Title: Diapositiva%201
1Hotel zone Playa de Las Canteras
Hotel Reina Isabel
Public bus stop
Hotel Dunas Canteras
Hotel Igramar
2BUS STOPS AND TIMETABLE Hotels to University
BUS STOPS First stop Hotel Reina Isabel Second
stop Hotel Astoria (for people staying at
Hotel Dunas Canteras and Hotel Igramar, see the
Hotel Astoria on the attached map) BUS
TIMETABLE 23th October 830 am Hotel Reina
Isabel 840 am Hotel Astoria 24th October 900
am Hotel Reina Isabel 910 am Hotel Astoria
Hotel Dunas Canteras
Hotel Igramar
Hotel Astoria
3Map Distance from Hotel zone to Facultad de CC.
EE. y Empresariales
Hotel zone
Facultad de CC. EE. y Empresariales
4Public TransportUniversity to Hotel zone
- Public busesBus Stop Opposite Facultad de
Empresariales - Number 328
- Company Global Bus
- Frequency every 30 mins. (5 mins. past 35
mins. Past) - Alight at AC Hotel, Santa CatalinaFare 1,30
- Journey time approximately 25 mins.
- Taxis
- Fare 15 approximately
- Tfno 928424300
5Information about restaurants and leisure in the
hotel area
- Lebanese "Los Cedros" c/ Los Martinez Escobar.
Tel 928269667Indian "TajMájal" C/ Portugal,
9/Kant. Tel 928263025Meat "Novillo Precoz"
C/Portugal. Tel 928221659Thai "Malacca" C/
Diderot, 4. Tel 928268053 - There are also many international restaurants in
the zone - LEISURE ZONEPlaza FarrayCanteras sea front
terracesSanta Catalina SquarePlaza de España