Title: Observations on the Proposal Narrative
1Observations on the Proposal Narrative
- Mike Cronan, PE (inactive)
- Director
- Office of Proposal Development
- Office of Research Graduate Studies
- Texas AM University
- http//opd.tamu.edu/
2You must intrigue the reviewers
3..because a researcher without funding is like a
polar bear without
4Focus on your research interests
5Search for funding in the right places
6Be persistent
7- There is no amount of grantsmanship that will
turn a bad idea into a good one, but there are
many ways to disguise a good one. - William Raubformer Deputy Director, NIH
8Charles Mingus on Grant Writing
- Making the simple complicated is commonplace
making the complicated simple, awesomely simple,
that's creativity.
9Role of the Proposal Narrative-1
- Responds to sponsors requirements
- Incubator of ideas
- Enforces rigor, clarity, and simplicity
- Tames excesses, defines boundaries, forces
connections - Transforms ideas and anchors them in a common
reality - A reality shared by colleagues, program officers,
and review panelists
10Role of the Proposal Narrative-2
- Tests ideas in a language lab
- What seems like a good idea can be illusory
- Epiphanies are often deceptive
- Synthesizes ideas and detail
- Connects ideas to performance details
- Develops order, logic, transitions, and
connectedness - Helps the timing, logistics, and collaborations
of proposal development
11Role of the Proposal Narrative-3
- Integrates collaborators ideas
- Provides a common structure to meld disciplinary
strands - Makes ideas accessible to others
- Converges on a common language
- A competitive narrative requires persistence,
continuous revisions, and many draft iterations
to converge on perfection
12Eliminating Ambiguities
- Clarify ambiguities if unresolved--
- Get clarification from a program officer.
- Ambiguities need to be resolved prior to proposal
writing so the proposal narrative maps to the
guidelines with informed certainty.
13Never be timid about contacting a program officer
for clarification
- Timidity is never rewarded in the competitive
grant process.
14Pained by reviewer comments?
15Proposal Process Planning
- What do you control?
- Proposal narrative
- Collaborators
- Budget
- What do others control?
- Routing signatures
- Budget approvals
- Submission
- Data requests
- Institutional support
16FinallyBe confident Visit OPD