (2007) 082301
With Boer-Mulders function h1- ?(p-W?µµ-X)
valence h1-(p) valence h1-(p) ?(pd?µµ-X)
valence h1-(p) sea h1-(p)
?gt0 suggests same sign for the valence and sea BM
20What does this mean?
- These results suggest that the Boer-Mulders
functions h1- for sea quarks are significantly
smaller than for valence quarks and have the same
sign as valence quarks. - A combined analysis of pp and pd, together with
the pp and pd Drell-Yan cos(2?) data can lead
to extraction of valence and sea Boer-Mulders
21Extraction of Boer-Mulders functions from pd
(B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B-Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,
22Quark-diquark Models for Boer-Mulders Function
- Initial-state gluon interaction can produce
nonzero h1- for the proton in the quark-scalar
diquark model. In this model, - h1- f1T-.
- Boer,BrodskyHwang, PRD67,054003(2003).
- Recent quark-diquark model including
axial-diquarks Gamberg, Goldstein Schlegel,
arXiv 0708.0324.
B-M u-quark
B-M d-quark
Sivers d-quark
Sivers u-quark
23A simple explanation for the signs of the up- and
down-quark Boer-Mulders functions
1) Transversity
2) Sivers function
3) Boer-Mulders function
24Sea-quark Boer-Mulders Functions
1) Use quark-spectator-antiquark model to
calculate pion B-M functions. Pion-induced
Drell-Yan data are well reproduced.
(Lu and Ma, hep-ph/0504184)
2) Use pion-cloud model convoluted with the pion
B-M function to calculate sea-quark B-M for
(Lu, Ma, Schmidt, hep-ph/0701255)
25Extraction of Boer-Mulders functions from pd
(B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B-Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,
Fit to the pd Drell-Yan data
Satisfy the positivity bound
26Extraction of Boer-Mulders functions from pd
(B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B-Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,
- It seems unlikely that pd data alone can
determine the flavor structure of BM functions!
27Extraction of Boer-Mulders functions from pd
(B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B-Q. Ma and I. Schmidt, Private
Predict larger values of ? for pp than for pd
28New results on the Azimuthal cos2F Distribution
in pp Drell-Yan
- pp is similar to pd
- A global fit to all pion and proton data is
29Angular Distribution in E866 pp/pd Drell-Yan
PT (GeV/c)
pp and pd Drell-Yan show similar angular
distributions. Should be analysed togther for
better constraints on BM.
30QCD correction
(Talk by Werner Vogelsang)
31Future prospect for Drell-Yan experiments
- Fermilab pp, pd, pA
- Unpolarized beam and target
- Polarized pp collision
- p-p and p-d with polarized targets
- Polarized antiproton-proton collision
- Possibly polarizied proton beam and target
32Outstanding questions to be addressed by future
Drell-Yan experiments
- Does Sivers function change sign between DIS and
Drell-Yan? - Does Boer-Mulders function change sign between
DIS and Drell-Yan? - Are all Boer-Mulders functions alike (proton
versus pion Boer-Mulders functions) - Flavor dependence of TMD functions
- Independent measurement of transversity with
33Fermilab E906 dimuon experiment (Geesaman, Reimer
et al., expected to run 2010-2011)
- BM functions can be measured at larger x
- Azimuthal angular distributions of J/?
34Nuclear modification of spin-dependent PDF?
EMC effect for g1(x)
Bentz, Cloet et al., arXiv0711.0392
Very difficult to measure !
Easier to measure the nuclear modification of
Boer-Mulders functions (only unpolarized targets
are required)?
(suggested by Gary Goldstein)
- The Drell-Yan process compliments the SIDIS as a
powerful independent tool for measuring
transversity and TMD PDFs. - First results on azimuthal decay angular
distributions on unpolarized p-p or p-d Drell-Yan
are now available. - Pronounced cos2F azimuthal dependence previously
observed in pion-induced Drell-Yan is not
observed in p-p or p-d Drell-Yan - These results suggest that the Boer-Mulders
functions h1- for sea quarks are smaller than for
valence quarks. - Future Drell-Yan experiments at Fermilab, J-PARC
and other facilities can provide new information
(flavor dependence of valence and sea, opposite
sign for SIDIS and D-Y) on Boer-Mulders and other
36Decay angular distributions for pd Drell-Yan at
800 GeV/c
pd at 800 GeV/c
No significant azimuthal asymmetry in pd